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Learning refers to a relatively permanent change in

behavior that occurs as result of experience.
From marketing perspective,

consumer learning is the process by which individuals

acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and
experience that they apply to future related behaviorM

wotivation: It acts as a spur to learning. motivation is

based on needs and goals.
Cues: cues are the stimuli that give direction to these
Response: how individuals react to a drive or cue-how
they behave-constitute their response. learning can
occur even when responses are not overt.
Reinforcement: it is the attempt to develop or
strengthen desirable behavior by either bestowing
positive consequences or withholding negative

here are two types of learning theory:

ehavioral learning theory

Cognitive learning theory


ehavioral theories are sometimes referred to as

stimulus-response theories because they are based on
the premise that observable responses to specific
external stimuli signal that learning has taken place.
wo behavioral theories with great relevance to
marketing are
Classical conditioning

Instrumental(or Operant) conditioning



Ivan Pavlov,a Russian physiologist ,was the first to

describe conditioning and to propose it as a general
model of how learning occurs. According to Pavlovian
theory, conditioned learning results when a stimulus
that is paired with another stimulus that elicits a known
response serves to produce the same response when
used alone.





An alternate approach to classical conditioning was
proposed by .F Skinner, known as Operant conditioning,
in order to explain the more complex behavior of human.
Instrumental learning theorists believe that learning
occurs through a trial-and-error process, with habits
formed as a result of rewards received for certain
responses or behaviors. this model of learning applies to
many situations in which consumer learn about products
,services, and retail stores.


Learning based on mental activity is called as cognitive

learning. Cognitive learning theory holds that the kind
of learning most characteristic of human beings is
problem solving, which enables individuals to gain
some control over their environment .
Unlike behavioral learning theory ,cognitive theory
holds that learning involves complex mental
processing of information.

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