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Great Books

Definition and Criteria

• 1. Great Books are books that constitute an essential foundation in
the literature of Western culture, influencing 2. world civilization.
These books are listed as such because they have met certain
standards or criteria such as having 3. contemporary significance,
with benefit, and 4. relevant to a large number of great 5. ideas and
great 6. issues that have occupied the minds of thinking individuals
for the last 25 centuries. These works are considered 7. outstanding,
critically-acclaimed, prescribed by curriculum planners, and published
works with 8. literary merit. These books are a good source of 9.
values, lessons, and insights. This program began in the United States
during the 10. 1920s.
• One of the proponents of this program is 11. Mortimer Adler. This
program includes great 12. documents, anthologies, poetry, plays,
essays, and other 13. genres. The essential component of such
programs is a high degree of engagement with 14. texts or literary
readings. Derivatively, the term also refers to a curriculum or method
of education based around a list of such books. Through these literary
pieces, we are able to connect and 15. apply to the broader aspects
of life.

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