ANYA! LO2 Planning and Development For Animation

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LO2 Planning and

Development for Animation

By Anya Lloyd-Smith
Initial Ideas
The Idea that I picked of a tortoise and a
snail was because I like tortoises and I
thought it would be easy and simple to
animate a tortoise and a snail as they are
both known for being slow creatures so I
could animate the creatures at a slow
To start developing my ideas, I started by taking the word ‘Bounce’ and came up with a
few ideas that relate to bounce and what I could do with the word through animation.
The next couple of slides shows parts of this mind map close up.
Here I have randomly selected the word ‘Cheese’ and seen what a cheese could
possible do. I have tried to select actions that a cheese cannot physically do in reality.
The difficulty I would have with animating these are that I could not animate the smoke
and burning of the cheese as it is physically impossible to create smoke in the
Here I have done the same, and chosen a ball and seen what a ball could physically
such as a Bouncy Ball that relates to bounce. I like the bouncy ball as it is easy to
animate but its not possible to animate the smoking and burning ball as you cannot
animate smoke as its not physically possible. If I did want to create smoke I could use
chalk dust to create a Smokey illusion.
Here I have selected Hop-Scotch as it relates to bounce because when playing
hop-scotch you physically bounce. I like this hop-scotch as it probably is easy and
possible to animate someone doing hop-scotch. I rejected using a hopscotch idea
as it would have been hard to show a character playing hopscotch and would have
been harder to physically show the audience the hopscotch on a flat surface at the
angle I wanted the camera.
Above is a bouncy trampoline, this relates to bounce as when you are on a
trampoline you bounce on the trampoline. I like this bouncy egg and bouncy
trampoline as it is possible to animate these and it would probably be quite simple.
Again, I have chosen the word ‘Grow’ and thought of all the objects that can
physically grow. These objects would probably be quite easy to animate such as
the ball growing and the oranges and the hair growing.
Proposal/Treatment form
The Point of my Proposal Treatment
form was that at the start of every lesson
I could refer back to it if I was unsure
about my ideas or I needed to refresh
my ideas so I was clear of what I was
going to do each lesson.
Concept Art/Character

This planning shows the development of my characters and how I will make them move.
I have drawn them at different angles and drawn their different body parts. The next few
slides will show more character development.
Create Models/Characters/Background

In the next few slides you can see some drawn images of my characters.
These sketches helped me with my final animation because I could refer to my
drawings when I was modelling the clay to create my animation. Also it helped when
I was animating so I could look at the head and body movements that I could make
my characters do/
This is a drawing of my background idea.
This is the background of my animation and I used green paper for the floor. I made the
clouds out of cotton wool. I didn’t put a hill in as I didn’t have enough time to make one.
Production Schedule

Above is my production schedule, this shows what I will do on what days will make my
schedule more organised.

Above is my storyboard to show the sequence and the scenes of my final animation.
The next few slides show my storyboard in more detail.
Test Animation
Unfortunately, I only done a quick test animation to
see if it worked by I didn’t make a full test animation
because I didn’t have enough time as I had to start
my animation.

I added sound after the whole animation
was complete to see what type of sound I
was going to add to my animation. I was
thinking about doing synchronized pingu
sounds for my characters but I did not have
enough time so I used an acoustic song for
background music.
How and Why I Changed from my plans
I changed from my sound plans and my test animation plans due to
not having enough time as I had to get on with my final animation. I
also changed my plans to have a hill in the background as I thought
it would have been quite hard to animate the characters falling down
a hill in such a short period of time so I stuck to keeping the
characters on a flat surface.

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