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• Motive – a desire for doing something.
• Difference between a need and a want: AWARENESS  To be motivated there should be a GOAL/OBJECTIVE.
• Satisfaction  fulfillment of expectations and needs.
• 4 basic travel motivators
• Physical – rest, sports participation, relaxation, and recreation; Directly concerned with HEALTH.
• Cultural – desire to know about other countries, music, art, religion.
• Interpersonal – desire to meet other people, visit friends, escape from routine, family, neighbors.
• Status and Prestige – ego needs, personal development, business, conventions, study, pursuit of hobbies.
Escape Education
Relaxation Business
Relief of tension Wanderlust
Sun lust Interest in Foreign Areas
Physical Scenery
Health Interpersonal (Relationship)
Family togetherness Roots Ethnic
Maintain Social contacts Status & Prestige
Convince one’s achievement Self Discovery
Show importance to others Cultural
Tourist Motivations:
1. Need for escape or change
- Travel can provide diversity; acquaintances from different types of people.
- New and exciting
- Escape from the ordinary.
2. Travel for health
- Vacation as a means of regaining ones energy, interest, and enthusiasm.
- Includes hospitals, clinics, and surgery. Also Faith Healers
3. Sports
- As participant or viewer
- E.g., Olympics
4. Social Contact
- “Human beings are social animals.” – constant need to communicate to gain social resources.
- Talking, chatting, drinking, flirting, etc.
5. Status and prestige
- Superiority, wealthy, elite, SELF-ENHANCEMENT; being well travelled enhances ones status in the society.
6. Education
- Satisfy the urge to learn; interest grows as knowledge increases.
- Advertising = generates interest in a destination.
- Book, magazine, tv programs creates a desperate desire to go there.
7. Personal Values
-spiritual experience, patriotism, pilgrimages.
8. Cultural Exchange
-experiencing how people live, lifestyle, places.
9. Shopping and bargain hunting
-inexpensive items
10. Business and Professional motives
-Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exposition and Events
11. Natural Beauty
-sunset, trees, mountains, waterfalls, flowers, beaches, valleys, bays, rivers, lakes.
1. Transcendence – helping others to self actualize
2. Self actualization
3. Aesthetics – appreciation of beauty
4. Cognitive – knowledge, meaning, self awareness

Homeostasis – Equilibrium/balance Maslows Hierarchy of Needs – determinants of behavior

Excretion – release of waste product
Intimacy – to make known to public or formal
Prejudice – unfair feeling of dislike
• Classification of traveler based on PERSONALITY
1. Psychocentric – self centered, un-adventuresome. Prefers safe destinations and activities. Does not like to experiment, they prefer
peace and quiet. Introvert –
2. Allocentric – interest and intention with other people. Prefer new and exciting experiences, tend to accept challenges, want to
explore, discover; high energy and low energy. Extrovert
3. Ambivert – both intro and extro
• Traveler based on Purpose
1. Business – Regular; company funded, Meetings convention and congresses, and Incentive.
2. Pleasure/Personal – Resort; Higher income, Families; Junior 20-34, Mid 35-44, Mature 45. Elderly 50 above retirement age
category; called Affluents; people w/ money and desire to travel extensively. Single & Couple – Desire to fulfill lower level needs.
• Travel Constraints
1. Lack of money
2. Lack of time
3. Lack of safety and security
4. Physical Disability
5. Family commitments
6. Lack of interest
7. Fear of travel

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