Sustainable Development-Intro-15-01-2020

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Sustainable Development

• Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which
surrounds us; that we can see, hear, touch, smell and taste
• System can be defined as “a set or arrangement of things
so related or connected as to form a unit or organic whole;
as, a solar system, irrigation system, water supply system,
the world or universe
• Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in
physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the air,
water, or land that can harmfully affect the health, survival,
or activities of humans or other living organisms
Interactions of Systems:
• Environmental problems: Air, Water, Solid waste, Land
• Interactions between the systems – Acid rain harmful to
aquatic life, agricultural fields, forests - local
• Atmospheric Carbon dioxide – global
• Example – DDT which is now omnipresent
Major Improvements
• Standard of living - may be attributed to
application of Science & Technology
•Production of more and better quality of food
•Creation of housing – better living space
•Fast & Reliable means of transportation
• Invention of good communication
Major Improvements….
• Invention of machines – replace human /animal
• Supply of safe drinking water & disposal of wastes
• Elimination of many infectious diseases
• Elimination of waterborne diseases
• Improvement in productivity
• Protection from natural disasters: floods, droughts,
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
Environmental Disturbances/Side
• Loss of fertile agricultural land
• Disappearance of forest land
• Environmental pollution
• New organisms resistant to control
• Many problems – nuisance are now potential threats to
nature and to humans
• History – people lived essentially in harmony with the
nature – Agrarian
Waste cycle in an Agrarian Society
• Agrarian Society: raising food, gathering firewood, making tools and clothing
from land
• Wastes – returned to the soil as fertilizer, few, if any problems of land water,
or air occurred – no sever environmental problems
• Roman Empire – Systems to supply water and to dispose of waste; Aqueducts
– safe water from Apennine Mountains, Cloaca Maxima – for Sewerage
• Europe – forgot this basic principles of water supply and waste disposal –
Municipal Technology ---- Sanitary Engineering ---- Environmental Engineering
• Outbreak of several waterborne diseases – Dysentery, Cholera, Typhoid ---
• Middle of 19th. Century – improper waste disposal – polluted water supplies
with disease causing microorganisms
• Industrial revolution – 19th century – Britain, Europe & North America the
Environmental problems aggravated
• It was concluded that increased Urbanization and Industrialization – WERE
Environmental Disturbances/Side effects….
• Urbanization & industrialization 19th. century
• Rapid advances in Water treatment & partial treatment of sewage –
decrease in waterborne diseases – next few decades
• Post Word War II (1939-1945) – industrialized countries experienced
economic boom, advance technology, rapid rise in energy
• During 1950s & 60s – quantity of waste discharged into environment,
new chemicals including insecticides & pesticides – impact on
human health and environment
• Problem worsened – more pollutants released into atmosphere,
while capacity of our air, water and land systems to assimilate the
waste is limited
Waste Cycle in an Industrial Society
Public awareness & Action
• Public awareness - a few voices begin to speak about the new problem
• Finally in 1960s public attention was directed to pollution for unusual reason ---
There could be no great society if Water, Air and Dumps were dirty
• Legislation to control pollution – especially the Western world late 1960s – late
• USEPA – 1970 to administer environmental problems, India Water (Prevention
& Control) Act 1974
• UN conference on Human Environment 1972 in Stockholm, 1992 UN Earth
Summit on Environment & Development in Rio de Janeiro – 182 countries, 102
heads of state participated – key issues including global warming, forest
protection, ocean pollution & population control – were not resolved
• UN focused on Population, Food, Women’s rights, Desertification …
• UN Population & Development – 1994 Cairo
Third World Countries
• Task force by Third World countries – continued to emphasize on
• More than half of the people do not have safe drinking water and
sanitation facilities …. Backdrop of this …UN declared 1980s –
International Drinking water and Sanitation Decade
• Financial implications: Increased 3-5 folds compared to 1979 - 80 which
was about $6 -7 Million one-third was provided as international fund
• Water & Sanitation - $80 Million per day, Cigarettes - $250 Million per day
and Arms $1.4 Billion
• Difficult times of 1980s and early 90s forced the government to change
the priorities – Inflation, Un-employment and Energy … breakup of
Soviet Union ….1992
• So priority for Environment took back seat – public concern for Health &
Safety aspects of toxic & hazardous waste continued to bother for long
Role of Technology
• 21st century use of technology to solve environmental problems – Sustainable
Development dealing with global problems and Preventive technology –
designed to reduce environmental effects of process, operations and
• Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present
generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their
own needs
• Concept of SD challenged society to change from its destructive, exploitive
philosophy to one that fosters long-term protection of environment and its
• Shift from past practices when technological developments were guided by
Efficiency, Productivity, Profitability etc. – concerns about Health and
Environmental impacts, Resource & Energy Conservation, Waste
Management and Social impact – Public inconvenience, Unemployment
and Crime
Preventive Technology
• Until the mid 1970s … even in the 2000 in Eastern Europe and many under developed countries –
Development are guided by – Market & Profit, little consideration was given to Environmental and Social
• Unacceptable in society – government passed laws that forced the adoption of Pollution Control
Measures – STP, ETP, Emission control for incinerator stack and safe landfill for MSW were created – to
control Air, Water and Land Pollution
• End of Pipe or After the fact – philosophy for last 20 years
• Objections to Traditional approach was on the rise – how Processes, Operations and Products of
industrial systems can be Re-designed or adjust to avoid/minimize the production of Waste in the first
• Viewing as increase in cost reduced profit – longer implication of avoidance of After the fact pollution
control measures …. Possible cost saving
• Benefits from reduction in energy and maintenance cost, reduction in natural resource requirements,
reduction or elimination of pollution control cost, reduced need for occupational health and safety
• Cleaner Production process – reductions in risks flowing from accidental spills or discharges, improved
worker morale as they take pride in their “Green” products and better acceptance by consumers for green
• These efforts by companies embracing new philosophy – can help reduce Nation’s expenses – Health
care and Environmental cost – reducing deficits & tax loads
Preventive Technology: Pollution Prevention Pays Program
– 3M

1.Product Re-formulation
2.Process Modification
3.Equipment redesign
4.Recovery of waste product for Reuse
5.Total savings $ 30 in 3 years
Sustainable Development

World Commission on Environment and Development

(WCED 1987):

“Development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs”
Rio Earth Summit (1992)
The UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), June 1992.
o 172 governments
o 108 heads of state or government.
o 2,400 representatives of NGOs.
o 17,000 people at the parallel NGO "Global Forum"
Issues addressed :
 Production of toxic components, such as lead in gasoline, or poisonous waste
including radioactive chemicals
 Alternative sources of energy to replace the use of fossil fuels
 Encouraging the use of public transportation systems
 The growing scarcity of water
Kyoto Protocol:

Another agreement was to "not carry out any activities on the lands of indigenous peoples
that would cause environmental degradation or that would be culturally inappropriate".
The Convention on Biological Diversity was opened for signature.
Rio Earth Summit (1992)
The Earth Summit resulted in the following document
1. Convention on Biological Diversity
2. Agenda 21
3. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
4. Forest Principles
5. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Convention on Biological Diversity and Framework Convention on Climate
Change set as legally binding agreements
The Green Cross International founded to build upon the work of the Summit.
Critics, however, point out that many of the agreements made in Rio have not
been realized regarding such fundamental issues as fighting poverty & cleaning up
the environment.
Agenda 21
• Agenda 21 aims to prepare the world for the challenges of the next century.
Aim: To develop detailed proposals for action in social and economic areas such as:
a. Poverty,
b. Changing patterns of production and consumption and
c. Addressing demographic dynamics
d. For conserving and managing the natural resources that are the basis for life — protecting the
atmosphere, oceans and biodiversity; preventing deforestation; and promoting sustainable
 Governments agreed that the integration of environment and development concerns will lead to the
fulfilment of basic needs, improved standards for all, better protected and better managed ecosystems
and a safer and a more prosperous future.
 “No nation can achieve this on its own.
 The programme of action also recommends ways to strengthen the part played by major groups Like
women, trade unions, farmers, children and young people, indigenous peoples, the scientific
community, local authorities, business, industry and non- governmental organizations (NGOs) — in
achieving sustainable development.
UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

The Earth Summit called on the General Assembly to establish the Commission under
the Economic and Social Council as a means of supporting and encouraging action to
bring about the social and economic changes needed for sustainable development.

Each year, the Commission reviews implementation of the Earth Summit agreements,
provides policy guidance to Governments and major groups involved in sustainable
development and strengthens Agenda 21 by devising additional strategies

It promotes dialogue and builds partnerships between Governments and the major
groups which are seen as key to achieving sustainable development worldwide.

It was supported by numerous inter-sessional meetings and activities initiated by
Governments, international organizations and major groups.

In June 1997, the General Assembly was held a special session to review overall
progress following the Earth Summit.
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
Principles of Rio Declaration on Environment and Development supports (Agenda 21 ):

1.Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They
are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature
2.Scientific uncertainty should not delay measures to prevent environmental
degradation where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage.
3.States have a sovereign right to exploit their own resources but not to cause
damage to the environment of other States
4.Eradicating poverty and reducing disparities in worldwide standards of living are
“indispensable” for sustainable development
5.That the full participation of women is essential for achieving sustainable
6.Developed countries acknowledge the responsibility in the international pursuit of
sustainable development
Forest Principles
• The Statement of Forest Principles, are the non–legally binding
statement of principles for the sustainable management of forests.
• It was the first global consensus reached on forests.
• Among its provisions:
1.All countries, notably developed countries, should make an effort to
“green the world” through reforestation and forest conservation
2.States have a right to develop forests according to their socio-
economic needs, in keeping with national sustainable development
3.Specific financial resources should be provided to develop
programmes that encourage economic and social substitution
Financing Sustainable Development
At Rio, it was agreed :
1.That most financing for Agenda 21 would come from within a country’s
own public and private sectors.
2. New and additional external funds were considered necessary if
developing countries were to adopt sustainable development practices.
3.Of the estimated $600 billion required annually by developing countries
to implement Agenda 21, most — $475 billion — was to be transferred
from economic activities in those countries.
4.further $125 billion would be needed in new and additional funds from
external sources, some $70 billion more than current levels of official
development assistance (ODA).
5. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), between 1992 and 1995, levels of ODA fell from
about $60.8 billion to $59.2 billion, despite a call at Rio for donor countries
to more than double their official assistance
Rio de Janeiro and Agenda 21

• The conference took place at the Earth Summit in Rio

de Janeiro in 1992.
• 178 countries represented; more than 100 prime
ministers, more than 1000 NGO’s.
• Five different documents were signed and agreed
• Agenda 21 was one of these documents.
Agenda 21 and Business

Agenda 21: a comprehensive ‘action plan’ for achieving Sustainable

Development in the 21st century:
– Concern for the natural environment
– Concern for labour (employees)
– Concern for human rights
– Concern for the wider community
– Stakeholder involvement

Sustainable development does not require the survival of any particular

business, but that of the community (including ‘a’ business community)
and the system as a whole.
Many industrial sectors are opting for substitute products which do not have ozone
depleting potential (ODP).
• Multilateral fund (MLF) under the United Nations Environment Program, funds
conversion projects to non ODS technology in developing countries according to
certain agreed principles.
• About 200 enterprises in India in the aerosol, foam, refrigeration and air-conditioning,
halon and solvent sectors have received approximately US$ 55 million from MLF to
switch over to non ODS technology.
• Approximately 75 enterprises have successful converted to ODS substitutes/
technology which are conveniently available.
• .New units setup after 25-7-95 are not eligible for funding from MLF. Units setup
before 25-7-95 should come forward and seek funding to fulfill India’s commitment to
the Montreal Protocol.
The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and
their disposal was adopted on 22 March 1989 and took effect on 5 May 1992. The main
provisions of the convention call for the following action by states:
1. Information exchange with other parties on waste exports and imports, through designated
national authorities.
2. The prohibition of waste exports to countries that are not party to the convention or to
countries which are party to the convention but which have not expressly authorized waste
3. The licensing and supervision of persons transporting or disposing of waste.
4. The packaging, labeling and transport of waste in accordance with international rules and
5. Co-operation on the environmentally sound management of waste.
6. Mutual information in the event of accidents during the transboundary movement of waste.
Source: Environmental Action Programme for Central and eastern Europe (1993), pp. VI-21.
Kyoto Protocol
• In December 1997, 170 countries drafted the
Kyoto Protocol. The most important aspect of the
KP is the binding commitments by 37 developed
countries and economies in transition
(collectively called the Annex 1 countries) to
reduce the GHG emissions in an average of
5.2% below the year 1990 until the years 2008-
Specific targets to be achieved
Country Agreed GHG reduction Country Agreed GHG reduction
(% of 1990 level (% of 1990 level
emissions) emissions)

Australia +8 Monaco -8
Bulgaria -8 New Zealand 0
Canada -6 Norway +1
Croatia -5 Poland -6
Czech Republic -8 Romania -8
Estonia -8 Russian Federation 0

European Community -8 Slovakia -8

Hungary -6 Slovenia -8
Iceland +10 Switzerland -8
Japan -6 Ukraine 0
Latvia -8 Monaco -7
Lithuania -8 New Zealand -8
United States of America -6 Norway 0

Poland +1
Gases included in the Protocol
Greenhouse Gas Global Warming Potential as related to
1. CO2 1

2. CH4 21

3. N2O 310

4. Hydro-flurocarbons 11700

[ HFC] eg. HFC-23

HFC-125 2800
HFC-134a 1300
HFC-152a 140

5. Perfluorocarbons [ PFC ] 6500

6. Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6

KP flexible mechanisms
The Protocol approves the use of three
flexible mechanisms for facilitating the
achievement of these GHG emission
reduction targets. These are:
• Emissions Trading (ET)
• Joint Implementation (JI)
• Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
Emissions Trading (ET)
• Emissions Trading (ET) or QUELRO trading
(Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction
Obligations trading)
• Article 17 of the Protocol allows for emissions-
capped Annex B countries to transfer among
themselves portions of their assigned amounts (AAs)
of GHG emissions. Under this mechanism, countries
that emit less than they are allowed under the
Protocol (their AAs) can sell surplus allowances to
those countries that have surpassed their AAs.
Joint Implementation (JI)
• Set out in Article 6 of the Protocol, JI refers to
climate change mitigation projects
implemented between two Annex 1 countries.
JI allows for the creation, acquisition and
transfer of “emission reduction units” or
• ERUs (emission reduction units) – the
technical term for the output of JI projects, as
defined by the Kyoto Protocol.
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
• The CDM was established by Article 12 of the Protocol and
refers to climate change mitigation projects undertaken
between Annex 1 countries and non-Annex 1 countries.
• Project investments must contribute to the sustainable
development of the non-Annex 1 host country, and must
also be independently certified.
• This latter requirement gives rise to the term “certified
emissions reductions” or CERs, which describe the output
of CDM projects, and which under the terms of Article 12
can be banked from the year 2000, eight years before the
first commitment period (2008-2012).
Annex 1 countries

• These are the 36 industrialized countries and

economies in transition listed in Annex 1 of
• Their responsibilities under the Convention
are various, and include a non-binding
commitment to reducing their GHG emissions
to 1990 levels by the year 2000.
Annex B countries
• These are the 39 emissions -capped
industrialised countries and economies in
transition listed in Annex B of the Kyoto
• Legally-binding emission reduction obligations
for Annex B countries range from an 8%
decrease (e.g., EC) to a 10% increase
(Iceland) on 1990 levels by the first
What is Industrial Ecology?

• Industrial ecology can be defined as the

study of industrial development policies and
practices and the interrelationships of
industrial and natural systems.
• It is a framework for designing and operating
industrial systems as living systems
interdependent with natural systems
(Graedel and Allenby, 1995).
An Eco-industrial park (EIP)-

• An Eco-industrial park (EIP) is a community of

manufacturing and service business seeking
enhanced environmental and economic
performance through collaboration in managing
environmental and resource issues including
energy, water and materials.
• The goal of EIP is to improve economic
performance of the participating companies while
Benefits of EIP -
• To share infrastructure as a strategy for enhancing
production and minimizing costs
• Offer firms the opportunity to cooperatively
enhance both economic and environmental
• This can be through increased efficiency, waste
minimization, innovation and technology
development, access to new markets, strategic
planning and attraction of financing and
Tools of Industrial Ecology
• Dematerialization
–systematic reduction (in size) by design in the
weight of materials or embedded energy in
products in order to reduce both raw material/
energy consumption & the magnitude of
subsequent disposal problems.
–E.g.. Automobile – Less weight, more fuel
Volkswagen Specialists & Enthusiasts
• We are a well established family-run business with a combined
experience of over 30 years dealing with all Volkswagens. As well
as being a business it is a hobby we are all VW enthusiasts.
We stock parts for VW Audi Seat and Skoda. We specialise in
servicing using all genuine VAG parts, you get the same service
and quality as you would from a main dealer. We sell new & used
parts, which are supplied off the shelf for all Volkswagen, Audi,
Seat and Skoda cars, from 1950 to date.
• Recycling Policy: At Dubparts we are very much aware of the
environment and we try to be as green as possible.
• Over the last few years we have managed to up our recycling so
that 93% of all our waste is recycled, this is a big achievement
which we are very proud of and this is some of the ways we do it.
Volkswagen Specialists &
• All waste fluids, engine & gear box oil, brake fluid etc. all goes into a
clean air burner, which in turn heats our work unit in the winter
months. As well as a benefit to our environment it is also a benefit to
you as we now don’t have the need to charge a waste oil fee.
• All metal waste parts are saved up and go to a metal recycling plant.
• We have found a company that recycles old battery’s they collect
from us once a month.
• All cardboard boxes & packaging gets recycled - they get used to
send out parts, and when we run out of our own boxes we take them
from the local bike shop.
• Plastic where able is recycled via green recycling bins.
• All used parts are tested before removal. New service parts are
supplied at competitive prices and are mostly genuine original
equipment, or of German manufacture, thus maintaining build-quality
Reduce Material Intensiveness
• Green design strategies include reducing
amount, toxicity while maintaining
product’s usefulness and value
• Ex. In 1974 Car battery contained about
65 gm of lead, but modern batteries
• Beverage containers: Non-refillable glass
• Industrial Metabolism: (IM)
– Similar To Environmental Audit, But Broader In Scope
– Study Trace Material & Energy Flows From Initial Extraction,
Through Industrial & Consumer Systems, To Final Fate.
– IM Study Involves
a) Mapping Material & Energy Flows
b) Analyzing Critical Indices
c) Developing Scenarios For Performance Improvement
– Indicators – Virgin/recycled Materials Ratio
– Materials & Energy Productivity Ratio
– Resource Input/ Unit Of Consumer Output
• Life Cycle Assessment – [LCA ]





Product Life Extension & The Service Economy:
Lower Demand For Energy & Materials Through Design
Of Durables & Upgradeable Products With A Long Life
How Can Manufacturing Companies Remain Profitable?
Addressed By Promoting That They Refocus Their
Mission To Delivering Customer Service, Emphasizing
Performance & Customer Satisfaction Rather Than
With product life extension, designers seek to
ensure that their products are optimized to be:
• Durable & difficult to damage
• Multifunctional
• Subcomponents that are std. & modular, as
well as easy to repair & upgrade
• Subcomponents that can be reused in new
systems (remanufactured)
• Remanufacturing:
–process of rebuilding a unit or machinery to
restore its condition to ‘as good as new’.
–This may involve reuse of existing
components after overhaul, replacement of
some component parts & quality control to
ensure that the remanufactured product will
• Remanufactured product will normally come with a new product warranty….Pre-owned cars
• To make it effective, the following steps are normally taken
1. Collection of used items:
• E.G. Drum & toner cartridges for computer printers, photocopying machines, auto
parts, etc.
2. These items are inspected on receipt based on their material condition and a
determination can be made on the economic feasibility of remanufacturing
3. Subsequently, the items are disassembled, if the full unit cannot be
remanufactured, some components may be recovered for use in other
4. Otherwise, the original item can be restored to a condition as good as new
through repair & servicing
Electronic Waste: A Growing Problem
• E-waste consists of
toxic and hazardous
waste such as PVC,
lead, mercury, and
• The U.S. produces
almost half of the
world's e-waste but
only recycles about
10% of it.
Types of E-waste

• E-waste is an old, obsolete, unwanted and

end-of-life electronic discards
• Waste encompasses a broad and growing
range of electronic devices ranging from
large house hold appliances: refrigerators,
air conditioners, cellular phones, personal
stereos, Televisions, photocopiers, fax
machines, CD player, computers etc.
E-Waste Management
• Waste stream contains 1000 different
substances: Toxic and serious environmental
• Contains hazardous substances like
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Poly Chlorinated
Biphenyls (PCBs)
• Heavy metals like: Mercury, Cadmium, Lead,
Chromium etc.
• Iron, copper, aluminium, gold etc.
• E-waste is hazardous: adverse impact on environment,
toxic and creates serious pollution problems, leachates
pollute ground waters, incineration emit toxic air pollutants,
dioxins, recycling-occupational deceases
•E-waste is generated at an alarming rate: rate of
obsolescence higher, lifespan less than 2 years, repair and
reuse-use and replace
•500 million PC’s become obsolete -1997-2007:
0.7 billion kg of lead, 1.36 billion kg of Cadmium, 0.86
billion kg of Chromium, 2.9 lakh kg of mercury and 3 billion
kg of plastic
E-waste & Human health
E-toxic Source Impact

Lead CRT’s, solder in PCB, Batteries Central and peripheral nervous sy. Blood sy, Kidneys and
reproductive sy.

Cadmium CRT’s, SMD chip resistors, infrared detectors Neural damage in kidneys and liver: Teratogenic
and semiconductor chips

Mercury Switches & flat screen monitors, Alkaline Brain, Kidneys, Fetus. Bio accumulation in fishes, prawns
batteries and fluorescent lamps, mobile

Hexavelant Untreated galvanized steel plate, floppy Asthmatic bronchitis, DNA damage
Chromium discs, steel housing

Plastic, PVC Cabling & computer housing packing, Dioxins, disrupts endocrine sy. & functions, reproductive
computer mouldings problems, immune sy.

Barium Front panel of CRT Brain swelling, muscle weakness, heart, liver damage. Increase
in BP

Beryllium Mother boards & finer chips Chronic Beryllium- affects lungs, skin diseases
Toners Plastic printer cartridges Respiratory track irritation & carcinogenic
Material composition of a TV
Product Substances Weight (kg) % of product weight
Steel 3.9 10.7
Copper 1.06 2.88
Aluminium 0.16 0.44
Phosphor bronze 0.09 0.24
Stainless steel 0.01 0.03
Ferrite 0.39 1.06
Other plastics 8.15 22.19
Paper 0.10 0.27
Lead glass 18.18 49.48
PCBs 1.95 5.31
Electron Gun 0.06 0.16
Transformers 0.93 2.53
Loss during disassembly 1.73 4.71
Total 36.74 100
Material composition of a mobile phone

Product substance % of product co-efficient

Ceramics 16
Cu and compounds 15
Silicon plastics 10
Epoxy 9
Other plastics 8
Iron 3
Flame retardant 1
Nickel & compounds 1
Zinc & compounds 1
Silver & compounds 1
Al, Pb, Au, Mn etc Less than 1
Solutions: Reducing Solid
• Refuse: to buy items that we really don’t need.
• Reduce: consume less and live a simpler and
less stressful life by practicing simplicity.
• Reuse: rely more on items that can be used over
and over.
• Repurpose: use something for another purpose
instead of throwing it away.
• Recycle: paper, glass, cans, plastics…and buy
items made from recycled materials.
Present Scenario of Solid Waste
Management in India
• 100-500 grams per capita waste
• Dirty streets and cities
• Unhygienic conditions
• Loss of reusable / recyclable material
• Pollution due to burning of waste
• Local as well as global air pollution
Municipal Solid Waste Management in

• 12500 tones per day waste generated in Mumbai.

• Per capita waste generated is around 0.50 kg,
highest in Indian cities
• One of the best waste management systems in
Waste Disposal Options

• Sanitary Land-filling (Open Dump) method

• Composting and Vermi-composting
• Incineration
• Pelletization
• Gasification / Pyrolysis
• Anaerobic treatment of solid waste
• Conversion to biogas
How People Reuse Materials

• Children looking for

materials to sell in
an open dump near
Manila in the
Solutions: Other Ways to Reuse Things

• We can use reusable shopping bags,

food containers, and shipping pallets,
and borrow tools from tool libraries.
–Many countries in Europe and Asia
charge shoppers for plastic bags.
• Primary (closed loop) recycling: materials are
turned into new products of the same type.
• Secondary recycling: materials are converted into
different products.
– Used tires shredded and converted into rubberized
road surface.
– Newspapers transformed into cellulose insulation.
• There is a disagreement over whether to mix
urban wastes and send them to centralized
resource recovery plants or to sort recyclables for
collection and sale to manufacturers as raw
– To promote separation of wastes, 4,000 communities
in the U.S. have implemented pay-as-you-throw or
fee-per-bag waste collection systems.

• Composting biodegradable organic waste

mimics nature by recycling plant nutrients to
the soil.
• Recycling paper has a number of
environmental (reduction in pollution and
deforestation, less energy expenditure) and
economic benefits and is easy to do.
• Recycling many plastics is chemically and
economically difficult.
–Many plastics are hard to isolate from other
–Recovering individual plastic resins does
not yield much material.
There are new technologies that are making
plastics biodegradable.
• Reuse and recycling are hindered by
prices of goods that do not reflect their
harmful environmental impacts, too
few government subsidies and tax
breaks, and price fluctuations.
How do we ensure….
• Cost efficient waste management? Meeting state mandated
recycling goals?
• Continued improvement of the environment?
• Best privatization bids? Environmental Aspects
• Local air quality impacts
• Energy consumption and offsets
• Greenhouse gas emissions
• Benefits from materials recycling: Economic/Social Aspects
• Municipal budgets
• Need for new facilities
Issues & Answers
• Why do we have so • Municipalities, who
much solid waste? pay for solid waste
• Why is solid waste management, do not
so toxic? design the products.
• Why isn’t there more • Manufacturers, who
recycling? design the products,
• Why isn’t this system don’t have to pay
the solid waste
Conclusion: Municipalities subsidize the bad design practices
of manufacturers.
Today’s Material Flow
Approximately 25% of what goes ‘in the pipe’ comes out as goods and services.
Waste from production process, including goods that are no longer useable, is
returned back to the planet creating additional pollution and environmental

Natural Goods and Pollution, Waste

Resources Services and Environmental
To solve this problem...
• We need Extended Producer
Responsibility (EPR), to extend the
manufacturers responsibility to the “End
of Life” (EoL) of a product.
• Best method: Producer Take Back, where
the producer is physically or financially
responsible for collection & recycling of
their product at EOL.
New Product Life Cycle Stages
Disposal Design

of Manufacturer


Product (Manufacturer
Use/Maintenance Responsibility -
extended to post-
Recycling consumer stage.)
New Responsibility of Manufacturer
Closing the Material Loop
Key Concept: Material recovery starts and ends with great product design
Need Less
Decreasing Resource Use By Design
material inputs
product life  Design for Efficient Production
Make use of
recovered  Design for Efficient and
Make it easy to Effective Use
 Design for Efficient Recovery
Find sustainable
Closing the Loop
sources of
 Take-back Logistics
Recapture value
from materials
 Remanufacturing, Reuse
Learn from
experience to  Recycling
improve future
EPR in the United States
• Bottle bills in 10 states. (Success! Recycling is 76% in
those states, only 25% in other 40 states, for beer & soda

• Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation - voluntary;

poor results (27% recycling - goal was 70%)
EPR is the law in 30 countries
 Europe requires Take Back for motor vehicles and
electronic waste“Extended Producer
Responsibility” (EPR) for packaging is the law in
30 countries (24 European, 3 Asian, Australia, Peru
& Quebec.
 9 countries require electronics Take Back
 15 require battery Take Back.
 Canada has over 30 national & provincial Take
Back programs, some voluntary, some mandatory
Green Dot Program
• First national EPR program
• 1990 - Germany required packaging
manufacturers to guarantee recycling levels for
packaging materials.
• Manufacturers set up a separate collection &
recycling system for packaging
• Success! Reduced packaging use 10.8% 1991-
1995, while at same time packaging increased
13.2% in the US.
EPR Principles
• “The more control the actor has in the
environmental impact of a product the more
responsibility they should assume in the EOL
management of the product.”
• Transfer the costs and/or physical responsibility of
waste from municipalities to the producer - thus
eliminating the local subsidy and establishing
accountability for the producer.
In Conclusion
• Producer Take Back is good for local taxpayers and
good for the environment.

• Advantages also for the participating companies -

savings & goodwill.

• US is just on the ground floor of this issue; look for

more developments in the future.
Tomorrow’s Material Cycle
Tomorrow’s profit will come from design, not matter

Natural Goods and

Resources Services

Reduce Recover
Use of Technical
Natural Nutrients
• Globally, MSW is burned in over 1,000 large
waste-to-energy incinerators, which boil
water to make steam for heating water, or
space, or for production of electricity.
–Japan and a few European countries
incinerate most of their MSW.
Burning Solid Waste

• Waste-to-energy incinerator with pollution

controls that burns mixed solid waste.

Turbine Smokestack
Crane Steam

Furnace Wet

pit Water
added BottomDirty
Conveyor ash water
Fly ash

landfill Hazardous
waste landfill
When landfill is full,
Topsoil layers of soil and clay
seal in trash
Sand generator
Clay Methane storage building Leachate
and compressor
Garbage building
treatment system

Probes to
methane Methane gas Pipes collect explosive
leaks recovery well methane as used as fuel
to generate electricity
Compacted storage
solid waste tank

Garbage Groundwater
Sand Leachate Leachate pumped monitoring
pipes up to storage tank well
Synthetic for safe disposal
liner Leachate
Sand Groundwater monitoring
Clay and plastic lining well
Clay to prevent leaks; pipes
Subsoil collect leachate from
bottom of landfill
Case Study: What Should We Do
with Used Tires?

• We face a
dilemma in
deciding what to
do with hundreds
of millions of
discarded tyres.
• Hazardous waste: is any discarded solid or liquid
material that is toxic, ignitable, corrosive, or reactive
enough to explode or release toxic fumes.
– The two largest classes of hazardous wastes are organic
compounds (e.g. pesticides, PCBs, dioxins) and toxic heavy
metals (e.g. lead, mercury, arsenic).
Hazardous Waste
Regulations in the United
• Two major federal laws regulate the management
and disposal of hazardous waste in the U.S.:
– Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
• Cradle-to-the-grave system to keep track of waste.
– Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
• Commonly known as Superfund program.

• We can produce less hazardous waste and

recycle, reuse, detoxify, burn, and bury what
we continue to produce.
Produce Less Waste

processes Recycle
to eliminate and
or reduce reuse

Convert to Less Hazardous or Non-hazardous Substances

Chemical, Ocean and

Land Thermal physical, and atmospheric
treatment treatment biological assimilation

Put in Perpetual Storage

Arid region
Underground Waste Surface Salt
Landfill unsaturated
injection piles impoundments formations
Secure Hazardous Waste Landfill
• In the U.S. there
are only 23
hazardous waste
Bulk Gas Topsoil
Plastic cover
waste vent Earth
Sand Impervious Clay
Impervious clay cap cap

Groundwater detection
Double leachate Plastic Reactive Groundwater
collection system double wastes monitoring
liner in drums well
Core Case Study:
Love Canal — There Is No “Away”
• Between 1842-1953, Hooker Chemical
sealed multiple chemical wastes into steel
drums and dumped them into an old canal
excavation (Love Canal).
• In 1953, the canal was filled and sold to
Niagara Falls school board for $1.
• The company inserted a disclaimer
denying liability for the wastes.
Core Case Study:
Love Canal — There Is No “Away”
• In 1957, Hooker Chemical warned the
school not to disturb the site because of
the toxic waste.
– In 1959 an elementary school, playing fields
and homes were built disrupting the clay cap
covering the wastes.
– In 1976, residents complained of chemical
smells and chemical burns from the site.
Core Case Study:
Love Canal — There Is No “Away”
• President Jimmy
Carter declared
Love Canal a
federal disaster
– The area was
abandoned in
Core Case Study:
Love Canal — There Is No “Away”
• It still is a controversy as to how much the
chemicals at Love Canal injured or caused
disease to the residents.
• Love Canal sparked creation of the
Superfund law, which forced polluters to pay
for cleaning up abandoned toxic waste
Making the Transition to a Low-
Waste Society: A New Vision
• Everything is connected
• There is no “away” for the wastes we produce
• Dilution is not always the solution to pollution
• The best and cheapest way to deal with
wastes are reduction and pollution prevention
"The solid waste problem, including toxic or hazardous
waste, is not just the problem of the chemical industry.
It is a result of society's advanced technology and
pursuit of an increasingly complex lifestyle…Everyone
should realize that the blame does not belong to a
single company or a single industry but to all of us as
individuals and as an advanced society. Rather than
looking for scapegoats, we should recognize the
dilemma and consider new ways to encourage the
disclosure of dumpsite information and ways to limit
Five major issues related to Sustainable Development
are: Water and Sanitation, Energy and Climate
Change, Agriculture and food productivity, Bio-
diversity and Health. But still there are various issues,
being discussed such as sustainable production and
consumption; Trade; Human rights approach; Forestry
and biodiversity, Mining & mineral, Science & technology,
Women in development, Poverty and Urbanisation etc.
Sustainable Development is being defined as “three
pillars” i.e. social development, economic
development and environment development
• One means of producing single-material
pieces is to decrease particle size
• Grinding – increase number of particles and
achieve many clean (single-material)
• Most suitable for refuse derived fuels
• Size reduction is followed by – air
classification (paper, plastics), magnetic
separation (iron & steel)
• Recovery sounds attractive – market for the
recovered materials, volatile market, price
fluctuation, Ex. Secondary paper market
Solid Waste Management
• Most urban areas in country are
plagued by acute problems related to
solid waste
• Due to lack of serious efforts by
town/city authorities, garbage & its
management has become a
persistent problem
• 30-50% staff and resources are being
utilised by Urban local bodies and
major portion of municipal
expenditure is allotted to it
Solid Waste Management…
•Despite this, there has been progressive
decline in the standard of services with respect
to Collection & disposal of MSW, including
hospital & industrial waste
•In many cities nearly half of the solid waste
generated remains unattended, giving rise to
unsanitary conditions especially in densely
populated slums
•Resulting in an increase in morbidity,
especially due to microbial & plastic
The need of ISWM
•Solid Waste professionals – holistic
•For example: if more waste is recycled,
will have negative impact on the landfill
– less quantity
•Landfill costs are fixed – drop in the
incoming refuse can have sever
economic ramifications
•The various methods of solid waste
management are therefore interlocking
and interdependent
Integrated Solid Waste Management
• EPA recognising this fact, developed
national strategy for management of
solid waste-ISWM
• To assist the local community in their
decision making by recognising those
strategies – environmentally
• EPA-ISWM strategies:
- Reducing quantity of waste
- Reusing the material
- Recycling & Recovering materials
Materials flow
• Flow of materials in our society –
emphasises the fact that we do not
consume the materials
• We merely use them and ultimately
return them, often in an altered
state to the environment
• Production of useful goods for
eventual use requires – input of
Sources of material
• Raw materials – generated
from the face of the earth &
used for the manufacture of
• Scrap materials – produced in
the manufacturing operations
• Recovered materials – after
the product has been used
Material…to waste
• Industrial operations are not totally efficient – waste
to be disposed of
• Processed goods are sold to the users – after
use ?
- To dispose of this material
- To collect material in sufficient quantities
either to use it for energy production or to
recycle it back into the industrial sector
- To reuse the material for the same or a
different purpose without remanufacture
• This is a close system, with only one input and
one output, emphasizing the finite nature of our
Materials flow – Aluminum
• Aluminum beverage containers:raw material-
bauxite ore
• Finished product sold to the consumers
• Some of these cans are defective/unfit consumer
use – recycled as industrial scrap
• Consumers uses the cans – empty containers/other
products are disposed of
• Some of the aluminum is returned to industrial
sector – re-manufacturing/used for other purpose in
the home
• Industrial sector – recovered & returned due to
conscious efforts by the community/other
Material flow through society
Material flow through society
• Both A & B as large as possible: many
benefits, large quantity of raw material
injected in to manufacturing – high rate
of employment in raw material industry,
can have residual effect of creating
cheaper raw material & reducing cost of
• Large B component – beneficial to
waste disposal industry: people – waste
collection & manufacturer of heavy
Detrimental effects
• Large input – large quantities of non-
replenishable raw material are extracted
leading to depletion of natural resources, ex.
Strip mining
• The US has already exhausted copper, zinc
and tin
• Large quantity of waste – significant
detrimental effects, land areas used for
disposal, or air pollution from burning of waste
• Our present lifestyle – obtaining material in
concentrated form (ores) & in using them we
National security
• Reliable supply of raw materials
• 1970s US – for oil
• Can we create facilities so that we can
store large deposits of non-
replenishable materials for future use
• Ample justification for reducing the
waste disposed off into the environment
to the smallest quantities
• We should redesign our economic
system to achieve this end
System in steady state
• Input = Output
• Reduction of either A or B necessarily results
in an associated reduction in the other
• Looking first at the A component – a
reduction in raw materials demand could be
achieved by: - increasing the amount of
industrial scrap re-processed, by decrease
in the amount of manufactured goods or
- by increasing amount of recovered
materials from the post-consumer waste
System in steady state
• Increasing industrial scrap would involve
increasing either home scrap (waste
material used within an industrial plant) or
• Prompt industrial scrap (clean segregated
industrial waste material used immediately
by another company)
• But scrap represents inefficiency, and
ultimate goal of an industry is to produce as
little scrap as possible
• Clearly decreasing the demand for raw
materials will require another approach…..
1. The reduction
• One possibility for achieving a low use of raw
materials is to decrease the amount of
manufacturing goods
• This reduction will necessitate a re-design of
products in such the way as to use less
• The government can legislate a lower use of
material by: placing taxes on excessive
packaging, initiating a package charge,
requiring mandatory longer life for
manufactured products
• Consumers to buy fewer manufactured goods
2. The reuse
• Second means to reduce waste is to
reuse the products: refillable soda
and beer bottles, or coffee cans to
hold nails or paper bags for taking
out the garbage
• In addition – repairing an item
instead of discarding it and buying a
replacement– an example of the
tradeoff between a lobour-intensive
3. The recycling
• The third means of reducing the
waste destined for disposal is to
separate out materials that have
some economic value, collect
these separately and use them as
a source of raw materials
• This process is called recycling
and involves the active
participation of the product user
4. The recovery
• The fourth means is to process the
solid waste so as to recover useful
material from the mixed waste
• Recovery can also include the
recovery of energy from the solid
• For example: a waste-to-energy plant
or a landfill gas recovery system –
recovering the energy value of the
The four Rs
1- Reduction
• Three basic ways:
- Reducing the amount of material
used per product without sacrificing
the utility of that product
- Increasing the lifetime of a product
- Eliminating the need for the product
• Waste reduction in industry – pollution
prevention, an attractive concept to industry,
cost of treatment is greater than cost of
changing the process so that waste is not
produced in the first place
• Every manufacturing activity produces waste:
small quantity & can be easily disposed off –
little incentive to change the operation
• Quantity is large and cost is more – seeking
an improved manufacturing techniques that
reduce amount of waste
Pollution prevention
• 2P as a corporate concept
was pioneered by – 3M &
DuPont – driving force is
reduction in cost
• Increase the competitive
advantage of the
manufactured goods in the
Problem of VOCs – car manf.
• Automobile manufacturers for years painted the
cars using spray enamel paint
• The cars were then dyed in special ovens that
gave them a glossy finish
• Unfortunately such operations produced large
amounts of VOC – that has to be controlled
and was expensive
• The manufacturers developed a new method –
using dry powders applied under great pressure
• This resulted in better finishes and also
eliminated the VOCs – 2P is process of changing
the operation in such a manner that pollutants
Reduction – household level
• Reduction of waste at household level –
source reduction by EPA
• Typical alternative actions: Refusing
bags at stores, refilling laundry
detergents instead of purchasing new
containers, bringing one’s own bags to
grocery stores, stopping junk mail
deliveries, and using cloth diapers
• Unfortunately, the level of participation in
source reduction is low compared to
Reduction – household level
• Source reduction – first solid waste
alternative for EPA – 8 states
participated, reduction was about 10%
• Disposal fees based on volume/weight
of refuse generated – 10 to 30%
• Public information program can
significantly help in reducing waste –
Shop smart – North Carolina, about 250
homes participated -10% reduction
Shop smart
2 - Reuse
• Reuse is an integral part of the society,
from church rummage sales to passing
down children’s clothing between siblings
• Many of our products are reused without
much thought given to ethical
• These products simply have utility and
value for more than one purpose
• For example: paper bags – refuse for
transportation, news papers rolled to
Degree of Resource Utilization
Buddha, one day, was in deep thought about the worldly
activities and the ways of instilling goodness in humans. The
following is the text of conversation between him and his
One of his disciples approached him and said humbly “Oh
my teacher! While you are so much concerned about the
world and others, why don't you look in to the welfare and
needs of your own disciples also.“

Buddha: "OK.. Tell me how I can help you"

Disciple: "Master! My attire is worn out and is beyond the

decency to wear the same. Can I get a new one, please."
Buddha found the robe indeed was in a bad condition which
needed replacement. He asked the store keeper to give the
disciple a new robe to wear on. The disciple thanked Buddha
Though he met his disciple's requirement, Buddha was not all that
contented on his decision. He realized that he missed out some point. A
while after, he realized what he should have asked the disciple. He went
to his disciple's place and asked him "Is your new attire comfortable? Do
you need anything more?"

Disciple: "Thank you my Master. The attire is indeed very comfortable. I

need nothing more“

Buddha: "Having got the new one, what did you do with your old attire?"

Disciple: "I am using it as my bed spread"

Buddha: "Then.. hope you have disposed off your old bed spread"

Disciple: " No.. no.. master. I am using my old bedspread as my window


Buddha:" What about your old Curtain?"

Buddha: "Oh.. I see.. Can you tell me what did they do with the old cloth
they used in Kitchen"

Disciple: "They are being used to wash the floor."

Buddha: " Then, the old rug being used to wash the floor...???"

Disciple: " Master, since they were torn off so much, we could not find any
better use, but to use as a twig in the oil lamp, which is right now lit in your
study room....“
Buddha smiled in contentment and left for his room.

Moral: If not to this degree of utilization, can we at least attempt to

find the best use of all our resources - at home and at office .. ?? It
becomes imperative in the critical time of Recession....

Treat the Mother Earth was not given to you by your
parents; it was loaned to you by your children
We did not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrowed it from
our children.
3 - Recycling
• The process of recycling requires that the owner of
the waste material first separate out useful fraction
– collected separately
• Recyclable municipal solid waste – paper, steel,
aluminum, plastic, glass & yard waste
• Many materials can be recycled – by identifying its
characteristics or properties of the specific material
• This characteristic is known as code – simple and
visual, steel cans from aluminum, newsprint from
glossy magazines – Sunday paper
• Identification & separation of plastics is difficult –
mixed plastics has few uses, most economic if
Recycle of plastics
Code Chemical name Abbreviation Typical uses
1 Polyethylene PETE/PET Soft drink bottles
2 High-density HDPE Milk cartons
3 Polyvinyl chloride PVC Food packaging, wire insulation & pipe

4 Low-density LDPE Plastic film used for food wrapping, trash

polyethylene bags, grocery bags, & baby diapers

5 Polypropylene PP Automobile battery casing & bottle caps

6 Polystyrene PS Food packaging, foam cups & plates, & eating

7 Mixed plastics Fence posts, benches & pallets
Designation Generation (1000 Recovery (%)
tones/yr)- 2006
PETE/PET 2860 19
HDPE 5890 9
PVC/V 1640 0
LDPE 6450 3
PP 4000 0.3
PS 2590 0
OTHERS 5480 0.01
TOTAL 28910 5.7
Plastics in MSW - US
• 1960 – 0.4 million
• 1993 – 18 million
• 2005 – 29 million
• Plastics – wide variety of resigns or polymers with
different characteristics & uses
• While recycling – separate them by resin type &
colour, different resins have different melting point
• A single PVC bottle in a batch of 20 000, PET
bottles, can ruin the whole batch and potentially
damage the manufacturing equipment
• Polypropylene which is difficult to distinguish
from polyethylene, contaminates a batch of
recycled polyethylene – resulting blend,
Limitations of Recycling
• Location of waste – transportation
cost of the waste may prohibit the
implementation of recycling and
- Secondary materials have to be
shipped to market, if source is too far
away, cost of transportation can be
• Low value of material – item
considered has little value
Limitations of Recycling
• Uncertainty of supply: The production of solid
waste depends on willingness of collectors to
transport it, the cooperation of the consumers to
throw things away according to predictable pattern,
and the economics of marketing & product
substitution – all influence availability
• Conversion from aluminum to plastic beverage
containers – whether by legislation, marketing
options, or consumer preference – will significantly
change the available aluminum in solid waste
• The replacement of a high-value material aluminum
by a low-value material, plastic, will adversely affect
• Potential solid waste processors thus have little
Limitations of Recycling
• Administrative & institutional
constraints: Some communities are
willing to pay the additional cost to
implement curbside recycling programs –
cost $5 to $10 per month per household
• Some cities have labour or contractual
restrictions preventing implementation of
resource recovery projects – yard waste
composting facilities are prohibited by
land use ordinances from accepting
sludge or food waste – both increase the
Limitations of Recycling
• Legislative restrictions: San Diego,
prohibited from charging the residents for
solid waste services – difficult to implement
• Uncertain markets: Recovery facilities must
depend on willingness of customers to
purchase end products – materials or energy
• Often such markets are fickle, being either
small, fragile operations or large, vertically
integrated corporations that purchase the
products on margin so as to satisfy unusually
heavy short-duration demand
4 - Recovery
• Recovery is defined as the
process in which the refuse
is collected without prior
separation and the desired
materials are separated at a
central facility
Material Recovery Facility
• Materials separated in MRF will have a
chance of succeeding - clearly
• No technology is available to separate
all PETE soft drink bottles – code and
the switch is sensitive to that code
• Pickers, human beings for separation –
corrugated cardboard & HDPE milk
• Most items in waste are not made of
E VVa alu Economic Value
En nv lu e
vi iroe AAd
ro nm d d
nm e de ed
en ntad
ta l l

Value Added
alaulue Economic
e A Economic
SoSoc Ad dd
ciaial de ed
l d

Common Responsibility
(Sustainable Development)
Social Value Ecological Value

Corporate Corporate Corporate

Financial Environmental Social
responsibility responsibility responsibility
Sustainable Development

“Sustainability requires an integrated approach

to decision making, the economic, human and
environmental implications of decisions must
be understood”
Sustainable Development
Key points:
• Process of production and delivery of services is as important as
the products and services themselves.
• Substantive obligations are owed to all of a firms affected
societal stakeholders through out the supply chain, from
customers, workers and their families to suppliers, the greater
community, the environment, investors, stakeholders and
Sustainable Development
Key points:
• Also important to address issues not stipulated in the law.
• Transparency, accountability, public disclosure, meaningful
stakeholder involvement and reporting are key features and
• An integrated, coherent, consistent and comprehensive
approach to process & performance is essential
Drivers – A Summary
Growing investor pressure
‘Voice of society
Reputation and brand

Supply chain
Risk management Sustainability Responsibility or

Industry peer pressure

Competitive labour markets

Ethical argument Demands for increased disclosure

and transparency
Sustainable Development & EMS
• Key sustainability issue is to ensure that resources are
managed in a sustainable manner – Eco Efficient
• To be sustainable, development must improve
economic efficiency, protect and restore ecological
systems and enhance the well being of all people
• It is development that meets the needs of the present
generation without compromising those of the future
Sustainable Development
What is Eco Efficiency?
Eco efficiency is a management strategy that links
financial and environmental performance to create more
value with less Ecological impact
In other words
“It is combining goals for business excellence and
environmental excellence and creating a link through
which corporate behaviour can support sustainable
Sustainable Development
How does business achieve eco efficiency?
• Optimized processes – moving from costly end of the
pipeline solutions to prevention of pollution.
• Waste Recycling or Revalorized By-products, By-product
synergy (BPS) that entails using by-products of one industry
as raw material/resource for another.
• Eco-innovation-manufacturing “smarter” using new
technology to manufacture products with new and enhanced
functionality. Making old products more resource efficient to
produce and use.
Industrial interactions Environment
metabolism metabolism

Examines Local, regional & global flow of

Matter & energy in industrial sectors and economies
Framing industrial ecology
Industrial ecology is the study of the flows of materials
and energy in industrial and consumer activities, Ma p p in g o f
Eva lu a tio n o f
sc a rc ity a n d
m a te ria l a n d
e n viro n m e n ta l
of the effect of these flows on the environment, and of e n e rg y sto c ks &
flo w s
e ffe c ts o f re so u rc e
u se a n d flo w s
the influence of economic, political, regulatory and social CONTEXT

factors on the flow, use and transformation of resources.

Tra n sfo rm in g
The objective of industrial ecology is to understand p ro c e sse s -
Ac to rs a n d

better how we can integrate environmental concerns

fa c to rs

into our economic activities.

This integration, an ongoing process, is necessary if we are to address
current and future environmental concerns. (Robert White 1994)
Industrial ecology – a systems view

To air Local scale

Materials Products Resource efficiency
Industrial Energy efficiency
facility Emissions efficiency
Energy Byproducts
Economic efficiency
To water Env. & resource impacts?
Global scale Actors, barriers, drivers?
Techn. & org. solutions?

Materials Products
Energy Byproducts

Recycled materials
Benyus’ Nine Principles of Bio-mimicry:
1. Nature runs on sunlight
2. Nature uses only the energy it needs
3. Nature fits form to function
4. Nature recycles everything
5. Nature rewards cooperation
6. Nature banks on diversity
7. Nature demands local expertise
8. Nature curbs excesses from within
9. Nature taps the power of limits
1. Biological similarity

Resource & energy flows

Linear model

Unlimited Ecosystem Unlimited

resources waste
Resource & energy flows
Semi-cyclical model

resources Ecosystem
component waste
and energy
Resource & energy flows
Cyclical model


Source: Graedel, T.E., “On the concept of industrial ecology”,

Annual Review of Energy and Environment, no. 21, 1996, p. 77.
Closing the loop at any level….
•Industrial plant
•Unit operation
What is Industrial Ecology?
How does it work?
Why is it important?
Where did the idea “Industrial Ecology”, come from?
The term “Industrial Ecology” was first introduced by Harry Zvi Evan at a seminar
of the Economic Commission of Europe in Warsaw in 1973.

Fiodor Davitaya, a Georgian scientist, in 1977 stated an analogy relating industrial

systems to natural systems .

“Nature operates without any waste products. What is rejected by some organisms
provides food for others. The organization of industry on this principle, with the
waste products of some branches of industry providing raw material for others,
means in effect using natural processes as a model, for in them the resolution of all
arising contradictions is the motive force of progress.”

"Changes in the atmosphere and some problems of its protection“

F. Davitaya (1977) Pp. 99-110 in Society and the Environment, Progress Publishers.
Where did the idea “Industrial Ecology”, come from?

“Why would not our industrial system behave like an ecosystem, where the wastes of a species may be
resource to another species? Why would not the outputs of an industry be the inputs of another, thus
reducing use of raw materials, pollution, and saving on waste treatment?”
Frosch, R.A.; Gallopoulos, N.E. (1989) "Strategies for Manufacturing" Scientific American 261:3, pp 144-

• Industrial Ecology: An Environmental Agenda for Industry by Hardin Tibbs (1992)

• Industrial Ecology – A book by T.E. Graedel 2003
Phasing in Industrial ecology
Analysis of current situation in light of following ultimate systemic goals:
1. Every molecule that enters a specific manufacturing process should
leave that process as part of a saleable product.
2. Every unit of energy used in manufacture should produce a desired
material transformation.
3. Industries should make minimum use of materials and energy in
products, and services.
4. Industries should choose abundant, nontoxic materials when
designing products.
5. Industries should get most of the needed materials through recycling
streams (theirs or those of others) rather than through raw material
extraction, even in the case of common materials.
Analysis of current situation in light of following ultimate systemic
6. Every process and product should be designed to preserve the embedded utility of
the material used. An efficient way to accomplish this is goal is by designing
modular equipment and by remanufacturing.

7. Every product should be designed so that it can be used to create other useful
products at the end of its life.

8. Every industrial landholding or facility should be developed, constructed, or

modified with attention to maintaining or improving local habitats and species
diversity , and to minimizing impacts on local or regional resources.

9. Close interactions should be developed with materials suppliers, customers, and

representatives of other industries, with the aim of developing cooperative ways of
minimizing packaging and of recycling and reusing materials.
Textile Industry
Cleaner Production/TQEM
Thana Paisal established in 1902 was a small store selling imported materials and cloth in Thailand. As
textile business became lucrative in Thailand, Thana Paisal expanded its operations and in 1961 the
company entered the textile bleaching and dyeing business. Over time, the company had a workforce of
150 employees and a production capacity of about 400,000‐800,000 per month. In 1991, the Thailand
government enforced more stringent regulations on textile dyeing, printing and finishing industries. The
general manager and owner of Thana Paisal, became aware of the concepts of clean technology in
production and environment management after attending several seminars and training workshops. This
exposure encouraged him to implement changes in his own factory to minimize waste and prevent
generation of pollution at the source.
So what initiatives you would suggest the company so that waste is minimized and prevented at the
The following activities were initiated:
• Improvement in the production process/cleaner production: The
company changed its old bleaching and dyeing procedure that used
jigger machines to cold pad batch (CPB) processing which eliminated the
need for salt and other chemical specialties from the dyestuff, enabling the
factory to reduce its chemical consumption. This reduced the BOD load in
• Introduction of new technology/cleaner production: Due to this, the
process was now equipped with a vacuum system which helped in the
conservation of water and energy in washing of fabrics. A moisture
controller was also installed that prevented the over ‐drying of fabrics
resulting in uniform drying and conservation of energy.
• Water reuse: The company employed counter current washing in the
preparation stage where the least contaminated water is reused for the
next‐to‐last wash and so on until the water reached the first wash stage,
• Use of proper color supplies: In 1993, Thana Paisal acquired a computerized color
matching system comprising color sensor and color application software. This system
required a different set of color supplies and thus the company had to work with the
suppliers to change the original chemicals to new ones. This move enabled the company
to achieve better color evaluation and faster color matching and formulation, which
significantly reduced the dyestuff consumption in a significant manner.
• In‐plant waste minimization campaign and employee participation. The
management took an active interest to disseminate information to the employees on the
amount of wastewater/chemicals used, steam consumption and re‐dyeing done by the
factory each month to encourage the employees to employ waste minimization processes
in the factory.
The implementation of the above made it possible for the company to achieve 38 percent
reduction of its BOD load; 18 percent reduction in water consumption (monthly
saving of baht 21,000); 10 percent reduction in chemical consumption (saving of baht
100,000) and 61.85 percent reduction in energy consumption (saving of baht
130,000). This amounted to a monthly saving of baht 253,000 (US$10,000) or an annual
saving of about 3000,000 (US$120,000) (The Federation of Thai Industries, 1995).
The Industrial Ecology Model
Some of the systemic problems

• Dealing with regulated waste is a direct cost to the business.

• Un-regulated waste is an indirect cost to your employees, your customers,
and you.
• At best, waste is an inefficiency, a missed opportunity.
• On our planet, resources are finite if not replenished via cycles.
• An effect of waste and the effect of toxins there-in, is to systemically drive
up the cost of feedstock, labor, and energy over time.
• The resulting scarcity, or perception of scarcity, increases conflict.
Systemic Benefits

• Does not externalize costs to society, your employees, you or your family
• Increased efficiency
• Decreased, or eliminated costs of dealing with regulation
• Decreased site acquisition problem due to “NIMBY’s”
• Preserves resources and can reduce conflict
• Increases innovation in businesses
• May give rise to new product lines or services
• Reduces costs
• Increases revenues
On average, only 6% of resources taken
from the environment end as products.
Other 94% is waste.
Highlights of a Linear Production

Primary Processing
Secondary Processing

Tertiary Processing




Problems with a Linear Production
1. At each step in the production process there are wastes being
generated – over 95% of the materials extracted for use in
manufacturing durable products becomes waste BEFORE the
product reaches the consumer (32 tons of waste for every 1 ton
of product!).
2. At each step in the production process (and in transporting raw
materials and partially finished products), significant quantities
of fossil fuels are consumed.
3. On the “left” we have to keep “going back to the well” to extract
more and more raw material.
4. On the “right” we have to keep finding new places to dump
regular solid waste and the hazardous wastes generated by
many production practices.
Results of Our Linear Production System
• The average American generates three times
their body weight in solid, liquid and
hazardous industrial wastes EVERY DAY.
• Over 17 billion catalogs are mailed to
Americans every year – 59 for every man,
woman and child. Only 6 out of 42 catalog
makers use any significant recycled content.
J. Crew, Eddie Bauer and L.L. Bean are
among companies whose catalog has NO
recycled content.
• Every year we throw away 30 MILLION cell
phones, 18 MILLION computers, and 8
MILLION television sets.
• We throw away enough carpet every year to
more than cover the state of Delaware.
Material Flows
In cyclical natural systems, waste does not exist. Waste = Food.

Linear Industrial Processes: Waste is created faster than it can be reconstituted to

quality resources. Take-make-waste.
6% 80% of products
Raw Manufacturing Product discarded after
Materials Process single use
94% Waste

It is estimated that 99% of the original materials used in the production of, or
contained in, the goods made in the US become waste within 6 weeks of sale.
Overview: The Flow of Materials














Resource Materials Product Product Collection & Waste
Extraction Processing Manufacture Use Processing Disposal

Recycle Re-manufacture Re-use

Environment & Sustainable Development

- Cleaner energy Systems, including renewable

Making energy generation cleaner and more efficient will

require both

- The development of renewable sources and

- Improved use of fossil fuels

Conversion technologies for renewable Sources
• Development, demonstration and deployment

• Conversion technologies for established and new renewable energy

sources (such as fuel cells)

• Decentralised generation

Biomass for integrated energy generation systems,

on-shore and off-shore wind energy, photovoltaic and solar thermal

technologies, other renewable energy options.
Environment & Sustainable Development

Integration of new energy sources

• Integration of renewable into established grids

Power Production
• Cost-effective reduction of pollution from power
• Emission abatement technologies for power stations
Environment & Sustainable Development
Challenges of Renewable Energy
• Low “Energy Density”
• Hydrogen and methanol alternate fuels
• Increased understanding of alternative fuel production and ultimate
use is necessary.
• Renewable based systems in developed countries are a matter of add-
on and luxury.
• In developing countries renewable based systems are a need and
every equipment has to reliably operate during its life time.
C&D Waste

C&D : Current Scenario

• About 10-12 million tons generated annually in India;
• Delhi generates about 2000 TPD;
• Wastes are heavy, with high density; and
• Consists mostly of inert and non-biodegradable material;
• Concrete and masonry waste, which is more than 50% of C&D
waste – not recycled.
C&D Waste Management : A Pioneering Initiative

• Land Size -7 Acres in Burari, Delhi

• Capacity- 500 TPD, Greenfield project
• Land Ownership - Municipal Corporation of
Delhi (MCD)
• Leased for a period of 10 Years to IL&FS
on Develop,
• Build, Operate and Transfer (DBOT) basis
Processing System
• Processing site at Burari, equipped with
• – Weighbridge
• – Processing machinery, including feed conveyor, and hopper,
• sizing and screening system
• – Backhoe, loader, trucks
• • Material after receiving is segregated, processed and
• graded by size; and
• – Used for making pavement blocks and Kerb-stones;
• – Used as sub-base in road construction (certified by CRRI);
• – Dirt/loose soil to be used for landfilling.
Cooperation from Municipality
• Facilitated office order to :
- send the C&D waste generated by different sites under
Government agencies to Burari facility;
- approve rates for C&D waste processing fee for all
Government agencies.
• Assurance to make Buyback arrangements of pavement
blocks and Kerb stones;
• A true model working on Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Benefits to Delhi
• Compliance with MSW, 2000 Rules
• Reduces stress on present disposal sites and increases the life
of existing landfills
• Improvement in C&D Debris Management Situation in Delhi
before Common Wealth Games
• Improving efficiency of Composting and Energy Efficiency
• Long-Term Sustainable Solution
• Recycle and reuse of C&D Debris
• Gradual shift of illegal C&D debris dumping to legalized disposal
system….Assignment 1
Scientific evidence for warming of
the climate system is unequivocal.
- Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC)
Effects of Climate Change
• The current warming trend is of particular
significance because most of it is very likely
human-induced and proceeding at a rate
that is unprecedented in the past 1,300
• Earth-orbiting satellites and other
technological advances have enabled
scientists to see the Big picture, collecting
many different types of information about
our planet and its climate on a global scale
• Studying these climate data collected over
many years reveal the signals of a changing
Effects of Climate Change
• The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and
other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century
• Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy
through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many
instruments flown by NASA
• There is no question that increased levels of
greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in
• Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and
tropical mountain glaciers show that the Earth’s
climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels
• They also show that in the past, large changes in
climate have happened very quickly, geologically-
speaking: in tens of years, not in millions or even
Sea level rise

• Global sea level rose about 17

centimetres (6.7 inches) in the last
• The rate in the last decade,
however, is nearly double that of
the last century
Global temperature rise
• All three major global surface temperature
reconstructions show that Earth has warmed
since 1880.
• Most of this warming has occurred since the
1970s, with the 20 warmest years having
occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the
warmest years occurring in the past 12 years
• Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar
output decline resulting in an unusually deep
solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface
temperatures continue to increase
Warming oceans

• The oceans have absorbed much

of this increased heat, with the
top 700 meters (about 2,300 feet)
of ocean showing warming of
0.302 degrees Fahrenheit since
Shrinking ice sheets

• The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have

decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity
Recovery and Climate Experiment show
Greenland lost 150 to 250 cubic kilometres (36
to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between 2002
and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic
kilometres (36 cubic miles) of ice between 2002
and 2005.
Declining Arctic sea ice

• Both the extent and thickness

of Arctic sea ice has declined
rapidly over the last several
Glacial retreat

• Glaciers are disappearing

almost everywhere around the
world — including in the Alps,
Himalayas, Andes, Rockies,
Alaska and Africa.
Extreme events

• The number of record high temperature

events in the United States has been
increasing, while the number of record
low temperature events has been
decreasing, since 1950
• The U.S. has also witnessed increasing
numbers of intense rainfall events
Ocean acidification
• Since the beginning of the Industrial
Revolution, the acidity of surface ocean waters
has increased by about 30 percent
• This increase is the result of humans emitting
more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and
hence more being absorbed into the oceans
• The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the
upper layer of the oceans is increasing by
about 2 billion tons per year
Decreased snow cover

• Satellite observations reveal that

the amount of spring snow cover in
the Northern Hemisphere has
decreased over the past five
decades and that the snow is
melting earlier
Communicating Climate Change to Citizens
This presentation is aimed to sensitize the citizens of the MMR across various
facets of climate change. It contains basic information on climate change, its
impacts on MMR and their citizens, and actions that citizens can take in their
daily lives to manage and counter climate change.

The presentation is part of the series Climate Change related Resources and
Tools (CCRT).
Communicating Climate Change to Citizens
What is Global Warming?
What are greenhouse
Earth requires Gases that contribute to the
We add more
we gases BUT greenhouse
How are effect by
they generated?
greenhouse gases
usethat living beings absorbing infrared
every day
can survive
electricity radiation, e.g. carbon
dioxide, Methane, Nitrous
Leading to
When we
drive our
When we
Make a
product in
a factory

Impacts of Global Warming
Extinction and
Spread of loss
loss of
diseases biodiversity

Change in
Droughts and Seasons
wild fires
fires in
in some

Melting of
Global glaciers,
evaporation warming snow caps

Increased Rains
in some places
in some places Coastal
Coastal area
area loss

Warmer Oceans

Increased storms
storms Sea
Sea Level
Level Rise

Adapted from:

How will it affect us?
Long coastline – So more areas can be
affected by storms, sea level rise and

Many low lying areas can be affected by

flooding of rivers and flash flooding due
to extreme rainfall.
Water logging – increase in spread of
diseases like malaria, dengue etc.
Less rainfall can affect agriculture and
forests which provide us with food and
Less rainfall also means less water for
drinking, washing and bathing

Change in forests can affect birds and

animals living in the forests
To Avoid-Take Action

Vaccinate yourself and spread awareness to your neighbors

Keep your surroundings clean

Do not let water log in your surroundings

Avoid eating outside, eat home made nutritious food

Wash your hands/ use sanitizer before eating

Drink plenty of water during summers

Do not move out at noon if heat waves are predicted

To Avoid-Take Action

Do not throw garbage in storm water drains

Do not block natural water run-off

Build houses on a higher plinth

Do not connect sewer lines with storm drains

ALMs and citizens group should work together to prepare the people
for any adversity

Source: The Times of India , Mumbai edition, Pg. 4, 19th June, 2012
To Avoid-Take Action

Use water economically

Harvest rain water at individual and community level

Rural water harvesting by Check

Farm ponds
40 flats, 200 residents in a congested
•10 minutes of municipal water supply
•Bore well water used for flushing needs
•Rain water harvesting system installed
•Cost: Rs.25000/-
•Water harvested: 13,500 liters/day
accessed, 9th August,2012

Source: ACWADAM(2005), AGRAR Case study:Kolwan Vallet site, Pune District, Maharashtra, India, Pg. 5
To Avoid-Take Action

Do not cut trees in your neighborhood, preserve them

Plant more trees. They help to absorb water, give shade and purify
the air
Protect the mangrove forests
As Mumbai
They reduce the flood impact
They reduce effects
Mumbaiand tsunamis have been
They are home to manydestroyed
different birds, animals and fishes
•Citizens (Like ‘Save Andheri Versova
environment’)campaigned along with
Conservation Action Trust to save the
•BMC set up 16 local committees of citizens
and officials to protect mangroves
Source: C AT(2010), Conservation Action trust Annual report 2008-2009, Mumbai
To Avoid-Take Action

Insure your property against natural calamities

Climate insurance for agriculture


•2011 - HDFC ERGO General Insurance

distributed claim cheques to farmers who
faced losses due to heavy rainfall
•Rs. 1000 per acre against Rs. 352 per acre
•HDFC ERGO General Insurance started
climate insurance in Maharashtra from 2012
accessed 9th August, 2012
What can we do to reduce GHG emissions?


Home cooling Appliances

Water Lighting


Set AC temperature to 25 ⁰C
Use fans instead of ACs

Install reflective window panes

Use curtains to block sunlight

Buy energy efficient fans and cooling system

Regular maintenance of cooling systems

Use bucket instead of shower

Install low flow shower head

Use water at room temperature whenever possible

Insulate pipes

Check for leaks

Turn off tap when not in use

Install solar water heater

Do not wash utensils under running water

Replace inefficient models
Set temperature 3-5⁰C

Cool food before putting in the fridge

Check Gasket lining

Wash clothes in cold water

Run washer with full loads

Sort clothes by material for drying

Don’t overload the dryer

Dry clothes in sun whenever possible

Minimize detergent use


Lighting Unplug devices when not in use

Switch off lights when not in use

Replace incandescent lamps with LEDs or florescent lamps

Use natural light during day time

Use motion sensors or solar lights for outdoors

Use focus lights instead of lighting the whole room

What can we do to reduce GHG emissions?


Kilometers Vehicle
Traveled maintenance

Mode of Travel


Use public transport


Work from home when possible

Run errands less often (Buy groceries once a month)

Walk or cycle

Plan holidays closer to home

efficient Warm up engine by driving

Plan your route

Travel light, remove roof racks

Maintain steady speed ×

Accelerate and brake steadily

Buy fuel efficient vehicles (Bharat III,IV; Euro III, IV, VI)


Check tire pressure regularly

Change air filters regularly

Keep engine tuned

What can we do to reduce GHG emissions?


Food Home grown

kilometers food items

Efficient Processed
cooking food and meat



Buy locally grown food

Avoid Food products from foreign countries

Walk or cycle to buy food

Food Use balconies and terraces to grow you own food

Buy fewer processed food items
Clean the stove burners regularly

Use pressure cookers or cook with lids on pans

Do not pre-heat oven more than 10 minutes

Thaw foods outside rather than using the microwave

What can we do to reduce GHG emissions?


Reduce Reuse

Recycle Compost

Consumption and Waste
Reduce Buy only what you need ×
Recycle Repair broken items and reuse

Buy second-hand items if possible

Buy durable items

Avoid using disposable and packaged items

Reuse food containers

Use cloth bags for shopping

Reduce paper use, print only if needed

Recycle paper, plastic, aluminum cans, glass, electronics, light bulbs

Consumption and waste

Compost Donate unwanted clothes, stationery, books & artifacts

Separate dry waste and wet waste

Use wet waste to prepare compost

Composting can be done at individual and community level

Compost can be used for gardening and

growing food at home
And Finally to Conclude…

Climate change will affect our daily lives

Precautions in terms of health, food and water are important

By using public transport, decreasing the consumption and waste,

emissions can be reduced

By taking measures like rain water harvesting and keeping the drains
clean, disasters can be evaded

Adopt traditional knowledge systems which are sustainable

And Finally to Conclude…

Actions of each and every individual matter

Altering your lifestyles can make a difference

Its we, who have changed the climate so we are responsible

Lets work together for a better future

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every
man’s greed” – Mahatma Gandhi

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