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1st Class

ENG-562 The Elizabethan Drama

6th Semester Department of English

University of Buner
Date: 01/06/2020
Course Description:
 Drama, as a literary genre, becomes the most triumphant literary
achievement in the Elizabethan England. The Renaissance finds its fullest
expressions in the works of Marlowe, Shakespeare, Jonson, and Webster.
 This course comprises Elizabethan playwrights who reciprocate the
Renaissance soaring spirit through their artistic impulse.
 The works of these writers reflect the outburst of energy; the attainment
of self-conscious freedom; the discovery of man and his enormous
potential; the discovery of the world; the appropriation of geographical
frontiers; and systematic exploration of the universe. Shakespeare and
Marlow celebrate the individual genius; Jonson exposes hum ours; and
Webster represents the unpleasant truth about life.
Course Description:
 This course also explores the rise and growth of the Elizabethan
theatre which is not only a source of entertainment and information
but also a place of literary experimentation.
 If Jonson conforms to the Classical rules and conventions, Marlowe and
Shakespeare take liberties with them and establish a native tradition
of playwriting and acting.
 By the end of this course, students will be able to understand the rise
and growth of drama in the Elizabethan period and will also see how
Renaissance influences the literary development in English Literature.
 Course Contents:
 Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593): Doctor Faustus
 William Shakespeare (1564-1616): Julius Caesar OR Twelfth Night
 Ben Jonson (1572-1637): Volpone
 John Webster (1580-1634): The Duchess of Malfi
Recommended Reading:
 Webster, John. The Duchess of Malfi. Leah S. Marcus. Ed. Arden Shakespeare,
3rd series. New York: Bloomsbury, 2009.
 Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. David Daniell. Ed. Arden Shakespeare,
3rd series. New York: Bloomsbury, 1998.
 Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night. Keir Elam. Ed. Arden Shakespeare, 3rd
series. New York: Bloomsbury, 2008.
 Marlow, Christopher. Doctor Faustus. David. K. Scott. Ed. Norton Critical
Edition. New York: Norton and Company, 2005.
 Johnson. Ben. Volpone. Matthew Steggle. Ed. Arden Early Modern Drama
Series. New York:Bloomsbury, 2011.

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