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Main components of Wind turbines

 Rotor.
 Blades.
 Hub.
 Nacelle.
 Low speed shaft.
 Brake.
 Gear box.
 High speed shaft.
 Generator.
 Controller.
 Anemometer & wind vine.
 YAW system.
 Tower.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Wind Energy. [1]

 Advantages.
 Clean & Environment friendly Fuel source.
 Renewable & Sustainable.
 Cost Effective.
 Industrial & Domestic Installing .
 Job Creation.

 Disadvantages.
Fluctuation of Wind & Good Wind Sites.
Noise & aesthetic pollution.
Not a profitable use of land.
Threat to wildlife.
Reality of the Problem.

Threat to wild life is mostly applicable for birds and bats.

The threat is comparatively less than other energy sources.

The number of birds and bats being killed at wind turbines is still
very concerning.

Mostly ducks, birds of prey and migratory birds were found to be

victim of the wind turbines.
1.Is there any way to reduce this growing number?
2.Are the birds getting smarter?

 The answer to the 2nd question is sadly Not yet.

So, we have to plan smarter.


1. Smarter siting: Placing wind farm at sites where bird presence is minimized and out of
migratory bird routes.
2. Turning turbines off at specific times, like in foggy days.
3. Radar and other sensors: Find out the presence of birds in certain area and turn the
turbines off.
4. Ultrasonic acoustics and UV lights: It’s specially for bats. To make them avoid the
5. Painting turbines different colors: Purple wind turbines would in theory cause fewer
bird strikes than the typical white ones.
6. Implementation of VAWTs instead of HAWTs.
Threat to Marine Wildlife.[6]

 The offshore wind turbines are threat to both avian and marine wild life.

 The transformer & power cables are the reason for habitual disturbance for some fishes.

 These also have other issues like ,

o Noise .
o Chemical pollution.
o Heat.
o EMFs.
o Artificial substrates.

Despite the information discussed above, wind energy is still

beneficial to avian population considering the number of them
killed by other energy sources. We have to find out the behavior
of birds, how they react around the area of wind turbines. If we
plan smartly and use the methods that have been proved by
researchers we can decrease the number.

Thank you.

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