Law of Torts All Units Important Questions

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[Jan 2010] – “Every injury is damage but every damage is not

injury.” Discuss.
[Jan 2010] – What is Tort? Discuss the essential elements of
tortious liability.
[June 2010] – Define ‘Tort’ and distinguish it from crime and
breach of contract.
[June 2010] – Explain the essential conditions of Tort with
decided cases.
[Jan 2011] – Define tort and distinguish it from crime and
[Jan 2011] – Explain the importance of mental elements in tort.
[Jan 2012] – Trace the development of law of torts in England
and India.
[Jan 2012] – Distinguish between Damnum Sine injuria and
injuria sine damnum with the help of leading cases.
[Dec 2012] “A torts are civil wrongs,but all civil wrong are not
torts”.Justify the statement with leading cases.
[Dec 2012] Define torts, Distinguish torts from contractual and
criminal liability.
[Jan 2010] – Write a short note on: Distinguish between Tort and Crime.
[Jan 2010] – Malice.
[June 2010] – ‘X’, a banker refuses to honour customer’s cheque having sufficient funds
in his hands belonging to the customer. Customer intends to file a suit against the banker,
will he succeed?
[June 2010] – ‘A’, a barber was running a Saloon. ‘B’, a wealthy person was one of his
customers. ‘A’ and ‘B’ quarelled for some reason. ‘B’, with a malicious intention, to cause
loss to ‘A’, employed some barbers and opened a saloon just opposite to ‘A”s saloon and
charges for less. Consequently, ‘A’ lost his customers and suffered heavy loss. Can ‘A’
recover damages from ‘B’?
[Jan 2011] – “Injuria Sine Damnum and Damnum Sine Injuria”
[Jan 2011] – Evolution of law of tort in India
[Jan 2012] – Plaintiff, the owner of a coal mines, brought an action against defendant, a
Miner’s Union, for inducing its workmen to make them to take certain holidays, for keep
up the price of coal, by that plaintiff suffered loss, whether the defendant’s are liable?
[Jan 2012] – Distinguish between Intention and Motive.
[Dec 2012] Malice in fact and malice in law.
[Dec 2012] Explain the maxim ‘ubi’ jus ibi remedium”.
UNIT II: Law of Torts Model Question Papers
[Jan 2010] – Explain the doctrine of “violenti non fit injuria” with various exceptions.
[Jan 2010] – What are the basis for Vicarious Liability?
[June 2010] – Briefly explain the various defences available to the defendant in an action
for tort.
[June 2010] – Examine the general rule that an employer is not liable for the torts of his
independent contractor? Are there any exceptions to it?
[Jan 2011] – Discuss with illustrations the liability of a master for the wrongful acts of his
[Jan 2011] – Explain the defenses to defendant if that person committed the Tort.
[Jan 2012] – Explain ‘plaintiff’s fault’ and ‘act of god’ as general defenses, with the decided
[Jan 2012] – What is ‘vicarious liability’? Explain with decided cases.
[Dec 2012] “One who agree to suffer the risk, has no remedy for that in tort”- Explain with
[Dec 2012] Discuss with illustrations the liability of a master for the wrongful acts of his
[Jan 2010] – Write a short note on: Private Defence.
[Jan 2010] – Statutory Authority
[June 2010] – Write a note on the liability of independent contractor. Explain.
[June 2010] – The plaintiff’s and the defendant’s dogs were fighting. The defendant was
beating them in order to separate them, the plaintiff was looking on. The defendant
accidently hit the plaintiff in the eye causing him a severe injury. The plaintiff brings an
action against the defendant can he succeed?
[Jan 2011] – Rescue Cases
[Jan 2011] – Doctrine of common employment
[Jan 2012] – Difference between servant and independent contractor.
[Jan 2012] – Rescue Cases
[Dec 2012] ‘A’ has given some amount and cheque to his friend,Who was an employee of
the bank for depositing in the A’s amount.But the friend, instead of depositing in the A’s
amount, misappropriated it. Is the bank liable?
[Dec 2012] Raju was an employee in a stone quarry. He was testing some explosive in the,
site without wearing precautionary coverings, which were provided by the employer.
Explosion took place and Raju gets seriously injured. Raju brings an action against
employer to recover damages.Decide.
UNIT III: Law of Torts Model Question Papers
[Jan 2010] – Explain the ingredients of Tort of Negligence with the help of decided cases.
[Jan 2010] – Discuss the various kinds of judicial and extrajudicial remedies that are available
to the plaintiff who has suffered an injury.
[June 2010] – Explain the essential elements of ‘negligence’, with the help of decided cases.
[June 2010] – Discuss the rule of ‘Strict liability’ with exceptions.
[Jan 2011] – Explain strict liability with reference to Rylands Vs. Fletcher
[Jan 2011] – Define Nuisance. Explain kinds of nuisance.
[Jan 2012] – Discuss the role of foresee-ability in the determination of remoteness of
damage with decided cases.
[Jan 2012] – Explain the kinds of Nuisance, with decided cases.
[Dec 2012] Explain the concept of strict liability and state the exceptions.
[Dec 2012] Comment on the general principles of contributory negligence and what is
‘Doctrine of alternative danger’ ?
[Jan 2010] – The plaintiff, who was in an advanced state of pregnancy was standing behind her husbands’s public bar. The
defendant’s servant negligently drove a horse van into the bar with the result that she got a severe shock and delivered
child which became dull headed. Advise her.
[Jan 2010] – Plaintiff resided in a house next to a Roman Catholic Chapel of which defendant was the Priest. The Chapel
bell kept ringing at all hours of day and night. Advise the plaintiff.
[June 2010] – Plaintiff resided next to a Roman Catholic Church of which defendant was the priest. The Church bell kept
ringing during day and night disturbing the plaintiff. Advise the plaintiff.
[June 2010] – ‘A’ threw a lighted squib into the market house which was crowded, which fell in the shed on ‘B’. ‘B’ threw it
away in the same manner, which fell on the shed of ‘C’. ‘C’ also threw it away in the same manner, which burst in the face
of ‘P’ and injured him. Who is liable for the injury?
[Jan 2011] – A circus lion escapes and injures some spectators. Discuss the liability of the manager of the circus for the
injury caused.
[Jan 2011] – ‘X’ wrongfully obstructed a road by putting a pole across it. ‘Y’ riding rashly on the motor cycle in the dusk,
was overthrown by the pole and injured. The pole was visible at a distance of 100 meters. Is ‘X’ liable to Y for damages?
[Jan 2012] – The plaintiff’s and defendant’s dogs were fighting. The defendant was beating them in order to separate them,
and the plaintiff was looking. Defendant accidently hit plaintiff’s eye causing severe injury. Is defendant liable for damage?
[Jan 2012] – Res Ipsa loquitur
[Dec 2012] The plaintiff resided in a house next to a roman Catholic Church, of which the defendant was the priest and the
Church bell was being rung at all hours of the day and night. The plaintiff filed a suit for nuisance.Decide.
[Dec 2012] What are the remedies available for nuisance ?
UNIT IV: Law of Torts Model Question Papers
[Jan 2010] – What is libel? How it differs from slander?
[Jan 2010] – What constitutes false imprisonment? Explain various defenses available to a
defendant in case of false imprisonment.
[June 2010] – Discuss the essentials of defamation with the help of decided cases.
[June 2010] – Define assault and distinguish it from battery.
[Jan 2011] – Define ‘assault’ and distinguish it from ‘Battery’.
[Jan 2011] – Define defamation. Discuss briefly the various defenses available in an action for
[Jan 2012] – Discuss ‘Assault’ and ‘Battery’ with the help of cases.
[Jan 2012] – What is ‘Malicious prosecution’? Explain with essentials.
[Dec 2012] What is defamation ? Explain the defences to an action for defamation.
[Dec 2012] Discuss ‘Assault’ and ‘Battery’ with the help of decided cases.
[Jan 2010] – Rahim assaulted Buron. Buron brought an action and recovered damages for the
assault. After sometimes Buron had to have a bone removed from his skull because of injuries
he had received; he then brought another action in respect of this injury. Is Rahim liable?
[Jan 2010] – ‘Sham’ is fast asleep in a room and ‘Ram’ closes the main door of the room from
outside and opens in before ‘Sham’ wakes up. Whether ‘Ram’ is guilty of falsely imprisoning
‘Sham’, while he is asleep?
[June 2010] – Write a short note on: Malicious Prosecution
[June 2010] – Intimidation
[Jan 2011] – A famous biscuit company published a picture in a newspaper showing one
famous Cricket Player Sachin eating their biscuit. Advise him about his legal remedies.
[Jan 2011] – A cat strayed from its owner’s land into the land of a neighbour and killed birds
kept there. Is there owner of cat liable?
[Jan 2012] – Short note on Innuendo
[Jan 2012] – False Imprisonment
[Dec 2012] False imprisonment.
[Dec 2012] malicious Prosecution.
UNIT V: Law of Torts Model Question Papers
[Jan 2010] – What are the objects of the Central Consumer Protection Council?
[Jan 2010] – Explain the composition, powers and jurisdiction of National Commission.
[June 2010] – Define and explain the terms “Consumer” and “Services”, under the Consumer
Protection Act, 1986.
[June 2010] – State the procedure to be followed by the District Consumer Forum on the
receipt of a complaint.
[Jan 2011] – Explain the procedure for making a complaint to the District Forum.
[Jan 2011] – Explain in detail the composition, appointment and jurisdiction of State
[Jan 2012] – Explain the composition, appointment and jurisdiction of National Commission.
[Jan 2012] – Who is consumer? Explain the objectives of the Consumer Protection act 1986
[Dec 2012] Explain the liability of doctors under Consumer Production Act, with decided
[Dec 2012] Explain compostion,appointment and jurisdiction of district forum.
[Jan 2010] – Write a short note on: District Forum
[Jan 2010] – Consumer
[June 2010] – Write a short note on: Deficiency in service.
[June 2010] – Complaint.
[Jan 2011] – Short note on Appeals
[Jan 2011] – Service
[Jan 2012] – Short note on Service
[Jan 2012] – Restrictive trade practice.
[Dec 2012] Rights of consumers.
[Dec 2012] Monopolystic Trade practice.

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