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Chapter 8

Designing Adaptive Organizations


Copyright ©2012 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. 2

Organizing the Vertical Structure

Organizing Structure Defines:

 The set of formal tasks assigned to individuals and
 Formal reporting relationships

 The design of the systems to ensure effective


Copyright ©2012 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. 3

Organizing Concepts

Work Specialization is the degree to which

organizational tasks are subdivided into
individual jobs; also called division of labor

Chain of Command is an unbroken line of

authority that links all individuals in the
organization and specifies who reports to whom

Authority, Responsibility, Accountability, and
 Authority is the formal and legitimate right of a
manager to make decisions, issue orders, and allocate
resources to achieve organizational outcomes
 Authority is vested in organizational positions, not people
 Authority flows down the vertical hierarchy
 Authority is accepted by subordinates
 Responsibility
 Accountability is the mechanism through which
authority and responsibility are aligned
 Delegation is the process managers use to transfer
authority and responsibility down the chain 5
Span of Management

The number of employees reporting to a

•Tall Organizations have more levels and
narrow span

•Flat Organizations have a wide span and

fewer levels
10.2 Reorganization and Span of Management
Centralization and Decentralization

• Centralization – decision authority is located

near the top of the organization
• Decentralization – decision authority is
pushed downward to all levels
• Factors that influence centralization versus
– Change and uncertainty  decentralization
– Strategic fit
– Crisis, Failure Risk  centralization
Departmentalization - Divisional
Divisional Structure - Grouping based on organizational
• Product, Program, or SBU-Based Divisions
• Geographic or Customer-Based Divisions
Departmentalization: Divisional (continued)

• Advantages:
– Fast response, flexibility in unstable environment
– Fosters concern for customer needs
– Excellent coordination across functional departments
• Disadvantages:
– Duplication of resources across divisions
– Less technical depth and specialization
– Poor coordination across divisions
10.4 Functional Versus Divisional Structures
Task Forces, Teams, and Project Management

Task Force – a temporary team Project Manager

or committee formed to solve a – person
specific short-term problem responsible for
involving several departments coordinating
activities of
Cross-functional Team – furthers departments for
horizontal coordination by the completion of
including members across the a specific project

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