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I love you because….

Spot a thesis statement!
On each of the following slides,
read the writing prompt and the two
sample statements.
Click on the one that is the best
choice for a thesis.
1. Early on in life, people develop an admiration for
heroes. In a well-developed essay, discuss a person
you admire and why you chose this person.

Option A
One person I admire is Kobe Bryant, who played
basketball from 1996 until 2016.

Option B
One person I admire is Kobe Bryant, the greatest
basketball player of all time.
Correct! Great Job!

Option B
One person I admire is Kobe Bryant, the greatest
basketball player of all time.

This statement addresses the prompt, and presents

and opinion that can be argued.
2. …Discuss the social, political and economic effects of
Martial Law in the Philippines.

Option A
Martial Law was a costly conflict that had a major
impact on the economy of the Philippines

Option B
Martial Law not only affected the economy of the Philippines,
but also altered the role of the Philippine government and the
Filipino forever.
Correct Again!!!!
Option B
Martial Law not only affected the economy of the Filipino, but
also altered the role of the Philippine government and the
Filipino people forever.
This is correct because it addresses the social, economic and
political effects as stated in the prompt. Notice that the words
people (social) and government (political) were used in this
statement. This makes the sentence more original and shows the
reader that you know what “social” and “political” refer to.
3. … Describe three tourist spots of Palawan and their
importance to the province.

Option A
The Under Ground River, El Nido and Tubbataha Reef are
the three most significant tourist spots in Palawan.

Option B
Three tourist spots found in Palawan are Under Ground
River, El Nido and Tubattaha Reef
Correct! You are getting this!
Option A
The Under Ground River, El Nido and Tubattaha Reef
are the three most significant tourist spots in Palawan.

This statement gives an argument, it presents the

three physical features asked for in the prompt, and
makes reference to the importance (significance)
4. In South Asia, globalization has played a big role in the
developing economies of the region. Discuss the positive and
negative effects of globalization in one South Asian country.

Option A
Globalization in India has offered solutions to poverty for
some and created more severe poverty for others.

Option B
In India, globalization has meant new jobs for India’s
emerging middle class.
You are ready to write!
Globalization in India has offered solutions to poverty for
some and created more severe poverty for others.

There is an opinion (it has offered solutions, it has

created more severe poverty). It addresses the
positive (solutions) and negative (poverty) effects.
News Relay
The first person will read the news
clippings and relay it to the next person
until it reaches the last person who will
write it on the bond paper and read in
front of the class.
Martial law survivor asks SC to reverse Marcos
05:37 PM November 30, 2016

1. MANILA - Martial Law survivor and Albay

Rep. Edcel Lagman has asked the High Court
to reverse the burial of Ferdinand Marcos at
the Libingan ng mga Bayani on behalf of the
desaparecidos or those who went missing at
the height of the dictatorship.
Martial law survivor asks SC to reverse Marcos
05:37 PM November 30, 2016

2. Lagman said Marcos' burial is an impediment

to the continuing quest for justice for the victims
of martial law, adding that it "perpetuates the
impunity of his transgressions and mocks the
unfinished task of recovering his hoard of ill-
gotten wealth."
Martial law survivor asks SC to reverse Marcos
05:37 PM November 30, 2016

3.Lagman said "It is not remote to realize

that the Marcos burial in the Libingan ng
mga Bayani is a gross distortion, an
unkind revision and a wanton derogation
of Philippine history."
To paraphrase is to say the same thing
in another way, using your own words.
We can successfully paraphrase by
using a combination of techniques.
Read and understand the topic
assigned to you.
You will be given 30 seconds for each
person. Inner circle will be the first one
to talk followed by the outer circle. After
1 minute you will change partner until
you reach the last person on the
opposite circle.
Pass…. Stop…
Guess What???
The ball will tossed until the music stop,
the last person who touch the ball will
Answer the question.
Remember the number sequence
State the group number, circle you
belong and who discussed the topic.
Question 1

What are the 4 R’s of

4 R’s of Paraphrasing
Question 1

What do you mean by

reword in paraphrasing?
1. Reword
Reword – replace words and
phrases with synonyms whenever
you can.
Your bags will be carried by a hotel employee.
Your luggage will be picked up by a bell boy.
Question 2

What do you mean by

rearrange in
2. Rearrange
Rearrange – rearrange words within
sentences to make new sentences. You
can even rearrange the ideas presented
within the paragraph.
A hotel employee will carry your bags.
Your bags will be carried by a hotel
Question 3

What do you mean by

realize in paraphrasing?
3. Realize
Realize that some words and phrases cannot
be changed – names, dates, titles etc. cannot
be replaced, but you can present them
differently in your paraphrase.
Mrs. Lee said, “I am ready for lunch.” 
Mrs. Lee said, she was ready for lunch.
Question 3

What do you mean by

recheck in
4. Recheck
make sure that your paraphrase
conveys the same meaning as the
original text.
Lyn is an accurate typist.
Lyn types accurately.
paraphrasing worksheet.docx
paraphrasing worksheet.docx

Read the paragraph below .Write it on your

own words in the spaces provided.
4 R’s Paraphrasing
Reword – replace words and phrases with synonyms whenever
you can.
Rearrange – rearrange words within sentences to make new
sentences. You can even rearrange the ideas presented within
the paragraph.
Realize that some words and phrases cannot be changed –
names, dates, titles etc. cannot be replaced, but you can
present them differently in your paraphrase.
Recheck – make sure that your paraphrase conveys the same
meaning as the original text.
4 R’s Paraphrasing
Reword – replace words and phrases with synonyms whenever
you can.
Rearrange – rearrange words within sentences to make new
sentences. You can even rearrange the ideas presented within
the paragraph.
Realize that some words and phrases cannot be changed –
names, dates, titles etc. cannot be replaced, but you can
present them differently in your paraphrase.
Recheck – make sure that your paraphrase conveys the same
meaning as the original text.
Paraphrasing Techniques
Change from a Clause to a Phrase (or vice
Change from Quoted Speech to Indirect
Speech (or vice versa)
Change from Active Voice to Passive Voice
(or vice versa)
Change to Synonyms
Change Word Forms
Change from a Clause to a Phrase
(or vice versa)

Reduce a dependent clause to a phrase

when the subject of the dependent
clause is the same as the subject of the
independent clause.
The house across the street is new.
The house that is across the street is new.
Change from Quoted Speech to
Indirect Speech

Changing from quoted speech is quick way to

get started paraphrasing a “live” speech
because the verb tenses are automatically
changed as well as some pronouns.
Mrs. Lee said, “I am ready for lunch.” 
Mrs. Lee said, she was ready for lunch.
Change from Active Voice to Passive

This is a good trick because the verb will

automatically change forms and the object
and subject will switch places.
A hotel employee will carry your bags.
Your bags will be carried by a hotel
Replace words with synonyms.

Replace the original words with words

that mean the same.
Your bags will be carried by a hotel employee.
Your luggage will be picked up by a bell boy.
Change Word Forms

Use an adverb instead of an adjective

Use a verb to replace a noun.
Lyn is an accurate typist.
Lyn types accurately.
Mahal Kita Kasi…
……and replace words with synonyms.

Replace the original words with words

that mean the same.
Mrs. Lee said, “I am ready for lunch.” 
Mrs. Lee said, she was ready for lunch.
……and replace words with synonyms.

Replace the original words with words

that mean the same.
Mrs. Lee said, “I am ready for lunch.” 
Mrs. Lee said, she was ready for lunch.
Change from Active Voice to Passive
Change from a Clause to a Phrase
(or vice versa)
Change from a Clause to a Phrase
(or vice versa)
You w
this on see
Thesis Statements: a
next w test

Give direction to the

author of a paper
Give readers an idea
as to what the paper
will be about
Where am I

An essay without a
thesis statement
is like a car
without a driver
What is a thesis statement?
A thesis statement is a sentence used in an
essay that serves as the guide for the essay
and directly answers the question or task
asked of you. Thi
the will be
t, to on
A thesis statement express the o!

main idea of your paper.

What is a thesis NOT?
Yep, you
A factual statement guessed
it—on the

A topic sentence test.

Tangos is a small barangay in Navotas
(This is factual, topic sentence; therefore, it is not a thesis
Characteristics of a Thesis

Addresses the prompt clearly

Makes a claim, or You should
be great at
Presents an argument this!

Is arguable (an opinion)

In first paragraph of essay
It’s time to spot a thesis!
On each of the following slides,
read the writing prompt and the two
sample statements.
Click on the one that is the best
choice for a thesis.
1. Early on in life, people develop an admiration for
heroes. In a well-developed essay, discuss a person
you admire and why you chose this person.

One person I admire is Babe Ruth, who played baseball
from 1914 until 1935.

Option B
One person I admire is Babe Ruth, the greatest baseball
player of all time.

One person I admire is Babe Ruth, who played baseball
from 1914 until 1935.

Although this does address the writing prompt, this is

a factual statement. A thesis statement should be
something you can argue for or against.
Correct! Great Job!

Option B
One person I admire is Babe Ruth, the greatest baseball
player of all time.

This statement addresses the prompt, and presents

and opinion that can be argued.
2. …Discuss the social, political and economic effects of
World War II on the United States.

World War II was a costly war that had a major impact
on the economy of the United States

Option B
World War II not only affected the economy of the United
States, but also altered the role of the American government
and the American people forever.
World War II was a costly war that had a major impact
on the economy of the United States
Although this is meets all the criteria for a thesis
statement, it only addresses part of the writing prompt.
Remember, the statement tells the reader what to
expect. With this as a thesis, one would only expect to
read about the economic effects.
Correct Again!!!!
World War II not only affected the economy of the United
States, but also altered the role of the American government
and the American people forever.
This is correct because it addresses the social, economic and
political effects as stated in the prompt. Notice that the words
people (social) and government (political) were used in this
statement. This makes the sentence more original and shows the
reader that you know what “social” and “political” refer to.
3. … Describe three physical features of Latin America
and their importance to the region.

The Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and Yucatan
Peninsula are the three most significant physical features
in Latin America.

B in Latin America are the
Three physical features found
Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and the Yucatan
Correct! You are getting this!
The Andes Mountains, theAAmazon River and Yucatan
Peninsula are the three most significant physical features
in Latin America.
This statement gives an argument, it presents the
three physical features asked for in the prompt, and
makes reference to the importance (significance)
Almost! But not quite.
B in Latin America are the
Three physical features found
Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and the Yucatan
Peninsula, which are all vital to the region.
This is a topic sentence. The reason it is not a good
thesis is because it does not present an argument or
address the whole prompt. It is a factual statement.
To make it a strong thesis, you must add to it.
4. Discuss the effect of climate and the vegetation on Sub-Saharan
Africa. Be sure to discuss the factors contributing to climate, and the
impact human activity has on the vegetation.

Human activity is altering the the vegetation of Sub-Saharan
Africa and causing desertification, which will have devastating
effects on the people of the region.

Even though the climate and vegetation of Sub-Saharan Africa
varies as a result of latitude and human activity, they are still the
two most important factors in determining the quality of life.
This one is tricky!
A the vegetation of Sub-Saharan
Human activity is altering the
Africa and causing desertification, which will have
devastating effects on the people of the region.
This one would be perfect for a thesis, there is only
one thing wrong with it. It does not address all of the
writing prompt. It only addresses the vegetation, but
not the climate or the factors for climate.
Correct! You are on a roll!
Option B
Even though the climate and vegetation of Sub-Saharan Africa
varies as a result of latitude and human activity, they are still
the two most important factors in determining the quality of
This statement gives an argument, and address all
aspects of the writing prompt (topic, effect, factors).
Notice how you do not have to go into detail, just
give the reader a hint of what you will write about.
5. In South Asia, globalization has played a big role in the
developing economies of the region. Discuss the positive and
negative effects of globalization in one South Asian country.

Globalization in India has offered solutions to poverty for
some and created more severe poverty for others.

In India, globalization has meant new jobs for India’s
emerging middle class.
You are ready to write!
Globalization in India has offered solutions to poverty for
some and created more severe poverty for others.

There is an opinion (it has offered solutions, it has

created more severe poverty). It addresses the
positive (solutions) and negative (poverty) effects.
A. In Navotas City, fisheries is the one of the biggest industry.
Discuss the positive and negative effects of fisheries industry in the
people of Navotas City.

B. Describe three physical features of Navotas City and their

importance to the region of National Capital Region .
Practice. You will get there.
In India, globalization has meant new jobs for India’s
emerging middle class.

Again, this would be a perfect thesis statement, if

the prompt only asked for the effects of
globalization. The prompt, however, specifies
positive and negative effects. This is only positive.
Your Turn!!
You will now apply what you learned by
writing your own thesis statements to a
few writing prompts.

When reading back your thesis

statements (to yourself), ask yourself a
few questions.
Did I address
all parts of the

Did I address
all parts of the

Can I argue
against this

Will I address all
this in my

Is it

Is it clear and


You know what to do if you’ve

answered NO to any of these
questions. FIX THEM! 
Yes, this is due completed

Assignment at the end of class.

Read the top half of your “Thesis

Statement Practice” handout.
Note the four (4) requirements for each of
the topic questions provided.
Look closely at the example completed for
Refer back to this example when you
complete the remainder of the assignment.
You can
do it!

Help is available…
- After you’ve completed the first question
on your assignment, you may check to
see if your answer is similar to one that
the computer generates for correct you.
- Access the link entitled “Thesis/Outline
Builder” on Mrs. Yarbar’s Wikispaces page:
Final Thoughts:

You will use what you learned today to

write the thesis statement for your
research project next week.

The ability to write thesis statements will

assist you as you continue your education.
See you
Make me Monday!

Tick. Tock. Give this assignment your full
attention so you don’t have homework. It is due
at the end of class – completed.
Once you reach this slide, close your computer
until you are ready to check your thesis
statements against the thesis statement builder.
One more thing—all brains in the air!
Part I: Possible Example Thesis Statements 
Choose the best revision for each thesis statement1) “The Raven” is a
dark and morose poem that leaves the audience feeling depressed by the
last stanza. Poe succeeds in creating that effect in “The Raven” through
use of repetition and adds to it through contrast of religious Christian and
Greek mythological references. [Original]
1a) E.A. Poe uses repetition and contrasting religious symbolism to create
the dark and morose feeling of “The Raven.” [Revision #1]
1b) Through the use of droning alliteration and assonance, Poe creates a
dark and morose feeling in “The Raven”; Poe enhances this feeling by
employing both Christian and Greek religious symbolism. [Revision #2]
1c) E.A. Poe’s “The Raven” conveys dark, morose, and depressing
feelings because of the repetition of sounds and the contrasting Christian
and Greek symbols of death and the afterlife. [Revision #3]
Work Cited Even I use

Rodriguez, Mr. "Thesis Identifying Activity."

Upload & Share PowerPoint Presentations
and Documents. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.

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