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Subject and Article


A. Mengenal Subject dan Verb

Kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris benar bila memiliki

minimal subject dan Verb
Yang bisa menjadi subject dalam Bahasa Inggris :
1. Kata Benda ( Noun ) => nama orang, gedung, benda-
2. Kata ganti ( Pronoun ), I, You, We, They, She, He, it
3. Frasa ( Phrase )
4. Klausa ( clause )
5. Gerund
6. To Infinitive

A. The Indefinite Article = Kata sandang tak tentu

Terdiri atas a dan an yang artinya sebuah, seekor, sepotong, sebutir.
1. a dan an hanya khusus untuk Countable nouns ( kata benda
dapat dihitumg ) dalam bentuk singular ( tunggal). Misalnya :
pen, book, boy, girl, ant, dog.
2. a dan an digunakan untuk semua jenis kelamin
3. Bentuk a digunakan untuk noun yang berawalan huruf mati dan
huruf hidup yang awalnya berbunyi seperti huruf mati. E.g: a
table, a dog, a university, etc
4. Bentuk an digunakan untuk noun yang berawalan huruf hidup
( a, i,u,e,o) dan kata yg diawali dengan huruf H mati. E.g: an
idea, an apple, an hour, an ox, an umbrella.

B. The Definite Article = Kata sandang Tertentu

berarti, itu atau ini.
 Menunjuknoun yang disebut sebelumnya.
e.g I have a new book. The book is interesting.
 Menyebut Noun yang hanya ada satu
e.g : the moon, the sun, the earth, the world
 Di depan superlative dari adjective dan adverb.
e.g : the most beautiful, the most honest,
 Tidak digunakan untuk noun yang plural
e.g : apples, books.

1. This is a red pen

2. That is an island
3. The elephant has a very long nose
4. a ball is round
5. A student work hard
Exercise I
Fill in these following sentences with a, an, or the
1. This is … dog and that is… cat
2. She is buying … book
3. Her oldest brother studies in … university
4. Do you have … suitcase?
5. This grammar book is … useful handbook
6. .. . Sun always rises from … east
7. My sister is … most beautiful in our family
8. This is … unripe mango
9. we have … occasion to meet the president
10. Yesterday I saw some dogs. … dogs were chasing a cat
11. Please hand this book to … teacher.
12. Wonderful, it is … very good idea
13. the hunter shoot … deer on its head
14. … elephant is … animal.
Exercise I
Fill in these following sentences with a, an, or the
15. My wife and I have recently moved to this city since
we’re going to be here, for only .. Short time. We’re
renting .. Furnished apartment. We decided that we
didn’t want to bring our own furniture with us. …
apartment is in .. Good location, but that’s about …
only good thing I can say about it. Only one burner on
… stove works, … refrigerator is noisy and … door
won’t stay closed unless we tape it shut .. Bed sags in
the middle and creaks. All 0f the rest of … furniture is
old and decrepit, too. Nevertheless, we’re still
enjoying living in this city. We may have to look for ..
Other apartment, however.
Exercise 2

Complete the conversation with a, an, or the. Capitalize as necessary.

1. A: I have an idea. Let's go on … picnic Saturday.
B : OK
2. A: Did you have fun at … picnic yesterday?
B: Sure did.
3. A: Where's my blue shirt?
B: It's in ___ washing machine.
A: That's OK. I can wear ___ different shirt.
4. A: I wish we had ___ washing machine.
B: So do I. It would make ___ my life a lot easier.
5. A: Have you seen my boots?
B: They're in ___ closet in ___ front hallway.
6. A: Wait! Please hold ___ elevator for me.
B: Hurry. ___ door is closing.
Exercise 3

Complete the conversation with a, an, or the. Capitalize as


A: What happened to your bike? ___ front wheel is bent.

B: I ran into ___ parked car when I swerved to avoid ___
big pothole.
A: Did you damage ___ car?
B: A little.
A: What did you do?
B: I left ___ note for ___ owner of ___ car.
A: What did you write on ___ note?
B: My name and phone number. I also wrote ___ apology.
GAMES ( homework )

Complete the sentences with a, the, or 0. Then answer each

1. I am the biggest bird in the world. I eat just about anything I
can reach, including __ stones, __ glass, and __ keys. I can
kill __ person with one kick. What bird am I? --------
2. I produce __ oxygen and keep the air clean. I provide __ food
and am __ source of lifesaving medicines. __ people can use
products from me to build __ houses and to make __ paper
and __ cloth. What am I? _______ _
3. About 98% of me contains __ water. My job is to protect a
part of the human body from __ dust, __ dirt, and __ -smoke.
I help relieve __ stress. I also keep __ dryness away. You will
see me most often on __ person's face . I am more common in
some people than in others. What am I?
Homework 2

Dengarkan lagu How far I’ll go – Alessia Cara dan

tulis lirik lagunya

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