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• My aim is synthesis of quantum dots of Lithium
Niobate, a non linear-material.
• It has various special properties like, high curie
temperature and low loss optical transmission.
• The effects of nano scale on these properties
have been aimed.
• Various spectroscopic techniques are being
used to characterize the synthesized quantum

• In 4th century AD, Roman glass

makers were fabricating glasses
containing nanosized metals.

• Varieties of beautiful colors of the

windows of churches are due to the
presence of metal nanoparticles in
the glass.

• Particles of different sizes scatter

different wavelengths of light,
imparting different colors to the
 Nanotechnology :- The vision

 1959 Richard Feynman Lecture

 Nanotechnology has been inspired by Richard

Feynman (Noble Prize 1965) who already predicted
back in 1959.

 “ There is plenty of room at the bottom “

 “ Ultimately in the future we will be able to arrange

atoms as we want all the way down ”
“ as far as I see, the principles of physics do not
speak against this possibility”
• A hydrogen atom is 0.1 nm
• Nanoparticles range from 1 to 100 nm
• Fullerenes (C60 / Buckyballs) are 1
• DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid ( (width)
is 2 nm
• Quantum Dots of CdSe are 8-10 nm
• Proteins range from 5 to 50 nm
• Viruses range from 75 to 100 nm
• Bacteria range from 1,000 to 10,000
• Red blood cells are ~ 7,000 nm in
diameter, and ~ 2000 nm in height
• White blood cells are ~10,000 nm in • To visualize a nanometer
diameter • A sheet of paper is about
1,00,000 nanometers thick.
• a nanometer is about the width
of six bonded carbon atoms
 At the nanoscale, the physical, chemical, and
biological properties of materials differ in
fundamental and valuable ways from the properties
of individual atoms and molecules or bulk matter.
 R&D in Nanotechnology is directed toward
understanding and creating improved materials,
devices, and systems that exploit these new
 One area of nanotechnology R&D is in the biological
applications including medicine. Medical
researchers work at the nano-scales to develop new
drug delivery methods, to develop biosensors and
treatment of diseases.
 The other area of nanotechnolgoy R&D is energy.
Energy researchers work at the nanomaterials to
develop alternative energy materials.
Nanotechnology :- Top down & Bottom up
 Top-down approach uses the
microfabrication methods where
externally-controlled tools are used to cut,
mill and shape materials into the desired
shape and order.
 Bottom-up approach use the chemical
properties of single molecules to
automatically arrange themselves by
utilizing the concepts of molecular self-
Nanotechnology :- Top down & Bottom up

Removing unwanted area of PCB by Arranging atom by atom

chemical or photolithography technique
Different types of Nanomaterials

 1. Metals  Different methods of

 2. Metal oxides  Synthesis
 3. Bio-functional  a) Ball milling
nanomaterials  b) Sol-gel
 4. Semiconductors  c) Solution process
 5. Polymer nano-  Different methods of
 Synthesis
 6. Carbon  a) Arc discharge
Nanostructures  b) PLD
 c) CVD
Ball milling technique (Top-down approach)
 High energy ball milling will grind samples down to less than 1μm,
and can be used for mixing, homogenising, and alloying.

 Grinding bowls and balls are offered in nine different materials and three
different sizes.

 Therefore the instrument can be used universally and enables

contamination-free grinding.
Crucial factors involve milling time, speed, ball to powder
ratio and atmosphere
sol- gel process (Bottom-up approach)
 Applying the sol-gel process, it is
 Sol gel is a colloidal possible to fabricate ceramic or glass
suspension that can be gelled materials in a wide variety of forms:
1. ultra-fine or spherical shaped powders
to form a solid.

 2. thin film coatings

 • Sol-gel process involves the  3. ceramic fibers
transition of a system from a  4. microporous inorganic membranes
5. ceramics and glasses
liquid (the colloidal “sol") into

 6. porous aerogel materials.

a solid (the "gel") phase.

a low-density
an excess amount of solid state
the solvent is placed Material derived
on the substrate, from gel
which is then rotated
at high speed in order
to spread the fluid by
centrifugal force.

Crucial factors involve precursor, sol viscosity,

seed materials & pre-treatment procedures
Nanosized particles produced by Solution
 ZnO has a direct band gap of 3.37 eV possesses a wide range of
technological applications
 1. transparent conducting electrodes for solar cells
 2. flat panel displays
 3. chemical & biological sensors

Synthesis of flower-shaped ZnO nanostructures of ZnO nanorods

solution process

zinc acetate dihydrate and sodium hydroxide at 90 C in 30 min

Size dependence of Properties

 In materials where strong chemical bonding is present,

delocalization of valence electrons can be extensive.
 The extent of delocalization can vary with the size of the
 Surface effects: atoms at the surfaces of nanomaterials have
less neighbours than atoms in the bulk.
 The above changes can lead to different physical and
chemical properties, depending on the size.
 The energy levels in the nanomaterials are quantized.
 Even when such nanoparticles are consolidated into macro
scale solids, new properties of bulk materials are possible.
Melting point
Optical absorption/emission
New properties enable new applications
Quantum confinement
 A quantum well is a structure where
the height is approximately the Bohr
 A quantum dot is confined exciton radius while the length and
in all three dimensions, breadth can be large.
 a quantum wire is confined  A quantum wire is a structure where
the height and breadth is made small
in two dimensions, and while the length can be long.
 a quantum well is confined  A quantum dot is a structure where all
in one dimension. dimensions are near the Bohr exciton
radius, typically a small sphere.
Properties of nanomaterials
Melting point of Gold
Gold is known as a shiny, yellow noble metal, is non-magnetic and melts at 1337 K.

The melting point decreases dramatically as the particle size gets below 5 nm. As the size
of a gold particle decreases from 10 to 5 nm, the surface melting point has been
experimentally observed to decrease from 900 to 450 C.

Surface effects:
atoms on surfaces have fewer
neighbours than atoms in the bulk.

Because of this lower coordination

and unsatisfied bonds, surface atoms
are less stabilized than bulk atoms.
Quantum size effects: Melting Point – 10640 C
The electronic wave functions of
conduction electrons are delocalized
over the entire particle.
Optical properties of Au Nanoparticles

The light absorption depends on the oscillation of the

conducting electrons in gold atoms in the cluster
(plasmon oscillation)
Changing colors with sizeVariation of the size, shape, or electrical properties of
the particles’ surroundings should influence the
frequency of the oscillation and thus the color of the
absorbed light.

Gold particle suspensions scatter colored light when illuminated by

a beam of white light and that the color depends on particle size.
A gold nanoparticle contains as less as eleven atoms which can be a
perfect quantum dot.
The energy states in a molecule are the molecule orbital (MO) for
electrons in a molecule.
The optical properties of a particle which adsorb or emit light will be
altered while the MOs are distorted.
In other words, for colloidal gold, the change of size can be verified
by visual inspecting its color from red to blue.
Applications of nano-Au:- detection of cancer

Gold nanoparticles stick to cancer cells

Antibodies and DNA probes can be readily and make them shine
attached to Au and Ag without altering their
light-scattering properties.
Binding Au nanoparticles to a specific
antibody for cancer cells could make cancer
detection much easier, suggests research at
the Georgia Institute of Technology and the
University of California at San Francisco Gold nanoparticles don’t stick to
(UCSF). noncancerous cells. The results can be seen
with a simple microscope
“Gold nanoparticles are very good at
scattering and absorbing light,” said
Mostafa El-Sayed, director of the Laser
Dyanamics Laboratory and chemistry
professor at Georgia Tech. “We wanted to
see if the scattering property in a living cell
to make cancer detection easier”.

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