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Man Hei Siu (Hermann Siu)

Application Number 2020206977

Date of Submission 22nd December 2019
As I glanced at the word “yellow” I immediately associated with mustard. For me, ”wallpaper”
is an abstract filled with elements. Hence, I came up with the idea of mustard splashed Yellow symbolizes

Medium: Adobe Illustrator

everywhere when we try to squeeze the leftover mustard from the bottle. warmth, “excitement”
and change and a rose is
one of the best
representation for this
color. As roses are
emblematic for liveliness
and death. And as I read
about the “English
places” and “gardens”, I
have associated with a
triangulation artwork I
have done recently.
Medium: Adobe SketchBook

“There is a delicious
“The color is garden! I never saw such
repellant, almost a garden—large and
revolting; a shady, full of box-
smouldering, unclean bordered paths, and lined
yellow, strangely with long grape-covered
faded by the slow- arbors with seats under
turning sunlight.” them.”
Medium: Sketches

Medium: Mixed Media

What does it mean to be As I have progressed my
beautiful? Is this a sugarcoated reading, I seem to have
word for the ”loneness” in life? discovered the excessive
The lexical field of confinement emphasis on
is filled by words such as “individualism” due to
“hedges”, “walls” and “gates that the repetition of “I” and
lock”. When connecting all the “me”. So I wonder what
words together they form a sense could be the
of limited exposure and implications? Is this
dreadfulness in life. connecting to the
boredom of life or is it an
abstraction of the
connection between
nature and well-being?

“Out of one window I can

see the garden, those
mysterious deep-shaded
“The most beautiful place! It is quite alone, standing well back from the road, quite three miles from the arbors, the riotous old-
village. It makes me think of English places that you read about, for there are hedges and walls and gates that fashioned flowers, and
lock, and lots of separate little houses for the gardeners and people.” bushes and gnarly trees.”
Medium: Adobe SketchBook Personally, I can relate to “No one but myself can help My face my fate.
the narrator on his me out of it, that I must use Sometimes only I can
complexity of life. Where, my will and self-control and understand myself; the flow
at times we have lost the not let any silly fancies run of my knowledge and the
purpose of things we do. away with me……There are racing in my adrenalin. And
Hence, the piece beside things in that paper that this will never be perceived
depicts a lost of direction nobody knows but me, or the same with others.
and “drawing” through our ever will.”
loosely defined life.

Medium: Adobe SketchBook

“I don’t know why I should
write this.
I don’t want to.
I don’t feel able.”
This piece illustrates the feeling of
”trapped” in a box, emphasizing the ups
and downs and the unprogrammed flows of
our mind

? ?
“Up and down and sideways they crawl, and those absurd,
unblinking eyes are everywhere. There is one place where “I don’t like……I wonder…… I
two breadths didn’t match, and the eyes go all up and down suppose…… I peeled off……I
the line, one a little higher than the other.” can creep smoothly.”

Medium: Adobe SketchBook

“Life is very much more exciting now than it used to be. You
see I have something more to expect, to look forward to, to
watch. I really do eat better, and am more quiet than I was.”

Messkasten, Rebecca Horn, 1970

”Life” is more filled now,
escaping the boundaries of a
”yellow wallpaper”, more
colors, more fulfillments and

more shaped livelihood. But is
this the ultimate goal of life?
This cube is an abstract which illustrates
the confinement in ”life”, where we are
stranded by invisible ”strings” and that
our identity is often constructed by others
instead of ourselves.
What does it feel like to be
trapped in a box? What is the
definition of our identity when
we are controlled by others?
Man Hei Siu (Hermann Siu)
Application Number 2020206977
Date of Submission 22nd December 2019

In contrast, this cube utilizes energetic

colors to depict the opposite of a stranded
“life”; the representation of a change and
appreciate of ourselves.

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