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Layering Parameter


1 © 2019 Nokia Nokia Internal Use
Layering Priority
cellReSelPrio 6 L1800 (20 MHz) L1800 (15 MHz) L1800 (10 MHz) L2100 (15 MHz) L2100 (10 MHz)

L2100 (5 MHz)

cellReSelPrio 5 -----------------

cellReSelPrio 4 L900 (5 MHz)

AbsPrioCellReselec 3 U2100

AbsPrioCellReselec 2 U900
site distribution base on region (4-mei 2020)
gsmPriority 0 G900 /D1800
BAND L1800 L2100 L900
BW 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHZ 5 MHZ
CJRO 0% 0% 100% 1% 92% 8% 100%
EJRO 1% 1% 98% 0% 90% 9% 100%
KRO 0% 59% 41% 13% 87% 0% 100%
NSRO 1% 44% 55% 1% 99% 0% 100%
SSRO 14% 44% 43% 2% 98% 0% 100%
2 © 2019 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove> <Change information classification in footer>
LTE Reselection
Object Parameter Value
L1800 (20 MHz)
LNCEL qrxlevmin -124
LNCEL sIntrasearch 50

LNCEL sNonIntrsearch 10 L1800 (15 MHz)
LNCEL threshSrvLow 4
LNCEL qHyst 3 L1800 (10 MHz)
IRFIM interFrqThrL 10 eutCelResPrio = 5 eutCelResPrio = 5
IRFIM interFrqThrH 10
IRFIM qRxLevMinInterF -124 L2100 (15 MHz) eutCelResPrio = 6
eutCelResPrio = 4

min access level -124 dBm L2100 (10 MHz)
Start measure intra frequency -74 dBm
L2100 (5 MHz) -->L2100(5/10 Mhz)=5
Start measure inter frequency -114 dBm eutCelResPrio = 4 -->L2100(15 Mhz)=6
Serving cell -120 dBm
Target cell must be above -114 dbm
Reselection triggered if 3 dB better
L900 (5 MHz)

3 © 2019 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove> <Change information classification in footer>
LTE Connected mode
Parameter L900 L1800 L2100 Remark
A5   Source-L900 Source-L1800 Source-L2100
actCsfbPsHoToUtra 0 0 0 Object Parameter L1800 L2100 L900 L2100 L900 L1800
actCSFBRedir 1 1 1 LNHOIF threshold3aInterFreq 24 24
26 26 26 26
actHoFromUtran 1 1 1 LNHOIF threshold3InterFreq 35 35 23 23 23 23
actHOtoWcdma 1 1 1 LNHOIF hysThreshold3InterFreq 2 2 2 2 2 2
actIfHo 1 1 1
threshold1 90 90 90 measurement
A3 Source-L900 Source-L1800 Source-L2100
threshold2a 36 31 31 measurement
threshold2GERAN 22 22 22 measurement Object Parameter L1800 L2100 L900 L2100 L900 L1800
threshold2InterFreq 35 23 23 measurement LNHOIF a3OffsetRsrpInterFreq -4 30 30 30 30 4
threshold2Wcdma 22 22 22 measurement
LNHOIF hysA3OffsetRsrpInterFreq 2 2 4 2 4 2
threshold4 18 18 18 Redirection
a3Offset 6 6 6 A3
a3ReportInterval 3 3 3 A3
a3TimeToTrigger 8 8 8 A3
a5ReportInterval 1 1 1 A5
a5TimeToTrigger 8 8 8 A5
threshold3 30 30 30 A5
threshold3a 32 32 32 A5

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LTE Connected mode
<-103 dBm <-118 dBm -120 dBm <-124 dBm
(start measure inter freq) (start measure GSM) (b2 time to trigger) (minimum access)

-50 dBm >-104/-109 dBm <-118 dBm -122 dBm -125 dBm
(start measure intra freq) (stop measure inter freq) (start measure Wcdma) (redirection to 3g triggered) (Handover to 3G triggered)

Minimum EcNo 3g 14 dB

L1800 to all :
A5 triggered if target >-114 + 1 and Source <-117 -1
A3 Triggered if Target 15 +(2 or 1) dB better than source

L2100 to all:
A5 triggered if target >-114 / -116 +1 and Source <-117 - 1
A3 Triggered if Target L900 15 +2 dB better than source, and Target L1800 2 + 1 dB better than source

L900 to all (aggressive offload)

A5 triggered if target >-116 / -114 +1 and Source <-105 - 1
A3 Triggered if Target L1800 4 + 1 dB (worse) than source, and Target L2100 15 + 2 dB better than source

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Inter System Layering

Object Parameter L900 L1800 L2100 Parameter U900/U2100 Parameter G900D1800

LNCEL hysThreshold2a 0 0 0 qSearchP 7

RRCReDirEnabled 1
LNCEL threshold2a 36 31 31 qSearchI 7
SmartLTELayeringPrevT 0
LNHOW b2Threshold1Utra 20 20 20 qSearchC 7
SmartLTELayeringServ 3
LNHOW b2Threshold2UtraRscp 15 15 15
UFFIM qQualMinUtra -16 -16 -16 LTECellReselection 1

UFFIM qRxLevMinUtra -115 -115 -115 SmartLTELayeringEnabled 8

UFFIM utraFrqThrL 12 12 12 SmartLTELayeringRSCP 0

LTEHandoverEnabled 0

AdjLQrxlevminEUTRA -62

AdjLThreshigh 4
QrxlevMin -58

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AMLE (available only for sites with L1800 and L2100 15 Mhz)
Object Parameter L900 L1800 L2100 L2100 15Mhz
< maxCacThreshold 100 %
LNBTS actAmle 1 1 1 TL (75%)
LNCEL targetLoadGbrDl 55 75 75 75 CACs
LNCEL targetLoadNonGbrDl 55 75 75 75

LNCEL targetLoadPdcch 55 75 75 75 > deltaCac 0%

LNREL amleAllowed Only Enabled between Same site L18/L21 cells

LNHOIF thresholdRsrqIFLBFilter Not defined > cacHeadroom 0 %

LNHOIF thresholdRsrpIFLBFilter -112 -112 -112 -112
1800 to 2100 ( offload)

Object Parameter 1800 - >2100 2100 -> 1800

AMLEPR cacHeadroom 0 10 TL (75%)

AMLEPR deltaCac 0 20 CACs
AMLEPR maxCacThreshold 100 25

AMLEPR targetCarrierFreq if LNCEL is L1800 then targetCarrierFreq=L2100 and vice versa > deltaCac 20%
< maxCacThreshold 25 %
> cacHeadroom 10 %
CRITERIUM 3:CACT-CACS>AMLEPR:deltaCa 2100 to 1800 ( equalization)

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Inter System Layering
min access level -124 dBm

Start measure -118 dbm SmartLTELayeringEnabled

Triggered reselection (lte level) -120 dBm AdjLMinRSRPLevel not define
measured 3g level -110dbm

min access level -115 dBm


AdjgQrxlevMin not define

qRxLevMinGer not define

AdjgQrxlevMin not define Always measure 3G

minEcnoThreshold not defined
RX access min -104/-99 dBm

G900 /D1800

8 © 2019 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove> <Change information classification in footer>
Revision history and metadata

Reviewed Approval
Version Description of changes Date Author Owner Status Reviewed by date Approver date

1 Initial 12-02-2020 Dimas

2 modification 24-04-2020 Dimas

3 GP W20 14-05-2020 Dimas

10 © 2019 Nokia <Document ID: change ID in footer or remove> <Change information classification in footer>

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