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 Travel – to go from one place to another.
 Exploration – to travel over new territory for adventure and discovery; investigate, study,
 Two forms of Early Tourism
 1. Business/ Trading – exchange of goods (Money); Sumerians, Greeks, and Romans
 Mode of Transportation: Horses: Stables = Hotels, Inns, Gasoline Stations
 2. Religious – took form in Pilgrimages (Journey to a sacred place)
 Needed for early travel: Passport – Bible and Passes and Documents. First Passport 1914 British Council
 Due to increase in Productivity, Regular Employment, growing urbanization "the gradual increase in the
proportion of people living in urban areas“
 The emerging middle class combined higher incomes, growing education w/c resulted to an escape from
their responsibilities and the crowded environment.
 Modern Tourism
 1. 19th century – steam powered vehicles e.g., Railways, cars, boats
 Also the emergence of hotels, resorts, and entertainment facilities.
 Due to steam powered vehicles travel became inexpensive.
 Travel Organizers Emerged – Thomas Cook; First Travel Organizer – Circular notes 1874; early invention of
traveler’s cheque in the world, exchanged against the localcurrency that provided much relief to the travelers in meeting the contingency
expenditureslike shopping, tips, transfer, extra services, etc. E.g., American Express – Credit Cards 1881 Hendry Wells and William Fargo

 The beginning of Photography and Guidebooks w/c deal with local and overseas travel.
 Baedeker – first form of travel guide; Karl Baedeker 1877 Guide for European Countries.
 20th Century
 Tourism continued to increase and expand due to increasing wealth, curiosity, and attitude of people, and
ease of movement.
 World War 1 – “post war prosperity” led to large scale migration. Enhance by First-Hand Experience of
foreign countries.
 Through mass communication; posters, press, cinema, radio, television.
 Form of travel – motor vehicles; cars
 World War 2 – introduction of aircrafts.
 Introduction of air travel, increase in private car ownership – provided flexible transportation, growth in
excursions and short stays.
 Post war recovery also provided increase in income and leisure time due to labor negotiations and social
legislation. Government created more vacation time by incorporating public holidays.
 Governments of many nations encouraged both domestic and international tourism for means of job creation,
economic diversification, and foreign exchange.

 First inhabitants of Philippines:

 Negritos 25,000 years ago, aetas, small people below 5’ wandered in the forest, used bows and arrows.
 Indonesians 5000 years ago – immigrants that came from sea, more advance than negritos, lived in permanent
homes, used fire to cook their food, hunting fishing, farming, painted bodies with colorful paintings.
 Malays 2000 years ago – arrived from boats south east asia, more civilized than Indonesians, had larger villages,
government, writing, music, art, and sciences. Lived by agriculture, fishing, mining and trading.
 Ferdinand Magellan – (Galleons/ Wooden Boats) March 16 1521 (Philippine Discovery) April 27 1521(Death of
Magellan) by a poisoned arrow by his retreating comrades.
 The coming of the Spaniards to the Philippines was not an accident. In my readings, there were three reasons of
their expedition:
First, the Spaniards were looking for an alternated route to the east. This route will help them for a faster travel to
reach other countries.
 Second, it was the age of discovery. This age of discovery was a period when European nations like Spain wants to
discover lands, spices, and gold.
 Third, Spain wants to make their territory bigger. They also used the cross (Christianity) to spread their colony.
 Spanish colonization lasted for 333 years
 Americans 1920’s Steam ship and Airline Pioneers (December 10 1898) Treaty of Paris until
 Japanese 1941 – ease of access on travel. Hence the intro of Colorum/ unregistered vehicles.
 First Tourist attractions in the Philippines: Manila, Pagsanjan Falls, Laguna Lake, Tagaytay,
Taas Volcano, Mt. Mayon, Baguio, Banaue, Cebu, Zamboanga.

• Martial Law (Sept 21 1972) – Philippine Tourism prospered, due to favorable conditions: safety of tourist,
sanitation facilities, government funding.
• National Tourism Organization of the Philippines or Department of Tourism – responsible for program plans
for hospitable and pleasant entry, stay and departure of tourist, positive and constructive development of
1. Rising income for population – “more money more travel” (Two income family); Redistribution of income in the world w/c takes
place in foreign exchange.
2. Growth in the no of retired person who have the desire and energy to travel. – increase in life expectancy, fewer deaths now than
before w/c is result of more concern for diet and exercise.
3. Increase in discretionary time – shorter workweeks and longer vacations (40 hrs/week)
4. Greater mobility(be moved freely and easily) of population – travel opportunities & desire to escape from stress and pressures from modern life.
5. Growth in the no. of SINGLES – people who live alone have more time than couples; hence, socialization through travel.
6. Greater availability of credit through credit cards and bank loans – “Travel now pay later.”
7. Higher education levels – students attend colleges and universities. Hence, become more interested in other cultures (set of values, 
conventions, or social practices)

8. Growth of Cities – Migration; Urbanization (gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas)
9. Simplification of Travel through the package tour – Tour packages (Planned, arranged); (Solo Millennial Traveler, Business
Traveler, Family Traveling Together.)
10. Growth of multinational businesses.
11. Modern Transportation Technology.
12. Shift in Values – more value on experience rather than material possession.

13. Advances in communication – e.g., television, movies, etc.

14. Smaller families and changing roles – birth rate declination.

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