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CEB Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council

Checklist for Establishing

an Interview Panel

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What it does:
This tool provides you with a checklist to establish the selection panel for hiring diversity candidates.


Slide 3: Checklist for Establishing the Interview Panel

Use this checklist to decide the composition of the selection team and help them succeed in conducting an objective selection

© 2017 CEB. All rights reserved
Checklist for Establishing the Interview Panel

Considerations for the Composition of the Selection Team

 Mirror your desired workforce composition in your selection team’s composition.
 Ensure the team includes at least one technical expert who can judge the candidate’s technical skills.
 Consider including a member from the working team that the candidate will join.
 Include representatives from different career levels.

Tips to help the Selection Team succeed in overcoming bias

 Assign every member of the selection team a clear role in the process.
 Ensure every member of the selection team has input in the decision making.
 Provide a decision-making framework for the selection teams.
 Have candidates interviewed by more than one selection team member.
 Communicate to hiring mangers how the diverse selection team approach is a tool to mitigate biases and
identify the best candidate.

© 2017 CEB. All rights reserved

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