Pertemuan 2

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Pertemuan 2
Jaqline Caroline
1 Kinds of noun

2 Types of nouns

3 Numbers of nouns

Kinds of

Abstract nouns ( kata benda abstrak )

Misalnya : Friendship ( persahabatan ), truth ( kebenaran ), belief ( kepercayaan ),
complaint ( keluhan )

Concrete nouns ( kata benda konkret )

a. Proper nouns ( Nama orang, nama tempat, nama daerah, nama gedung )
b. Common Nouns ( book, pen, car, sea, girl )
c. Collective Nouns ( team, family, etc )
d. Material Nouns ( gold, silver, stone, copper, etc )
LOGO Nouns

Types of
Countable Nouns ( kata benda yang bisa dihitung )
Misalnya : house, dog, pen, nama orang, etc

Uncountable Nouns ( Kata benda yang tidak bida

dihitung )
Misal : Money, cofee, tea, oil, sugar, paper, etc.
LOGO Nouns

Number of
Singular Nouns ( kata benda tunggal)
Misalnya : a book, a university, a car, a phone, an
egg, a mouse. etc

Plural Nouns ( Kata benda jamak)

Misal : children, people flowers, oxen, teeth, mice,
geese, etc.
Plural form of Nouns
1. The plural of most nouns is formed by adding final -s.

Singular Plural
Book Books
Door Doors
Song Songs
Cat Cats

2. Final -es is added to nouns that end in -sh, -ch, -s, -z, and -x

Singular Plural
Class Classes
Church Churches
box Boxes
buzz buzzes
Brush Brushes
Plural form of Nouns
3. The plural of words that end in a consonant + -y is spelled -ies
Singular Plural
Baby Babies
City Cities
Lady Ladies
duty Duties

4. Irregular plural forms that do not end in -s

Singular Plural
man Men
ox Oxen
goose Geese
child children
woman women
Foot Feet
Deer Deer
Plural form of Nouns
5. The plural of words that end in a vowel just add s
Singular Plural
Boy Boys
day Days
key Keys
donkey donkeys

6. Some nouns that end in –f or –fe are changed to -ves to form the plural.
Singular Plural
wife Wives
leaf Leaves
knife Knives
shelf Shelves
calf Calves
self Selves
thief thieves
Plural form of Nouns
7. Some nouns that end in -f simply add -s to form the plural. ( exception)
Singular Plural
belief Beliefs
grief Griefs
roof Roofs
Chief chiefs

8. Some nouns that end in -o add -es to form the plural. ( bukan buatan manusia )
Singular Plural
buffallo Buffaloes
potato Potatoes
volcano Volcanoes
echo Echoes
hero heroes
Plural form of Nouns
9. Some nouns that end in -o add only -s to form the plural. ( Buatan Manusia )
Singular Plural
Radio Radios
photo Photos
zoo Zoos
studio studios

8. Some nouns that end in -o add -es to form the plural..

Singular Plural

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