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The Philippine Housing

Shortage: Rent and

Price Structure
Mia Claire M. Guillermo
Grade 12 ABM 1 Archimedes
What is Housing Shortage?

A deficiency or lack in the number of houses needed to

accommodate the population of an area. Following the
Second World War there was an acute housing
shortage and local authorities were encouraged to build as
many houses as possible as quickly as possible
Negative Impact of Housing
It can have negative impact on an individual's health.
-people often suffer from poor health because of exposure
to the cold or rain, hunger and lack of sleep. -they may
suffer from illnesses such as skin infections, respiratory
problems and stress disorders.
Housing shortage is present when there is
insufficient housing to accommodate the
population in an area, when the supply of
houses cannot meet the demand.

(Supply < Demand)

The demand for low-cost housing in the
Philippines is extremely high. They suggest that
there is approximately a 5.7 million unit gap in the
amount of housing needed, a number that increases
by 100,000 units every year. On top of this, it is
estimated by the National Capital Region that as
much as 35 percent of the Philippines population
live in severely overcrowded conditions. This
illustrates a very clear need for more social housing
to be built of all types.
Demand from Overseas Filipinos, which contributed
strongly to the rise in residential real estate prices, is
now weakening due to exchange rate movements and the
global financial turmoil. A slight slowdown in economic
growth and higher interest rates are also pulling housing
demand down.
It was in 2004 that the Philippine real estate sector
started recovering from the slump brought on by the
1997 Asian Crisis. But condominium projects are now
rising all over Manila, so prices and rents will likely
stabilize in the second half of 2008, and inflation-
adjusted prices are likely to fall.
1-2. How does Housing Shortage occur? Give the two reasons that was stated
in the powerpoint.
3. A deficiency or lack in the number of houses needed to accommodate the
population of an area.
4-5. Give atleast two negative effects of Housing Shortage.

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