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A Proven 5-Step Formula for

Easily Creating Wealth from the Inside Out

by Joe Vitale
“If we don’t like what’s happening to us in the world, all
we have to do is change our consciousness---and the
world out there changes for us!”
Lester Levenson, “Keys to the Ultimate Freedom,” 1993
o The story of the woman who doesn’t have
a buisness card.
o In this book, the author reveals how your
inner state of being attracts and creates
your outer results.
o “Try to remember that the picture you
think, feel and see is reflected into the
Universal Mind, and by the natural law of
reciprocal action must return to you in
either spiritual or physical form.”
The 5-Step Formula

Step One: Know what

you don’t want Level 5 Step Four: Feel how
exciting it would be to
Step Two: Select what Level 4 have, do, or be what
you would like to have, you want
do, or be Level 3
Step Five: Let Go
Step Three: Get Level 2
Level 1
The Million Dollar Formula

“If we plant a seed in the ground we know that the sun will shine and
the rain will water, and we leave it to the Law to bring results...Well,
the desire you image is the seed, your occasional closing of the eyes in
imagery is the sun, and your constant, though not anxious, expectation
is the rain and cultivation necessary to bring absolutely sure results...”
-- Frances Larimer Warner, Our Invisible Supply: Part One 1907

This book talks about how you can increase your business and
achieve anything else you may desire through the magic power of
“Spiritual Marketing.”

When you reach a clear inner Focus on the positive

state of being about your Learning to stop figuring out how and keep chasing you
service to the world, the you will get what you want. dreams
world will come to you.
Thank you

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