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Intensifying Screens

 Kyle Thornton
 DMI 50B
History Of Intensifying Screens
 First developed by Thomas Edison
 Calcium tungstate was used as the
 Converted x-rays to ultraviolet-blue light
 First screens were flawed in design
 Screen design was perfected in the 1920’s
What Is An Intensifying Screen?
 Part of the radiographic cassette
 Screens contain phosphors that emit visible
light when struck with x-ray photons
 Depending on the phosphor used, the screen
will emit light in the blue or green spectrum
 Usage of screens result in lowered patient
Screen Construction
 Protective coating
• Layer closest to film
• about 10 - 20 micrometers thick
 Phosphor layer
• Active layer
• emits light
 Reflective layer
• 25 micrometers thick
• Intercepts light and redirects it to film
 Base
• Provides support
• Farthest from film
Screen Construction
Cassette Construction
 The emission of visible light
 Two types of visible light
• Fluorescence
– Emitted only during stimulation of phosphors
• Phosphorescence
– Continues to emit light after stimulation
– Afterglow or screen lag
– A flaw with early screens
Intensifying Screen
 X-ray absorption
 Screen conversion efficiency
 Image noise
 Spatial resolution
 Image blur
 Screen speed
Intensification Factor
 Compares patient dosage with screens to
without screens
 A reduction in dose is expected
 Technical factors must be modified to
accommodate changes in screen speed
Screen speed
 Also depends on speed of film used
 Assigned speeds - 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1000
 Screen speed depends on:
• Number of x-rays interacting with phosphor layer
• Conversion of x-ray energy to visible light
• This is interrelated with phosphor distribution and
Manufacturer’s Design Of
Intensifying Screens
 Phosphor composition  Dye
• Rare earth elements are most • Controls spread of light
efficient • Improves spatial resolution
 Phosphor thickness  Crystal size
• The number of x-rays • Larger phosphors produce
converted to light increases more light
with phosphor thickness  Concentration of phosphor
 Reflective layer crystals
• Increases conversion • Higher crystal concentration
efficiency but adds to image results in higher conversion
blur efficiency
X-Ray Absorption
 The percent absorption of x-rays in the
phosphor layer of intensifying screens
Conversion Efficiency
 The efficiency of converting x-ray to visible
 Increase in conversion efficiency will
make a screen brighter and affects image
receptor speed
Conversion Efficiency
Image Noise
 Deterioration of the image
 Affected by
• mAs - or number of x-rays used
• limited absorption efficiency
• randomness of conversion
 Quantum mottle
• Noisy appearance of an image
• More apparent in fluoroscopy
• Raising mAs tends to overcome Q.M.
Spatial Resolution/Image Blur
 Measured in line pairs/mm
 Direct exposure film has highest lp/mm
 The slower the speed, the more lp/mm
Resolution Test Tool
 Film must match the screen
 Each screen exposes the emulsion that it is
Advantages Of Screen Film
 Increased
• Adjustment of radiographic contrast
• Spatial resolution w/small focal spots
• Ability for magnification radiography
• Flexibility of kVp selection
• X-ray tube life
 Decreased
• Patient dose
• Occupational exposure
• Heat production
• Exposure time
• Tube mA
• Focal spot size
Elements Used
 Rare earth
• Gadolinium - Green
• Lanthanum - Blue
• Yttrium - Blue
– Very high conversion efficiency
– 15 - 20%
Screen Variations
 Asymmetric cassettes
 Advantages in:
• Chest
• Pediatric
• Portable radiography
Care Of Intensifying Screens
 Handle with care
 Must be cleaned periodically
• Special cleaning fluid must be used
 Must be tested for screen-film contact
• Wire mesh test
Wire-Mesh Test Results

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