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A group of 50 students went in a tour in
Palawan province. Out of the 50 students, 24
joined the trip to Coron; 18 went to Tubbataha
Reef; 20 visited El Nido; 12 made a trip to
Coron and Tubbataha Reef; 15 saw Tubbataha
Reef and El Nido; 11 made a trip to Coron and
El Nido and 10 saw the three tourist spots.
A survey of 100 students showed that 19 are
members of the Drama Guild and Sports Club; 25
are members of the Glee club and Drama guild;
26 are members of the Sports Club and Glee
Club; 44 are members of the Drama guild; 56 are
members of the Glee club; 50 are members of the
Sports club and 15 of them are members of all the
three clubs.
A consumer survey of 100 women with young daughters
found that
57 have Barbie dolls
68 have teddy bears
11 have toy Pianos
45 have Barbie dolls and a teddy bear
8 have teddy bears and toy pianos
7 have Barbie dolls and toy pianos
5 have all three
Thirty six students were surveyed on the kind of
transportation system they use in going to school. It
revealed the following information.
14 use the school bus
11 use carpool
14 use public transportation
4 use the school bus and carpool
3 use carpool and public transportation
5 use school bus and public transportation
1 uses all three
A survey of 100 people revealed that
30 played tennis, 25 played golf, 40
played baseball, 10 played tennis and
golf, 15 played golf and baseball, 20
played tennis and baseball, and 8
played all three sports.
A survey of 500 adults showed that 95
played tennis, 190 played golf, 200
played bowling, 100 played golf but
did not play bowling or tennis, 120
played bowling but did not play golf or
tennis, 30 played golf and bowling but
not tennis, and 40 did all three.

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