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By/Dr.Abdisamad omar ali

 Thrombosis : is the formation
of a blood clot inside a blood
vessel, obstructing the flow of
blood through the circulatory
 Formation of solid mass
(thrombus) in circulation
 Thrombosis may occur in
veins (venous thrombosis) or
in arteries (arterial
Causes of thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis
 Everday living :
1. Exercise regularly
2. Eating a low fat, high fiber diet
3. Check BP once a year
4. Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid coffee and alcohol
 After surgery :

1. Anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin)

 When traveling :

1. Stretch legs, flex feet


 Anticoagulation (Warfarin)

 Thrombolysis

 Antiplatelet drugs (aspirin)

 Surgery

 Embolism : is the lodging of an embolus, a

blockage-causing piece of material, inside a blood
vessel The embolus may be a blood clot
(thrombus), a fat (fat embolism), a bubble of air or
other gas (gas embolism), or foreign material
 An embolism can cause partial or total blockage of

blood flow in the affected vessel

 An embolism in which the embolus is a piece of

thrombus is called a thromboembolism

Embolism vs Thrombosis
Types of embolism

1. Fat embolism
2. Air embolism
3. Amniotic fluid emboli
4. Thrombus (clot emboli)
5. Septic emboli
6. Foreign body emboli
Pulmonary embolism
 Most commonly from
venous emboli from leg
veins (DVT)
 Saddle embolus obstruct

main pulmonary artery

 Symptoms of a PE may

include shortness of
breath, chest pain
particularly upon breathing
in, and coughing up blood
Pulmonary embolism

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