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Parts of the Body

(Bagian bagian tubuh)

1. head : kepala
2. shoulder : bahu/pundak
3. stomach : perut
4. hand : tangan
5. thigh : paha
6. calf : betis
7. heel : tumit
8. foot : kaki
9. neck : leher
10. chest : dada
1. elbow : siku
12. arm : lengan
13. finger : jari tangan
14. finger nail : kuku jari tangan
15. knee : lutut
16. toe : jari kaki
17. toe nail : kuku jari kaki
18. leg : kaki
19. forehead : dahi
20. waist : pinggang
Fill the blank with the right answer
1. Legs are used to ….
2. Eyes are used to ….
3. Nose is used to ….
4. I use my …. to write.
5. I use my … to listen to music.
6. I have ten … in my right and left hands.
7. I use my … to taste the food.
8. Hair is to protect your …
9. I can smell with my…….
10. Bahasa Inggris Mata, hidung, dan telinga adalah………

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