Group9 SecB Final

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B2B Strategy for Hiring


Submitted by: (Group 9)

Sumeet Bhatere
Diksha Yadav
Akhil Tripathi
Nikhil Choudhary
Saptharshi Mandal
Shubham Kumar
• Organizations are recruiting talent in increasingly complex and competitive talent acquisition (TA)
environment—one that requires a more significant market, candidate, and process intelligence.

• Quantitative approaches can provide that intelligence, enabling insights critical to improving operational
and business outcomes, much as they do in marketing, sales, supply chain, and finance.

• From better awareness of candidate fit to process and technology optimization to increased understanding
of TA’s impact on the business, analytics is a powerful force in the quest to source and hire top talent.

• Hiringbot is solving the problem in the recruitment area with Big Data to ensure that the companies get
the candidates that are the right fit for them. Some of the critical aspects that have been discussed in this
project :
1. The decision-making units and the
4. Key account management engaged in the
process involved in an organization
to buy the tool
5. Strategic issues arising from the recruitment
2. Segmentation process involved in
and staffing industry and
this industry,
6. Marketing channels involved in the buying in
3. How branding plays a key role in
B2B context are.
this segment
The three main segment for recruitment and
staffing industry

Candidate Employee
• To maintain and deepen • Branding differentiates • Attract high-quality
relationships your firm in candidates’ employees
• Competitive advantages minds • Employees need to buy
and white spaces • Demonstration of care into and deliver on the
• Unique candidate • Understanding their there brand promises in
screening techniques strengths, personalities, everything they do
• Superior customer career ambitions and • Development
service compensation opportunities,
• Time-to-fill expectations compensation, work-life
• Segment specialization • Enhances your ability to balance and other factors
deliver quality talent to
your clients
Communication by firms
Brand attributes should be communicated consistently
across all three groups and should be categorized as:
• Costs of entry (what all staffing firms need to do to
• Competitive advantages (what your staffing firm
does better than others)
• White space (open opportunities for differentiation)
Benefits of branding in the recruitment and staffing industry:
▷ Maintain and deepen relationships
▷ More business
▷ Attracting the right candidates
▷ Position of Strength
▷ Profitable
▷ Lower recruitment costs
▷ Return on Investment
1. The company squarely focuses on data and
advanced intelligence to help recruiters spot and
engage the right candidates with almost zero
effort, auto-personalise every outreach with
unique social insights – thereby delighting the
candidates, saving up on time and improving the
response rates.

7.The SaaS-based startup monetises 2. Analyzing the digital trails of

through a subscription model where potential candidates, Hiringbot is
companies pay for the number of users who able to gain verified insights into
use the product or for specific modules such whether they are open to new
as a marketing module or a HR module.  opportunities.

3. Once identified, Hiringbot

6. The platform reduces hiring time by sends an accurately targeted,
almost 50%, helps companies save personalized email on behalf of
hundreds of recruiting hours by the recruiting company to each
eliminating wasteful screening and potential candidate. Companies
interviewing, and ensures recruiters can also kick-start engagement
significantly increase their efficiency in with candidates through
creating a robust hiring funnel. personalized interactions backed
by social insights.

4. Additionally, it also conducts preliminary

5. It also offers companies access to reference and background checks,
both passive and active talent by quickening the process. This way, by
aggregating candidate data from focussing on outbound hiring, Hiringbot
hundreds of public and social negates the need for relying on CVs (which
sources. might be fudged or out-dated or similar to
many other candidates’). 6
Marketing Strategy

Targeting through LinkedIn

First individuals and companies are identified for potential
Consistent SEO accusation, then specific content to sent to these users
Strategy Facebook and Twitter
These platforms play a important role in engaging with the target
• SEO strategy takes time. A strong presence
audience. Both platform provide powerful marketing systems that
comes gradually. To get proper result
allows company to grow and follow quickly
consistent keyword research and strong LOREM IPSUM YouTube
content on website is must to boost ranking
YouTube has become second largest search engine therefore is great
on search engine
platform to post tutorials, webinars and entertainment content

• it is seen that companies

that blog, generate 67% • Traditional sales process is also used, digital content
more leads per month than LOREM IPSUM is shared with sales team to keep them updated, it
those that do not helps the sales team to create content for their sales

Decision Making Unit (DMU)

Influencers are those who have a persuasive role in relation to the deciders. They make recommendations based upon experience and
their knowledge of products and services. In our case, it is the HR practice leads in the organization who make recommendations on the
candidate-sourcing tools (Hiringbot) to the HR director to fill up the vacant positions in the company.

Initiators are the HR recruiters who recognize the need for the problem (recruitment of personnel) to solved. They continuously search for
tools that will make the recruitment process faster and efficient

Gatekeepers are the HR managers who decide on the data provided by the HR recruiters. They are proactive in searching for information
and delivering recommendations for those decision-makers further up the line. On other occasions gatekeepers can be stalling the flow of
decision-making process.

Buyers in the recruitment and staffing industry are the accounts and procurement team who are responsible for taking the final decision
on buying. They are given a brief with a series of criteria against which to judge potential products or services and their suppliers. They are
responsible for sourcing and negotiation.

Deciders are HR consultants/managers who are responsible for making the final deal or decision. Their role carries the responsibility of
placing the final order for the tool. They will review the information provided from lower down the buyer decision process from the buyers,
gatekeepers and the initiators.

Users are those who will use the service or product into operation once the deal has been clinched. In our case, they are the recruiters
who are using the tool for sourcing the candidates and processing them further for recruitment. Their opinions are important as they set the
benchmark for customer satisfaction and are usually involved in the post-purchase evaluation phase of the buyer decision process.

Decision Making Process
B2B decision making process and units are more complex in a way that the decisions are made by
several employees each specializing in a different field. The product being offered to the
consumers are important in two ways: the percentage of budget spent on the product and the
strategic importance level placed upon it.

Strategic importance: If the product is

important to the consumer’s operations
High strategic importance, Low spend:
Spend: If less than 5% of the annual and not immediately replaceable by
The offering is not that expensive, but it is
budget is spent on the product, the another, classify the offering as ‘high
important for the customer’s business
classification is ‘low’. If the spend is more strategic importance’. If the product does
operations. This makes them extremely
than 5%, the classification is ‘high’. not meet the above conditions, the
loyal and ultra-cautious..
classification is of ‘low strategic


▷ With an enormous number of companies looking to hire employees, it is vital to
segment first and then target them for opportunities
▷ For Hiring Bot, segmentation could be done under the following heads:

Buyers Personal
Demographics: Situational Factors: Purchasing Approaches: Operating Variables:
• Demographics include the • These factors include the • While data on the people • This includes Purchasing • These variables include
nature of the industry, urgency with which a making the purchase function organization, company technology,
company size, and product or service is decision is difficult to power structures within the product and brand, use
locationMany recruiting required, the quantity in collect, but is very useful in firm, buyer-seller status, and capabilities
firms end up working in a which they are required segmenting when there is relationships, general • Segmenting on the basis
particular industry or two and their application a huge sales potential purchasing policies and of operating variables such
• People within a given • A firm could also have • Metrics based on content purchasing criteria as company technology
industry talk and a strong centralized, region-based marketing should be used • More often than not, the can be done as High-tech
reputation can be built via or a mix of both to segment on a broad purchase decision for firms and Non-high-tech
word-of-mouth recruitment processes with level Hiring Bot will be made by firms
• Currently, Hiring Bot a different approach of the HR head in • Companies which have a
specializes in recruitments recruitment for all the three consultation with CXO record of embracing
for IT and Manufacturing categories responsible for hiring on technology to run their
industry. Until it specializes the basis of the hierarchy operations will be more
in recruitment for other of the recruiting firm open to using Hiring Bot as
industries Hiring Bot a recruitment sourcing tool
should focus on IT and when compared which are
Manufacturing  somewhat technology

Key account management (KAM)

▷ Key account management (KAM) is a practice to evolve and establish a relationship
between your business and the customers you are selling to. It focusses on the individual
approach of sales people to their customers in order to create a long everlasting
○ Key account management can drive more value than traditional sales for the following
○ Higher buying frequency and larger ticket size
○ Sustainability helps the companies to protect the revenue margins and enables them
to be competitive
○ Key account management helps to decipher the target customers effectively which in
turn helps sales team to prospect and sell more effectively.
○ Key account management builds trusted relationships with clients, leading to greater
satisfaction. These key customers help in further word of mouth promotion by giving
better feedback to the industry
○ B2B sales revolves around multiple stakeholder, therefore it’s good to record
pertinent facts about decision-makers
○ It’s imperative to have access to all this account information in order to engage with
customers effectively and grow key accounts into profitable long-term relationships
▷ Key process followed for Servicing the Key Accounts:
○ Classification of the accounts:
■ The clients for the Hiring bot are classified under 3 categories based on two
important parameters:
● Revenue generation and Frequency of using the platform
○ Class A customers: Revenue contribution> 10% & Searches > 400
○ Class B customers: 3% >Revenue contribution > 10% & 100 >Searches
○ Class C customers: Revenue contribution <3% & Searches < 100

○ The organisation chart also delineates

the characteristic of each individual of
the DMU to understand their level of
influence in the hierarchy

○ Using Key Account Management and

Org Chart the company is also able to
make notes about each contact’s
behaviour as applicable and as
Responsibilities of Key Account Manager Class A
▷ Facilitating the relationship b/w the client ▷ The Class A customers are then assigned the key
and the company account mangers according to their geography
▷ Recording the buying frequency of the client ▷ The selling happens to a group of decision-makers
and regular follow ups for order during each who hold different position and have different
preferences for the services they want to purchase.
Also, it is important to understand the level of
▷ Monitoring the performance of the influence they wield on the purchase decision which
candidates selected by the client using hiring differs from company to company
bot tool ▷ To address the above issue the key account manager
is tasked with the detailed analysis of the account
▷ Serving as an interface between the which starts with the development of key account
software developers and client in case of any organisation chart which is more over similar to DMU
technical issue with tool
▷ Recording the changes in HR practices of Class B
the client in order to suggest better ▷ The Class B customers are assigned Key Account
solutions Executives (KAE)
▷ Follow ups on the payment ▷ KAE report to the KAM of each territory
▷ Communicating the client about new ▷ KAE to covert the Class B customers into Class A
technologies or new features added to the customers
tool ▷ They follow the same approach as KAMs but are
tasked with more number of accounts 16
Challenges for
Hiring Bot
Effective job
Sensing the disruptive Capitalising this
To empower description is a
market opportunity and opportunity, however,
companies to find cornerstone on which a
the on-demand nature will be a different ball
those passive recruitment strategy is
Traditional players of economy, a number game altogether. Hiring
candidates who are not built and a major
have dominated the of online recruitments, Bot has to remain on
actively seeking out for reason for ineffective
recruitment market, start-ups have top of its game and
a job on social and hiring can be pointed to
creating stagnation and mushroomed which ensure that they adapt
public sites and could outdated and banal
in efficiency adds to the existing and evolve regularly to
be a right fit for their description which
competition making cater to the demands
culture and skill rarely entice a
survival the toughest of the constantly
requirements candidate to apply for
challenge evolving talent pool.
the job

By focussing on outbound
hiring rather than the Determining the sources
traditional approach of depending upon the scale
Concept of time cannot be For Key Accounts volume
inbound hiring will help to of the business of the
differentiated for different is another such challenge
compete with traditional client. Building credibility Employer branding is
roles such as sales, tech, where it becomes negative
players who are still among the candidates as another challenge which
marketing which makes it to send a large number of
inbound hiring driven and there are plethora of impacts a candidate’s
challenging to ascertain candidates, which further
disrupt the marketplace in recruitment companies choice while applying for a
time required for different raises a scepticism on the
a bigger way.Dearth of sending vague mails which certain role
domains, functions and quality of candidates who
Special consultants, who makes the candidate
designation. have applied for the role
can improve the sourcing sceptical about such online
process is also an hiring options

Outsourcing of Hiring Bot to other recruitment agencies and

05 companies could prove to be another source of viable revenue

Company should focus on building a team of technical experts

04 to help design algorithms which will seek better candidates and

at the same time increase the objectivity of the selection
Our findings suggest that the brand equity of Hiring bot is
03 significantly lower than its peers, therefore the marketing efforts
should be strategically increased.

02 Recommended segmentation system to be followed and

customers to be targeted by Key Account Management

We recommend Hiring Bot to go for outbound strategy rather
than focusing on inbound strategy

Thank You!


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