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Activity # 1

RE Ed 101: Faith and Reason

Name: GUEIAN P. AVENDAÑO course & Year: BEED major in Generalist(S.Y 2020-2021)

1. Draw your personal vision- mission using paint, shapes or fine pen,
color it and copy that in a google slide indicating your vision and
mission statement. Write your reflection after drawing (30 points)
When I was younger me and friends used to play “teacher teacheran” and I always do the role “teacher”. Since then I
always wanted to be a teacher but as time goes by some other things interests me and I didn’t think of getting the course
education. My grandmother wants to be a teacher but because of financial difficulties they can’t afford to send her to
school. This drawing shows that a teacher is teaching her students and my mission is to help the students have a bright
future ahead of them by teaching them the lesson with fun because for me a child’s attention is hard to get so to teach
them effectively I need to find ways to catch their attention and my way of doing that is to mix the class with fun. I also
want to encourage those people who do not want to go to school to attend because in school you can learn things that
you can bring until you die because I believe in the saying that the treasure that anyone can’t steal from you is

to be a fun and effective educator to my
future students.

Yo help my students get a bright future
ahead of them.
Answer the following questions
1. What is your greatest dream in life? Why? How will you fulfill your greatest dream?
Who are involved to realize your greatest dream? (10 points)
- My greatest dream in life is to be an effective but fun teacher to my future students. it is
because for me, learning is not just about disseminating lessons and informations to the
students but it also needs some fun so that the attention of the students will be focused
on fun learning. the people involved for me to realize my greatest dream are thos
students who doesn’t want to go to school because they find it boring.
1. Are there foreseen difficulties or conflicts that may come along the way of realizing your
dream? How do you overcome them? Why? (10 points)
- Yes there is because I was undecided on what field should I go in. I overcame this when
realization hits me. It is because I can’t see myself in any fields but just here in the field
of education.
(next slide please)
.CollegeLife Project: (Write “a four-year Life Project” and state the
reason must you achieve it.) (10 points)
Time Frame What do you want to achieve in What do you want to
your four-year stay in HCDC? achieve? (doable action)
Why you should do it? Why must you achieve
Year 1 I want to find someone who I want to get used to
will be there for me the new environment
throughout the whole process that im in. it is
because college is not like the because I will spend
high school life anymore. my whole college life
in this institution
therefore I need to
get used to the

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