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What is Onomatopoeia?
Onomatopoeia is when a word’s
pronunciation imitates it’s sound.

• Onomatopoeic words represent sounds.

• When you say an onomatopoeic word,

it sounds like the noise to which you are
Examples of Onomatopoeia
• The clanging pots & pans woke the baby.

• The wolves howled at the moon.

• The race-car driver revved his engine.

• The bacon sizzled in the pan.

• I love the swish of the basketball net.

Interjections are a part of speech where
the speaker expresses excitement or

Onomatopoeia should not be confused

with interjections.

“Hey, that’s mine.”
“Wow, that was close.”
Interjections Are Often Not
• Sometimes onomatopoeic words are
used as interjections:

“Boom! That’s how you do it.”

• Usually they are not:

“Ouch, that hurt.”
“Yay, we won!”
Onomatopoeia Review
Onomatopoeia is when a word’s
pronunciation imitates its sound.

Interjections are a part of speech.

Sometimes onomatopoeic words are used

as interjections, but not all interjections
are onomatopoeic.
Onomatopoeia, My what a
think that when you’ve read
word! It means every sound
this list, you’ll get the main
effect you have ever heard.
idea…All these crazy sound
Crash, crunch, zing, zip,
effects are onomatopoeia!
meow, munch, roar, rip,
Once you learn to say that
sizzle, crackle, splat,
word you kind of want to yell
kerplunk, bang, clank, woof,
it, but even though you yell
thunk, hiss, whiz, oink, moo,
the word I bet you cannot
pong, ping, bong, bing, sniff,
spell it! You can learn to
snap, cough, achoo, dong,
spell this word in just a
ding, pong, ping,, bong,
single day…
bing, zap, zing!
Start off with a “BANG”!
Onomatopoeia-The use of words whose sound
makes you think of their meaning.
• Buzz • Smack
• Zip • Gulp
• Slurp • Crush
• Snip • Drip
• Pop • Creek
• Ding • Sizzle
• Hiss • Snap
Fasten your seatbelts, Loose change and sunglasses,
All hands inside, Fly from your pocket.
Everyone aboard for the Swoop round the sharp bend,
Roller coaster ride! Twisting in a loop,
Click-clack, click-clack Scream like a Banshee,
Creeping up the hill, Yelling out a whoop!
Daredevil laughter, Sail down the valleys,
Ready for the thrill. Race up the hills,
S-L-O-W-L-Y, S-L-O-W-L-Y Nothing else can equal
Cresting to the top, Roller coaster thrills.
Hands start to tremble, Clickety-clack, clickety-clack,
Hearts almost stop. Round the final bend,
Plunge down the steep slope, Why does every roller coaster
Faster than a rocket, Have…to…have…an…end?

Can you identify the onomatopoeia?

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