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Are these three sentences correct?

1. My friend wants to win the Tour De France someday he spends hours

riding his bicycle.

2. There are about one million words in English, most people use only
ten thousand of them.

3. taking a trip around Kompot.

They are incorrect. Why?


✔You will be able to identify common

sentence mistakes in writing.
3 common sentence
mistakes in all writing
1. 1st mistake
2. 2nd mistake
3. How to fix these two mistakes
4. 3rd mistake
5. how to fix it
6. Practice

1st mistake:
When two simple sentences joined without a connector

For example:

1. My friend wants to win the Tour De France someday he spends

hours riding his bicycle.

2. Singapore is a safe city tourists can walk the streets at night

without fear.
2nd mistake:

When two simple sentences are separated with a comma alone

For example:

1. There are about one million words in English, most people use
only ten thousand of them.

2. Angkor Wat is an attractive temple, many people visit there.

Solution1: Use a connector (FANBOYS)

1. There are about one million words in English, but most people
use only ten thousand of them.

2. Angkor Wat is an attractive temple, so many people visit there.

Solution2 : Separate the sentences with ( . )

1. My friend wants to win the Tour De France someday. He spends hours

riding his bicycle.

2. Angkor Wat is an attractive temple. Many people visit there.

Instruction: Put an X in the space next to the sentences that are incorrect.
Then correct the sentences that you marked.

_____1. Some people like dogs, other prefer cats

_____2. Kitten are cute, they like to play.

_____3. Dogs are good companions, and they can also protect you.

_____4. Goats eat lots of grass you will never have to cut your lawn.

_____5. Jen is learning English she wants to live abroad with her husband.
Check the answers

___X__1. Some people like dogs, but other prefer cats

__X___2. Kitten are cute, and they like to play.

_____3. Dogs are good friends, and they can also protect you.

___X__4. Goats eat lots of grass. you will never have to cut your lawn.

___X__5. Jen is learning English. She wants to live abroad with her husband.
3rd mistake:

When a sentence is missing a subject, verb, or not a complete meaning.

For example:

1. stayed at home, cher. ( no subject)

2. My friends at school. (no verb)

3. when I talk to her. (not a complete meaning)

Solution: Add a subject, verb, or another sentence.

For example:

1. Last weekend I stayed at home, cher. ( add a subject)

2. My friends at school will take a trip in Kompot. (add a verb)

3. when I talk to her, I feel so happy.

(add another sentence to make it a complete meaning)

All in practice
Instruction: There are 8 sentence errors in this paragraph. Spot them and correct the errors.

Flight attendants have three Important characteristics. First of all, flight attendants
friendly. They enjoy greeting passengers and making them feel comfortable. Sometimes
passengers are afraid of flying. A friendly flight attendant can talk to them and help them
feel calm. For example, can explain strange noises made by the aircraft. Second, flight
attendants are self-confident they give instructions to passengers, they must be firm
enough so that passengers obey them. °This characteristic important in emergencies.
Third, flight attendants are physically strong they push heavy carts of food and drinks up
and down the aisles, they also have to open and close the heavy doors of airplanes. In
short, flight attendants are friendly, self-confident, and strong.
Let’s check !

Flight attendants have three Important characteristics. First of all, flight attendants are
friendly they enjoy greeting passengers and making them feel comfortable. Sometimes
passengers are afraid of flying. A friendly flight attendant can talk to them and help them
feel calm. For example, he or she can explain strange noises made by the aircraft.
Second, flight attendants are self-confident .They give instructions to passengers, they
must be firm enough so that passengers obey them. This characteristic is important in
emergencies. Third, flight attendants are physically strong they push heavy carts of food
and drinks up and down the aisles, they also have to open and close the heavy doors of
airplanes. In short, flight attendants are friendly, self-confident, and strong.


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