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Module 5
Data Display
Jacob Good
Professor Sullivan
Activity Requirement(s) Points
Circuit with new resistor Picture of circuit 20
Serial monitor data display Screenshot of serial monitor 20
Answer questions Answer questions 20
Circuit (Picture
or video)
I am visiting my parents in PA and brought
everything with me for the arduino except
for the other resistors. I only have the 220
ohm resistors with me – I will update this
once I return to my home in NC

This is the picture of my current setup and

the resistors that I brought with me:
Serial monitor
Screenshot of serial monitor showing voltage
difference and count of motion detected
Data display
Review the code
What is the line of code that displays the count of how many times motion has been detected?
• Answer here:

int count=0; //sets the variable value

Count=count+1; // adds 1 to the count value each time motion is detected
Serial.print(count); //prints count value to the screen
How can viewing data on the serial monitor give you information about your circuit?
• Answer here:
This question is worded strangely – it can give us information because we told it to print that information with our
code. In this case we have told it to give use the amount of times motion is detected and the voltage from the two
analog pins.

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