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Structural Biology

Medicine and Biology at the Atomic Scale

Organ → Tissue → Cell → Molecule → Atoms

A cell is an organization of millions of molecules

Proper communication between these molecules

is essential to the normal functioning of the cell

To understand communication between

molecules: *determine the arrangement of the
High Resolution Structural Biology
Using atomic structure to understand how
biomolecules communicate
The Reward: Understanding→Control
Anti-tumor Activity
Duocarmycin SA

Atomic interactions

Hierarchy of Structural Biology


Molecule Pathway Activity

Structural Genomics Structural Proteomics Systems Biology
High Resolution Structural Biology
Three Complementary Techniques

NMR Spectroscopy X-ray Crystallography


Determine experimentally or model

3D structures of biomolecules
What Tools Do We Use?
Expression/Mutations Biophysical Analysis Crystallography

Fluorescence Intensity



Ratio of T-ag/RPA

NMR Computation
Experimental Determination
of 3D Structures
X-ray NMR

X-rays RF Signals


Direct detection of Indirect detection of

atom positions H-H distances
Crystals In solution
Representations of Structure
Conformational Ensemble

Neither crystal nor

solution structures
are properly
represented by a
single conformation
 Intrinsic motions
 Imperfect data

RMSD of the ensemble
Computational Determination
of 3D Structures
• Specify the forces that act on each atom
• Simulate these forces on a molecule of
known atomic composition
• Start with experimental data or approximate
experimental structure or just sequence
• Many algorithms in use, all treatments for
bio-macromolecules are empirical
Unique Contributions of Each
Structural Biology Technique
• X-ray- highest resolution, automation
• NMR- enables wide variation of solution
conditions; direct characterization of
motions and of weakly interacting systems
• Computation- fundamental understanding of
structure, dynamics and interactions;
models without experiment; fast
Challenges For Understanding
The Meaning of Structure
• Structures determined by NMR, computation,
and X-ray crystallography are static snapshots
of highly dynamic molecular systems
• Biological process (recognition, interaction,
chemistry) require molecular motions (from
femto-seconds to minutes)
• New methods are needed to comprehend and
facilitate thinking about the dynamic structure
of molecules: visualization
Visualization of Structures

Intestinal Ca2+ -binding protein!

 Need to incorporate 3D and motion

Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase
A Target for Anti-Malarial Drug Design
Calcium Signal Transduction
EF-Hand Ca2+ Sensors


Regulation of Protein Kinase
Activity by Ca -Calmodulin

Ca2+ signal

Kinase Activation
Protozoa Have A Unique Kinase
The Ca2+ -Dependent Protein Kinase (CDPK)
Standard auto-
inhibitory segment
domain (CaM-LD)


 CDPK has its own regulatory apparatus!!

How does it work?
Structure of CDPK Reveals
Intra-molecular Kinase Activation
Anti-Malarial Drug Design
Must Inhibit CaM-LD But Not Calmodulin

Calmodulin CaM-LD
Center for Structural Biology
A Trans-Institutional Initiative
• Increase molecular/physical thinking
in medical and biological research
• Foster multi-disciplinary approaches
• Focal point bridging medicine and
biology to physics and chemistry
Structural Biology Resource
But Not A Core!!
• Education/project origination
• Enabling expertise: 3 Ph.D. Staff
• Enabling hardware: technologies to
visualize and determine structures
• Open-access focal point in BIOSCI/MRBIII

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