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Master Excel Formulas

Make The Leap to The Next Level

Part 2

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20|Quote of the Day

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and

day out
Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| Counta & Countblank

When are they used:

1. Counta – counts the number of cells in a range that are not empty

Counta (Range)

2. Countblank – counts the number of blank cells in a range

Countblank (Range)
Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| Left, Right & Mid

When are they used:

1. Left – returns the first n number of characters/spaces in a cell in a left-to-right order

Left (Cell, No_Of_Chars)

2. Right – returns the first n number of characters in a cell in a right-to-left order

Right (Cell, No_Of_Chars)

3. Mid – returns n number of characters/spaces in a cell in a left-t-right order, starting

from a user-specified point

Mid (Cell, Start_Point, No_Of_Chars)

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| Len

When is it used:

1. Len – returns the length of a text string (cell)

Len (Cell)
Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| Days & Networkdays

When are they used:

1. Days – returns the difference between two dates.

Days (End_Date, Start_Date)

2. Networkdays – returns the number of working days between two dates. The user can
include any holidays (besides weekends)

Networkdays (Start_Date, End_Date,[Holidays])

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| Sqrt & Sqrtpi

When are they used:

1. Sqrt – returns the square root of a number

Sqrt (Number)

2. Sqrtpi – returns the square root of a number * Pi ( approx. =3.14)

Sqrtpi (Number)
Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| Abs

When is it used:

1. Abs – returns the absolute reference of a number

Abs (Number)
Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| Now & Today

When are they used:

1. Now – returns today’s date and the current time

Now ()

1. Today – returns today’s date

Today ()
Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| Round, RoundUp, RoundDown

When are they used:

1. Round – rounds the highlighted number to the nth specified decimal. It rounds up or
down at 0.5

Round (Number, No.s_After_Decimal_Point)

2. RoundUp – rounds up the highlighted number to the nth specified decimal.

RoundUp (Number, No.s_After_Decimal_Point)

3. RoundDown – rounds down the highlighted number to the nth specified decimal.

RoundDown (Number, No.s_After_Decimal_Point)

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| Index & Match

When are they used:

1. Index– returns the Nth index value in an array

Round (Array, Row_No, [Col_No])

2. Match – returns the array index of a value.

Match (Value, Array, Match_Type)

3. IndexMatch – used to get the value in a n adjacent array to the array in which a value is
looked up in .

Index (Lookup_Array, match(Lookup_Value, Array, Match_Type))

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20| WeekNum & WeekDay

When are they used:

1. WeekNum – returns the week number of a date.

WeekNum (Date, Return_Type)

2. WeekDay – returns the number of day in the week.

WeekDay (Date, Return_Type)

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 20|

Repetition is the mother of learning

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