Leadership: Dr. Sayedul Islam Sayed MD Resident, Psychiatry (BSMMU)

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Dr. Sayedul Islam Sayed

MD Resident, Psychiatry (BSMMU)
Topics Of Discussion
1. Five Major Problems of Muslim Ummah
2. Leadership: What does it mean?
3. Unnecessary Connections of leadership
4. Difference Between Leaders & Managers
5. Six Major Signs to identify Leaders
6. Kouzes & Posners model & example from Prophets (sm) life.
7. How to analyze an organization. (Workshop)
8. Life Planning of Leaders (Workshop)
• How can we produce an umar?
Five Major Problems of Muslim Ummah

1. Our Non-Islamic Behavior

2. Inefficiency
3. Backwardness
4. Al Fiqr (The intellectual understanding of islam)
5. Leadership.
Components of Al Fiqr
1. Al Aqida
2. Values & Ethics
3. Understanding the life around you & Life around the world. (If you are
controlled by conspiracy theories than the whole analysis will go wrong)
4. Understanding your role as an individual &
5. Having a life plan.

Leadership is the ability to move people towards a goal

Components of Definition
• Ability
• To move
• People
• Goal
5 Ways to move people:

1. Luring them
2. Threating them
3. Public Speaking
4. Ability of Persuation (Ability to convince people)
5. By being a Role Model
• Which of the above Rasul (sm) used?
Unnecessary connection with Leadership
• Its an ability
Not Knowledge
Not Taqwa
Not Seniority
Not Age (Experience)
Not being a man.
Is this ability born or acquired???
Is this ability born or acquired???
• 1% Born Leadership
• 1% Born followership
• 98% acquired leadership.
Difference between Leadership & Manager

Leaders Managers

Leaders focus on two things Managers concentrate on

1. Human Relation immediate results &

2. Future Plan (Atleast 5 years strategic short time outcomes!

Six Major Signs to identify Leaders
1. Analytical ability
2. Taking Initiatives
3. Being Serious (Serious about life)
4. Courage
5. Ambitious
6. Leadership environment
1. Analytical Ability 2. Taking initiatives 3. Courage

• Analyzing People • Starting Projects • Situation of Fear

• Analyzing Organization • Presenting New Ideas • Expressing Ideas Boldly
• Analyzing Situation • Leading the Groups • Criticism
• Starting Organization (Analysis + Expression)
• Showing Creativity • Have influence on others

• Smart Question
• Smart Comment
• Quick Understanding
• Good Expectations
4. Being Serious 5. Ambitious 6. Leadership Background

• Part of Activism • Look to be in a high • Having Leaders in Family

• Clubs position • Coming from Well
• Hobbies • Want to leave a legacy established Family
• Read a lot • Realistic Dreamer • Having activists family
• Manage their time members
• Orphans/ Raised by single
Kouzes & Posners

Kouzes & Posner researched on LEADERSHIP for 25 years

on 1.5 million people & this research is The Benchmark of
Leadership Research in the whole world.
They formulated it as 5 Practices of Outstanding Leaders
& it was unchanged years after years & in every continent,
they published it as a book called
• People in 6 continents were asked to select 5 Characteristics of Admired
• The Highest answers were
Traits 2013 1987

Credibility 89 83

Forward looking 71 62

Inspiring 69 58

Competent 68 67

Intelligent 51 43
Credibility has always been number one
In every year, In every country , In every
What is Credibility??



5 Practices of Exemplary Leaders

1. Model the Way

2. Inspired a Shared Vision
3. Challenge the Process/Take the risk.
4. Enable Others to Act
5. Encourage the Heart.
Model The Way

1. Clarify their Values

2. Set Example by following the values.
Inspired A Shared Vision

1. Envisioning the Future

2. Making People Believe in a Common Vision
Challenge The Process

1. Search For Opportunities

2. Experimenting & Taking risk & Learning from the experiment.
Enable Others To Act

1. Fostering Collaborations
2. Strengthening Others
Encourage The Heart

1. Recognizing Individual contributions

2. Celebrating values & team victories
To Lead Others You Need To LEAD Yourself
Values , Faith & Principles are the essence of

Not Order & Voices only

Focus on your strength &
Look for help in your weaknesses.

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