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Basic Concepts of Sociology

Course Code: SOC101

Course Teacher: Farhana Sultana
What is sociology?
• Sociology is a social science concerned with
the study of social relationships and the
various ways these relationships are
patterned in terms of our membership of
social groups.
• It is the scientific study of social behaviour and
human groups.
“Sociology may be defined as the study “Sociology is the objective study of human
of society - the web of human behaviour in so far as it is affected by the fact
interactions and relationships.” - people live in groups.” - Sugarman (“Sociology”,
Ginsberg (“The Study of Society”, 1968)
“Sociology is the study of
individuals in a social
“The purpose of
setting…Sociologists study
Sociology is the
the interrelationships
scientific study of
between individuals,
human society through
organisations, cultures and
the investigation of
societies.” - Ritzer
people’s social How do scholars (“Sociology”, 1979)
behaviour.” - Giner
(“Sociology”, 1972) define Sociology?
“Sociology is the study of
“Sociology is the study of human social life, individuals in groups in a
groups and societies. It is a dazzling and systematic way, which grew
compelling enterprise, having as its subject out of the search for
matter our own behaviour as social beings. understanding associated with
The scope of sociology is extremely wide, the industrial and scientific
ranging from the analysis of passing revolutions of the 18th and 19th
encounters between individuals in the centuries.” - Lawson and
street up to the investigation of world-wide Garrod (“The Complete A-Z
social processes.” - Giddens Sociology Handbook”, 1996)
(“Sociology”, 1989)
Is sociology a science?
• Natural science is the • Social science is the
study of the physical study of the social
features of nature and features of humans and
the ways in which they the ways they interact
interact and change. and change.
Sociology among other sciences
• Sociology overlaps with
other social sciences,
but much of the
territory it covers is
The Sociological Imagination
• the ability to “think yourself
away from the familiar
routines of everyday life”
and look at them from an
entirely new perspective.
• The term sociological imagination was
coined by the American sociologist C.
Wright Mills in 1959 to describe the
type of insight offered by the
discipline of sociology.
The Sociological Imagination
• Based on the ability to view the society as an
outsider might, rather than from the
perspective of our own limited experiences
and culture biases.

• Watch: The Sociological Imagination

Subject Matter of Sociology
• Sociology is
– the study of society
– the science of social life
– the study of social relationships
– the study of human behavior in groups
– the study of forms of social relationships
– the study of social action
– the study of social groups and social systems.
Importance of Sociology
• Sociology studies the role of the institutions in
the development of an individual.
• The study of sociology is indispensable for
understanding and planning of society.
• Sociology is of great importance in the
solution of social problems.
• Sociology has drawn our attention to the
essential worth and dignity of mankind.
Importance of Sociology (Cont.)
• Sociology has changed outlook with regard to
the problems of crime, etc.
• Sociology has made great contribution to
enrich human culture.
• Sociology is of great importance in the
solution of international problems.
• Sociology is useful as a teaching subject.
Importance of Sociology in Human
• Analytical Process: Studying sociology helps to develop your
analytical thinking and capabilities. Sociologists analyze
qualitative and quantitative data to determine the effects of
phenomena on a population.
• Handling Employees: A background in sociology gives
business leaders and human resource managers an advantage
when dealing with employees in the workplace. Sociologists
study (and are often aware of) the cultural and social aspects
that shape an individual. With this background, those in
business can avoid alienating employees or hurting company
Importance of Sociology in Human
• Market Opportunities: Sociologists understand that certain
phenomena create conditions that influence groups of people.
For example, if birth rates drop within a country, that
country's population will eventually "age" and require
increased services for the elderly. Those in business with
sociology backgrounds can identify such factors and the
opportunities created within a population. 
• Public Relations: Sociology is fundamental to the public
relations department of any major company. A PR person's
background in sociology tells her that certain actions by the
company will affect its customers based on their cultural and
economic backgrounds.

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