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To find out Polerizability

of a
Dielectric substance
 A dielectric is an electrical insulator that can be
polarized by an applied electric field.
Dielectric polarization

 When a dielectric is placed in an electric field,

electric charges do not flow through the material,
as in a conductor, but only slightly shift from
their average equilibrium positions causing
dielectric polarization.
 Permittivity (ε) is a measure of the ability of a
material to be polarized by an electric field. 
 It is, however, easier to grasp the concept of
permittivity by first discussing a closely related
property, capacitance (C).
 Capacitance is a measure of the ability of a
material to hold charge if a voltage is applied
across it, and is best modeled by a dielectric layer
that's sandwiched between two parallel
conductive plates. 
 The capacitance of a capacitor depends on the
permittivity ε of the dielectric layer, as well as the
area A of the capacitor and the separation distance d
between the two conductive plates.  Permittivity and
capacitance are mathematically related as follows:  
C = ε (A/d).
 where ε is the permittivity of vacuum
(8.85 x 10-12 F/m).
The dielectric constant
 The dielectric constant (k) of a material is the
ratio of its permittivity ε to the permittivity of
vacuum ε0, so k = ε/ε0.  The dielectric constant is
therefore also known as the relative permittivity
of the material.
 Low-k dielectrics are very good insulators for isolating signal-
carrying conductors from each other.  Thus, low-k dielectrics are a
necessity in very dense multi-layered IC's, wherein coupling
between very close metal lines need to be suppressed to prevent a
degradation in device performance
 High-k dielectrics are good at holding charge, they are the
preferred dielectric for capacitors.  High-k dielectrics are also used
in memory cells that store digital data in the form of charge. 
 Examples
Solids. Porcelain (ceramic), mica, glass,
plastics, and the oxides of various metals.
Liquids Distilled water is a fair dielectric.
Gasses Dry air is an excellent dielectric, and
is used in variable capacitors and some types
of transmission lines.
Vacuum is an exceptionally efficient
 Solid dielectrics: Some examples include
porcelain, glass, and most plastics.
 Gaseous dielectrics: Air, nitrogen and sulfur
hexafluoride are the three most commonly used
gaseous dielectrics.
 Industrial coatings such as parylen provide a
dielectric barrier between the substrate and its
Property of a dielectric
1.Dielectric loss
2.Dielectric constant
3.Dielectric breakdown
 Any dielectric substance placed in an electric
field undergoes polarization, which involves the
appearance of bound charges on the surface of
the dielectric.
 Polarization is defined as the dipole moment per
unit volume and it may be divided into two
categories: induced and orientation polarization
When a body is placed in a uniform electric field Eo in vacuum, caused by a
fixed charge distribution, its dipole moment will in general changed.

The difference between the dipole moments before and after the application of the
field Eo is called the induced dipole moment m. If a body shows an induced dipole
moment differing from zero upon application of a uniform field Eo, it is said to be
In most cases polarizable bodies are polarized linearly, that is, the induced moment m
is proportional to Eo. In this case one have:


where  is called the (scalar) polarizability of the body.

From the dimensions of the dipole moment, [e][l], and the field intensity, [e][l]-2, it
follows that the polarizability has the dimension of a volume. Using the above
definition of the polarizability, we conclude from equation (2.12) that a dielectric
sphere of dielectric constant  and with radius a has a polarizability:
1 3
 a (2.20
 

m 2
1 3
  
2 1

For a conducting sphere in the case  from the relation (2.20) one can obtain that
a conducting sphere with radius a has a polarizability:

a 3 (2.21)

 1.Dielectric wireless receiver
 2.Capacitors
 3.Dielectric resonator
 4 Glucose Testing
 5.Cellular phone
 6.Van de Graff generator
 Dielectric wireless receiver is a type of
radiofrequency receiver front-end featuring a
complete absence of electronic circuitry and
metal interconnects. It offers immunity against
damage from intense electromagnetic radiation
The Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) in the front-end,
functions as a concentrator of incoming electromagnetic field.
When the electromagnetic (EM) field excites the resonance of
DRA, a mode field pattern is built up inside the structure.
The electro-optic (EO) resonator is placed at the location of
the peak field magnitude The EO resonator converts the
received EM signal to an intensity modulated optical signal
which is then carried away from the antenna front-end via an
optical fiber.
At the remote location, the signal is converted back to an RF
signal which is then amplified and processed using
conventional techniques. This front-end design significantly
increases the threshold for damage associated with high power
microwave signals.

 Charge separation in a parallel-plate capacitor

causes an internal electric field. A dielectric
reduces the field and increases the capacitance.
Commercially manufactured capacitors typically
use a solid dielectric material with high
permittivity as the intervening medium between
the stored positive and negative charges. This
material is often referred to in technical contexts
as the "capacitor dielectric" .
 Capacitors, like all electrical components, have limitations which
must be respected for the sake of reliability and proper circuit
 Working voltage: Since capacitors are nothing more than two
conductors separated by an insulator (the dielectric), If too much
voltage is applied, the "breakdown" rating of the dielectric

The two deep "trenches" (they are

really holes) contain the
capacitors on their walls. The
dielectric (with ~ 7 nm far too
thin to be visible) is "ONO", a
triple layer of Oxide (SiO2) –
Nitride (Si3N4)– Oxide (SiO2).
This is an “early” 64 MBit
DRAM (1996).
Hynix Announces 512Mbit Mobile DRAM
Hynix Semiconductor, a noted memory maker has said it has developed the world's fastest
and smallest 512 MBit mobile DRAM. The new DRAM operates at 200 MHz and
processes 1.6 GB of data per second. "The product will deliver the memory capacity and
speed required for third generation mobile phones that provide new services, such as
digital media broadcast (DMB), to subscribers," the chip maker has said. It is expected
that Hynix will combine this 512Mb mobile DRAM and Nand Flash in a multi-chip
package which will allow mobile manufacturers to make slimmer mobile phones.
3. Dielectric resonator
 A dielectric resonator oscillator (DRO) is an
electronic component that exhibits resonance
for a narrow range of frequencies, generally in
the microwave band. It consists of a "puck" of
ceramic that has a large dielectric constant and
a low dissipation factor. Such resonators are
often used to provide a frequency reference in
an oscillator circuit. An unshielded dielectric
resonator can be used as a Dielectric
Resonator Antenna (DRA).
If the dielectric resonator is placed in an open
environment, power is lost in the radiated fields. This
fact makes dielectric resonators useful as antenna
Dielectric resonator antennas (DRA) offer following
attractive features:
 The dimension of a DRA is of the order of , where λ 0; is
the free-space wavelength and εr is the dielectric
constant of the resonator material. Thus, by choosing a
high value of εr , the size of the DRA can be significantly
 There is no inherent conductor loss in dielectric
resonators. This leads to high radiation efficiency
of the antenna. This feature is especially
attractive for millimeter (mm)-wave antennas,
where the loss in metal fabricated antennas can
be high.
 The dimension of a DRA is of the order of
Pendragon Medical is a company in the field of life sciences co-founded in March 2000 by
a man suffering from diabetes, who himself is a medical doctor

The company has developed a unique, non-invasive sensor technology based on

impedance spectroscopy to monitor blood glucose levels continuously

Non-invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Based on New

Optical rotation of
polarized light
(Mid-and Near-IR) Impedance or
-spectroscopy dielectric

Dielectric (Impedance) Spectroscopy
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy
Time Domain Dielectric Spectroscopy

10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 f (Hz)

Bound Water

Proteins Water

Tissue Erythrocyte

-Dispersion  -Dispersion d-Dispersion g-Dispersion

e.g. Tissue e.g. Cells, Proteins e.g. Lipids, AA e.g. Water

Dielectric (Impedance) Spectroscopy

What is measured?
Why can it be measured?
Varying blood glucose concentration
Effect of changes in electrolytes due to variations in blood glucose

Impact on the electrolyte Conductivity & permittivity of the

concentrations in plasma cell membrane (e.g.erythrocytes)

Impact of glucose on the impedance pattern at radio wave frequencies
that can be detected
• as an adjunctive device to supplement blood glucose measuring
• to help to detect trends and patterns in glucose levels in adults with diabetes
•for use in health care facilities as well as at home
•The device will help physicians to simplify the control of patients‘ therapy... ...
•and the patients will benefit from easier self-control, which results in an improvement of
their quality of life

PENDRA® - Sensor


Sensor plate

5. Dielectric as a piezoelectric Material
Some dielectrics can generate a potential difference
When subjected to mechanical stress, or change
physical shape if an external voltage is applied across
the material. This property is called piezoelectricity.
Piezoelectric materials are another class of very useful

Some ionic crystals and polymer dielectrics exhibit a

spontaneous dipole moment which can be reversed by an
externally applied electric field. This behavior is called the
ferroelectric effect. These materials are analogous to the way
ferromagnetic materials behave within an externally applied
magnetic field. Ferroelectric materials often have very high
Dielectric constants, making them quite useful for

 Ferroelectric ceramics are widely used in modern

technology with various applications (sensors,
actuators, generators, transducers to very recent IC
for RAM).
 They can be used for DRAM (dynamic random
access memory), and high remanent polarisation
and low coercive field for being used as
NVRAM (non-volatile random access memory).
Examples of piezoelectric microsensors on silicon: (a) microphone and
(b) accelerometer. (OPA N.V., Taylor and Francis Ltd.)

 There are a number of situations in which it is valuable to have a resistor

which offers a high resistance at low voltages and a low resistance at high
 Such a devices can be used to protect a circuit from high-voltage transients
by providing a path across the power suply that
 takes only a small current under normal conditions but takes large

current if the voltage rises abnormally,

 thus preventing high-voltage pulses from reaching the circuit.
 Schematic use of a VDR to protect a circuit against transients,

Circuit to be
Source VDR protected
Schematic representation of
varistor-capacitor device
construction and its equivalent
 Industrial coatings such as parylen provide a dielectric
barrier between the substrate and its environment.

 Mineral oil is used extensively inside electrical transformers

as a fluid dielectric and to assist in cooling. Dielectric fluids
with higher dielectric constants, such as electrical grade
castor oil, are often used in high voltage capacitors to help
prevent corona discharge and increase capacitance.
8. Dielectric as Electrets

 Specially processed dielectrics, called electrets (also

known as ferroelectrics), may retain excess internal
charge or "frozen in" polarization. Electrets have a
semi permanent external electric field, and are the
electrostatic equivalent to magnets. Electrets have
numerous practical applications in the home and
 Electret is a dielectric material that has a quasi-
permanent electric charge or dipole polarization.
An electret generates internal and external
electric fields, and is the electrostatic equivalent
of a permanent magnet..
 Because dielectrics resist the flow of electricity,
the surface of a dielectric may retain stranded
excess electrical charges. This may occur
accidentally when the dielectric is rubbed (the
triboelectric effect). This can be useful, as in a
Van de Graff generator

 Portable communication devices such

as cordless, portable, and car
telephone have become popular

 Do you know what kind of

dielectric and ferroelectric
components are used in a cellular
 Chip Monolithic ceramic  High Frequency SAW
capacitors Filter
 Microwave Oscillators  Ceramic Filters
 Microwave Filters  Piezoelectric Receivers
 Ceramic Resonators  Piezoelectric Speakers
Johanson Dielectrics
Capacitor Products:
Ceramic SMT and
Leaded High Voltage
and High
Temperature, Dual
and Multi Capacitor
Arrays, Low
Inductance, X2Y,

Cut-away view of multilayer

ceramic capacitor.
 Dielectric substrate is Grain Boundary Barrier
Layer (GBBL) material, which has the highest
dielectric constant in ceramic capacitor industry.
Dielectric ceramic powder is Ultra Low fired
material that can be fired at lower than 920 C.
This low fired temperature allows manufacture
to use low cost electrode system such as
95Ag/5Pd or 100% Silver to make Multilayer
Ceramic Capacitor MLCC).

 The demands for miniaturization largely preclude an

increase in the face area A.
 One exception is the multilayer ceramic capacitor
(MLCC), in which case:
A( N  1)
C   r o

 where N is the number of stacked plates.

 Ideally, the dielectric should have a low electrical
conductivity so that the leakage current is not too

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