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Ceiling Works


 This QA document has a purpose on establishing

the ceiling works on a two storey commercial
building. This also identify the required labor and
equipment, installation of scaffolding and other
ceiling works.

 This covers the required labor and equipment,

scaffoldings, installation of ceiling frames and accessories
(Rods, Clamps, Angles, Brackets, Clips, Cross tees, Shot
nails, Anchored Bolts) and installation of ceiling boards,
Provision for Diffuser, Perforated Metal Tile.
Required Labor and Equipment
Working Methods

Installation of Ceiling Frames and Accessories

This use and includes the following : Rods, Clamps, Angle, Brackets, Clips,
Cross tees, Shot nails, and Anchored Bolts
Installation of Ceiling Boards
The installatuon of the ceiling boards with a thickness of 12.5 mm Thick
Installation of Provisions for Diffusers
The installation of ceiling diffusers for room air ventilation.
Installation of Perforated Metal Tile
The Installation of perforated metal which helps in the health effects from
Working at heights and where electricity is presents is very risky to workers who
works on roof and ceilings.
Managing the risk
When electricity is present care must be manage and thus before doing any worl
the main power supply must be turn off for safety purposes.
Working at height give also a risk of falling from high groun. This must be
manage correctly by using safety equipment and using harness.

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