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What ?...
An HRD Audit is like an annual
health check-up

It plays a vital role in instilling a

sense of confidence in the
Management and the HR
functions of an organisation.
Human Resource Audit?
A human resource audit evaluates
the personnel activities used in an
organization. The audit may include
one division or entire company. It
gives feedback about :
1. The function of operating
2. The human resource specialists.
3. How well managers are meeting
their human resource duties.
What is HRD Audit?...
HRD Audit is a comprehensive
evaluation of the existing HRD
• Structure,
• Strategies,
• Systems,
• Styles,
• Skills / Competencies &
• Culture

and their appropriateness to

achieve the short-term and long-
term goals of the organisation.
• Where does the company want to be ten years
from now, three years from now and one year
from now?(business linkage)
• What is the current skill base of the employees
in the company in relation to the various roles
and role requirements? (competency score)
• What are the HRD subsystems available today
to help the organization build its competency
base for the present, immediate future and
long-term goals?(systems maturity)
• What is the current level of effectiveness of
these subsystems in developing people and
ensuring that human competencies are
available in adequate levels in the
company?(systems maturity)
• Is the HRD structure existing in the
company enough to manage the HRD in
the company?(competency score)
• Are the top management and senior
management styles of managing people in
tune with the learning culture?(culture)
Role of HRD Audit in Business Improvements…

• Improvements in HRD systems

• Increased focus on human resources and

human competencies
• Better recruitment policies and more
professional staff

• More planning and more cost effective


• Strengthening accountabilities through

appraisal systems and other mechanisms

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