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Prepared by

Swabhiman pradhan (74)

Kanika agarwal (23)
Sweta Dash
GUERRILLA must not be
confused with GORILLA. A
gorilla is an ape originating
from Central Africa. Guerrilla
is a method of attack using
surprise, stealth and
harassment. Guerrilla is
derived from the Spanish
“GUERRA" meaning “WAR."
Guerrilla warfare is defined by
carrying out surprise attacks.
This is the opposite of open
warfare, which is two armies
facing each other on a field of
Term was coined and defined by Jay Conrad
Levinson “It is a body of unconventional ways of
pursuing conventional goals. It is a proven method
of achieving profits with minimum money.”
Unexpected and unconventional , potentially
interactive consumers are targeted in unexpected
places. Objective is to create a unique, engaging and
thought-provoking concept to generate buzz, and
consequently turn viral.
Guerrilla marketing refers to using
inexpensive and unconventional methods
to gain exposure for a product or service.
Instead of money, guerrilla marketing
requires time, energy and imagination.
Street marketing Experiential
marketing marketing

Grassroot Ambient
marketing Types of marketing
marketing Alternative
marketing marketing

Ambush Astroturfing
marketing Presume
Viral/Buzz Marketing
It is a Word-of-mouth marketing
carried out through social networks;
however its effectiveness depends on
how the message is delivered and
how fast it gets there. The "viral
effect" is a phrase that is commonly
used to describe how quickly a
marketing message can circulate.

For ex- Internet , Social media, etc..

Street Marketing of Guerrilla Marketing
This kind of marketing is carried out
on the streets. Street marketing is
very useful as well as appealing to
the urban population. Samples of a
new product can be distributed or
located originally on the street.
These types of events, when done on
a large-scale basis, can be quite
For ex- road shows , distribution of
Flyers etc..
Experiential Marketing
In this form of marketing, the
attempt is to allow a prospective
consumer to experience the product
in question, so that they have
something tangible to connect with.
It is often stated that this form of
marketing allows the consumer to
make a more informed and
intelligent decision.
For ex- deodorant testers at stores,
gadget at stores
Grassroots Marketing
This kind of marketing uses the
power of personal relationships
to promote a product, a service
or a brand. The marketing
message is directed toward a
targeted audience. Free offers
are used to attract potential
customers. After that, “ripple”
effects are achieved by the
potential customers who spread
the news.
Ambient/presence marketing
Ambient marketing can be
defined as:"The placement of
advertising in unusual and
unexpected places
(location). It is a compilation
of intelligence, flexibility, and
effective use of the
For ex-Discovery Channel
used Guerrilla marketing to
advertise Shark Week’s
10th anniversary. They laid a
surfboard on the beach that
looked like a shark had bite a
piece off.
Alternative marketing

I-Social Media: Facebook ,Myspace ,Twitter

II-Web Video: YouTube , Dailymotion

III-Television Advertising Alternatives

Undercover /Stealth marketing s
It is a part of guerrilla marketing.
Consumers don't realize the marketing
companies are targeting them, often
becoming excited about a product without
intentionally considering it.
Subtle product placement or using actors
to create a buzz around a certain product
or service are the examples of the
undercover marketing.

Example-Sony Ericsson was one of the

first companies to launch the concept of
stealth marketing via a marketing
initiative called Fake Tourist. The
campaign used actors to use the common
public to launch phone cameras that
were a novelty back in 2002.
Ambush Marketing

Ambush marketing or ambush
advertising is  marketing strategy
in which an advertiser ambushes
or secretly attacks" an event to
compete for exposure against
competing advertisers.

For example-burger king vs mc

donalds, snapdeal vs flipkart .
It which means that the employees (or
people they hire) will join message
boards, forums or other communities
for the purpose of saying good things
about the company.

Some other types of Guerrilla

Marketing include:

Marketing in Video Games

Marketing in Movies
Marketing is Pop & Rap Music
 Guerrilla Marketing is mostly used by small business
and entrepreneurs.

 It should be based on human psychology instead of

experience, judgment, and guesswork.

 The main investments of guerrilla marketing should

be time, energy, and imagination, rather than money.

 Guerrilla marketing is about the new relationships

made with each campaign.
 Create a standard of excellence by focusing on one product
or service instead of trying to diversify and convey
numerous messages simultaneously.

 Instead of concentrating on getting new customers,

relationships with the existing customers should be
enhanced, who in their turn will bring more referrals, and
larger transactions.

 Guerrilla Marketers should always use a combination of

marketing methods for a campaign.

 Use current technology as a tool to empower your business.

1. Identify your target audience. Who will buy your
product or be in need of your service? For example,
elder citizens aren't going to be reached most often
by email, they are in person types. However
teenagers could be easily influenced by email
marketing campaigns and promotional websites.

2. Marketers shall consider certain niche which will be

their selling point. There shall be a clear
identification of what are the competencies that
make the organization better than the rest.
3. The budget shall be allocated properly. And decisions
such as whether it is better to pay for a web designer
to establish a site or spend that money on more flyers
for street promoters to hand out, shall be taken.

4. Whatever the type of guerrilla marketing campaign,

individuals responsible for carrying out these
activities, shall be hired wisely and cost effectively.

5. A proper follow up is necessary to observe the

progress of a campaign. The feedback will reveal
mistakes and gaps that will need to be corrected and
 Guerrilla marketing is a less expensive way of advertising
and marketing but yet the most “out speaking” one, as well as
more qualitative.

 Guerrilla marketing achieves a great awareness of customers,

while not throwing millions of dollars on mere TV commercials
to “over advertise” one’s competitor.

 Guerrilla marketing has a multiplier effect .

 Guerrilla marketing helps spawning different stories of the

brand, where consequently these stories are spread by clients
and other organizations.

 Guerrilla marketing helps building relationships with other

companies and clients, since organizations must ensure
communication with clients to succeed in such a turbulent
It cannot be clearly stated which types of guerrilla
marketing is universally more appropriate than others
and what types of guerrilla marketing have the greatest
positive impact on the business organisations. However,
the assessment is designed to help to show which types
of guerrilla marketing campaigns may be appropriate for
those marketers who prefer particular sets of
characteristics in combination with certain degree of
risk. The benefit of the campaign highly depends on the
particular creative concept and the campaign
Thank You

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