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Geology for Engineers

Leslie Gertsch
Geological Engineering
Mining Engineering
Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center
Contradictions of Engineering
• Preferences:
– Quantitative
– Objective
• Abilities:
– Qualitative
– Subjective
• Result: Frustration
Difficulties from Logistics View
• Student preparation
– Varying class levels (should be sophomore)
– Several different majors
• Geological engineering
• Mining engineering
• Civil engineering
• Petroleum engineering
• Environmental engineering
• Various science, humanities, and social sciences
• Career needs vary
– Most are related to geologic materials
Difficulties from Engineering View

• Student preparation
– Students have completed different courses:
• Statics, dynamics, mechanics, fluids, electro-
• Neither topic nor materials in comfort zone
– Perceived as subjective, vague, not measurable
• Many geologic concepts not quantifiable
– At the introductory level
– With the skills available to the avg sophomore
• Actually, the least-prepared student
Difficulties from Science View

• Student preparation
– Students have completed different courses:
• Economics, humanities, social sciences, philosophy
• Physics, chemistry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus
• Many fundamental concepts combined
– Integrating science and engineering
– Science topics
– Engineering
Course Design

• Reliable course sequence, but with texture

– Constrain first-order rhythm
– Vary second-order texture w/ pace & detail level
• Multiple activity types
– Bring comfort zone into the mix
– Explore same topic subjectively and objectively
Course Design

• Frequent activities of different types

– Reading (audio review available)
– Lecture review w/ added material
– Clicker questions
– Homework
– In-class team exercises
– Quizzes
– Midterm exams
– Lab exercises
– Field trips
Course Design

• Student ownership
– Vote on topics to include
– Propose questions/answers for exams
– Check each others’ proposals
• Rapid, reliable feedback
• Explicit topic relationships to each The
engineering major answer
to #24 is

– Coverage uneven
– Surprise factor
Course Design

• Schedule & expectations explicit from start

– Emphasize personal responsibility
– No curved grades
– Give “grade engineers” something to work with
– Be consistent
• All info available all the time
– Blackboard, WebCT, etc.
• Positive expectations
– Honest effort results from respectful treatment
Course Design

• Incorporate unexpected things

– News items
• Earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption
• Hurricane, flood, landslide, eclipse
• Mine collapse, dam failure
– Space exploration
• Newest outputs from Mars rovers, orbiters, and lander
• Lunar missions will be starting again Nov 2008
– Other fun things
• Local “urban legends”
• Local companies
• Materials used in/on/under campus buildings
Yet to Be Implemented Fully

• Tutoring/mentoring
– Of less-advanced by more-advanced students
• Assigned, multiple-major teams
– For in-class exercises
– Instead of self-selected teams
• Fast feedback on essay homeworks
• Well-integrated field trips
• Better integration of lab with lecture
– Reduce effects of logistics and schedule

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