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Job Satisfaction
Prachi Bukkam 1
Prachi Bukkam 2
Values & Value System
 Provide understanding of the attitudes, motivation, and
behaviors of individuals and cultures.

 Values contain judgmental element as to what is right, good,

or desirable.

 Influence our perception of the world around us.

 Various cultural factors influence values of a particular society;

in turn people

 Value system is a hierarchy based on a ranking of an

individual’s values in terms of their intensity.

Prachi Bukkam 3
Types of Values –-
As per Rokeach Value Survey

Prachi Bukkam 4
Prachi Bukkam 5
Value Conflicts
 Intrapersonal
highly ranked instrumental Individual-
and terminal values pull the
individual in different
values espoused and
enacted by the
organization collide with
employees’ personal
 Interpersonal
people embrace unique
combinations of instrumental
and terminal values that
spark disagreement

Prachi Bukkam 6
Cognitive component
Attitudes The opinion or belief segment
of an attitude.
statements or
judgments Affective Component
The emotional or feeling segment
concerning of an attitude.
people, or
Behavioral Component
events. An intention to behave in a certain
way toward someone or something.

Prachi Bukkam 7

 Job Satisfaction:
The various attitudes people hold towards their jobs are referred to
as job satisfaction.

 Job Involvement: It indicates how far individuals identify

themselves with the job, and whether outcome of the work is
attached to self worth.

 Organizational Commitment: It explains how

people feel toward their organizations. It is an attitude, which
reflect the extent to which people identify with and are involved
with their organizations and are unwilling to leave them.

Prachi Bukkam 8

The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance

and Self-Perception

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Self Perception Theory

Prachi Bukkam 9
Job Satisfaction
 Does the person has a positive
attitude or negative attitude toward

 Def: A positive emotional state resulting

from the appraisal of one's job or job

Prachi Bukkam 10
Factors influencing Job Satisfaction

 Work itself
 Pay
 Promotions
 Supervision
 The work group
 Working conditions.

Prachi Bukkam 11
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Prachi Bukkam 13
The Effect of Job Satisfaction on
Employee Performance
 Satisfaction and Productivity
 Satisfied workers aren’t necessarily more
 Worker productivity is higher in organizations
with more satisfied workers.
 Satisfaction and Absenteeism
 Satisfied employees have fewer avoidable
 Satisfaction and Turnover
 Satisfied employees are less likely to quit.
 Organizations take actions to cultivate high
performers and to weed out lower performers.

Prachi Bukkam 14
Employee Responses to Dissatisfaction

Prachi Bukkam 15
How Employees Can Express

Prachi Bukkam 16
Relationship between
Job Satisfaction and Behavior

 Satisfied employees who feel fairly

treated by organization, engage in
behaviors that go beyond the normal
expectations of their job.

Prachi Bukkam 17
Relationship between Job Satisfaction
and Customer Satisfaction
 Satisfied employees increase
customer satisfaction because:
 They are more friendly and responsive.
 They are less likely to turnover which
helps build long-term customer

 Dissatisfied customers increase

employee job dissatisfaction
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