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L02 Planning & Development

For Animation
By Jono Thorne
Brainstorming ideas for future
Today, November 5th, we started thinking of ideas for a future animation in the form of
brainstorming. We were given a list of words, like Splash, Slash & Stretch. I started off by
choosing the word, Stretch. I drew my own interpretation of the word Stretch and then
started writing related stuff, like a mind map, And ended up writing all kinds of random
stuff down, like Google, CBBC and Apple Pie. Here is a Picture of my first Brainstorm:
Initial Ideas
I drew the big picture in the middle, based
around the name “Stretch”, which was one
of the ten words Mr Seal gave us to use as
our starting point. And then draw lines off
with more pictures of things that the word
“Stretch” made me think of.
Initial Ideas
As you can see in the picture, I ended up
with some very random things, like mash
potato and leather shoes. But all of these
things gave me ideas for my animation,
and what props and techniques I can use
to make it look as best as I can possibly
make it. I think it would be hard to make an
animation from mash potato because, it
would move and the result of that being
that the animation wouldn’t run smoothly
because the mash potato didn’t stay still.
Leather would be easier, but I’m not sure what you’d do with it, it’s quite hard to move around,
so I don’t know how you would add personality to it if it were a character.
Initial Ideas
I also found on a few occasions that I got
led down some helpful paths, where one
related thing led to another related thing,
but the start is not in anyway, shape or
form related to the end. On the image to
the side, you can see I start with my
chosen word, “Stretch” and linked that to
“Ban Hammer” and then linked that to the
forum where that term came from, and a
forum that was created by one of the users
on that forum, and another forum created
by one of the users on that other forum,
and then ended up with the idea of UNIX
based servers.
Initial Ideas
Here I have found some nice materials to
use in my set and for props, just by linking
my chosen word, with stretchy things, like
rubber bands, and liking that to other
materials like string and then rope, and
leather and so on. This link also ended up
with Film/TV Shows, which was helpful and
that the linked to some related TV Shows
and Films that use some of the materials I
was finding and think of using.
Initial Ideas
Here I have found more helpful materials,
but this time in the form of readily available
materials that are good for props and set,
but also makes awesome noises for the
background track of my animation. These
materials include Balloons, Straw Grass,
Hollow Wood and Rubber Bands. I may be
able to use all of these materials in my
animation, and if I do I hope to use them for
the uses of both background noise and
set/props for added interest to my
animation. I think that I would enjoy working with some of these materials, although I feel that
materials like Grass, Rubber Bands and Balloons would be too hard to animate because
they wouldn’t be still enough to animate as the final animation would not come out smooth.
My Mood board
Here are all the images I took of my brainstorming session:
L02 Planning & Development
For Animation
Character Development and
LO2 - Character Development and
I have just finished developing my ideas for characters and then refining them. Here are
some of my favourite ideas and characters that I am planning to take further and
hopefully use.
LO2 - Storyboard
My storyboard consists of just a small table drawn on my ideas board with three ideas on it.
Idea 1 is pencil and rubber having a fight on a sheet of paper. Idea 2 was my final idea I used
for my animation, and it contains pencil and rubber watching the TV when someone on the
news says that all stationary will die in the next 24 hours, leaving them in a sorry state.
LO2 - Storyboard
My storyboard consists of just a small table drawn on my ideas board with three ideas on it.
Idea 1 is pencil and rubber having a fight on a sheet of paper. Idea 2 was my final idea I used
for my animation, and it contains pencil and rubber watching the TV when someone on the
news says that all stationary will die in the next 24 hours, leaving them in a sorry state.
LO2 – Building of Characters and
I first started by drawing a final and more detailed version of
both my chosen characters, the pencil and the rubber. Here is a
scanned in version below. I also created a CGI Version of both my
characters for the title slide and cover.

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