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Presented By: Taron, Jhoana Marie M. –B1C
 Concept Mapping
Helps students to clarify not only the concepts they are
learning but, importantly, the links and relationships
between concepts. As a learning tool it can show them
where their knowledge is firm and where they need to put
in further work and time.
 Participatory Learning in Action Technique
 Main strength of PLA techniques is that they encourage
links between students’ own life worlds and the more
formal spaces of higher education and disciplinary
learning; they encourage the sharing of information; and
they have the ability to deepen students’ own sense-
making of their learning processes
 Questioning
 To see more clearly what they do and do not yet
understand or know, and so that the educator also has a
better idea of where there may be gaps that need to be
covered with further activities or assessments.
 Freewriting
 Freewriting is a very useful tool for getting students to think and
write, and be a little critical, at the same time. Freewriting can be used
in a range of ways, but generally freewrites are short and focused on a
single question or mini-topic. Students can be encouraged to write
during class – at the beginning or the end, or at different points during
a discussion. 
 Role-Play
 Role-plays can be a creative and expressive tool for getting students
to engage with what they are learning in a different way. Role-plays
are best used when there is a problem or an issue under
discussionAlso, they are fun for the whole class and students tend to
respond well to being asked to undertake more enjoyable tasks.
 Problem Solving
 This is a useful tool for encouraging critical thinking, and inquiry-
based learning, and it encourages students to be more proactive
about using the knowledge and skills they have been learning to solve
problems that they may encounter in the world of work or in further
levels of study.
 Debates
 Debates are a very useful teaching tool when there are
interesting and divided issues that need to be thought
about critically and from different angles, and where
students need to do this thinking and talking actively. 

 Formative Quizzes
 Formative quizzes are a very good way of doing
continuous assessment with your students, and
finding out from them whether they are
understanding the course content 

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