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Light Energy

• also known as radiant energy, is an important form of energy

living things need
• The main source of light energy on earth is the SUN.
• Some animals have bioluminescence – their bodies undergo
chemical reactions that produce light
Did you know?

Light is actually carried by very tiny particles called photons. Do

you know that the light we see is just a part of a spectrum of
electromagnetic waves that transfer energy?
Can the moon produce its own light?

It only reflects light from the Sun. Although the moon provides light
in the night, it does not produce its own light.
What are the uses of light?

A laser produces a powerful beam of light. This kind of light is used

by surgeons as they perform surgical operations on their patients. It
is also used in communications and in industry. Laser stands for
“light amplifications by stimulated emission of radiation”.

 Light travels through space at 299 792 km/sec.

 Light travels faster than sound.
 Light travels from its source in a straight path.
 It tends to spread as it travels.
What happens when light is blocked by an object?

A shadow is formed when light is blocked. The shadow

may be dark gray or black. The shadow is darker if
more light is blocked. If a small amount of light is able
to pass through, then the shadow is lighter.
Shadows are formed opposite to the source of light. It
appears larger when the object is closer to the source
of light. It appears smaller when the object is farther
from the source of light. When the light rays are
slanted, the shadow that is formed is long. When light
rays are on top, the shadow is short.
the bouncing back of light when it hits a surface
Light can move through different materials at different
speeds. When it travels from one material to another, it
changes speed. This change of speed makes light
change direction and travel at a different angle. This
phenomenon is called refraction where things seem
to bend.
When Materials and Light Interact

 Transparent materials allow much light to pass through it.

 Translucent materials only allow some light to pass through.
They can also scatter light so that the images seen are not clear.
 Opaque materials block light, they do not allow light to pass
through, produce dark shadows
The light of the Sun is white. When this
light spectrum
light is made to pass through a prism,
different colors are seen. White light
consists of different colors.

A prism is a specially shaped glass which breaks

white light into a band of different colors.
Observe the trees outside the classroom. What is the color of the
leaves? If you look at the same tree at night, will the leaves have the
same color?

The color of anything depends on two things:

1. The colors in the light spectrum hitting it, and
2. Which of those colors is reflected to your eyes
Why do objects appear colored when you look at them?

 When you look at an object, you see the light that the object
 It is the light that the objects reflect to your eyes that enables you
to see what the object is and what color it has.
Why does a yellow rose flower appear yellow?

When sunlight strikes the rose, the flower absorbs most of the colors
in the sunlight but NOT yellow. This yellow light is reflected to your
eyes and your brain tells you that what you see is yellow.
 A white object looks white because it reflects all the light that
strikes it.
 A black object looks black because it absorbs almost all the light
that strikes it.
The color of objects allows them to reflect light and absorb energy. If
an object absorbs more light, it also absorbs more heat energy.
The color black absorbs more heat because it does not reflect light.
Objects that are white in color reflect light and absorb the least
amount of heat.

Ultraviolet light (a light of very short wavelength) cannot be seen by people

but bees see it. However, bees cannot see red, which people can see.

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