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Microwave Project Survey Guide

Microwave Customer Service Department


Microwave Survey Position and


Microwave Survey Working Flow

Microwave Survey Preparations

Microwave Survey Implementation

Microwave Survey Report Output

Microwave Survey Position and Purpose

Microwave Survey Position

 Microwave survey is the first and the most important step before engineering design. Survey qual
ity decides the microwave design.
 Generally speaking, microwave project survey is performed after the project contract is signed. O
utput detailed report after the survey complete and hand over to pre-sales (planning department).

Microwave Survey Purpose

 to provide carrier a stable and highly efficient transmission network;

 to provide reliable for network planning, engineering design and future project implementation;
 to provide correct data for production arrangement and delivery;
 to reduce blindless in project operation;
 to reduce project cost, ensure project quality and improve product efficiency;
 to provide carrier the best site information;
 to ensure preparations before project implementation.


1. What is the position of microwave project survey?

2. What is the purpose of microwave project survey?
Microwave Survey Working Flow
S ta rt

S u r v e y p la n S u v e r y p la n n in g ta b le

S u r v e y p r e p a r a tiv e B a r g a in , to o l, d o c u m e n t

B e g in d o

E x itin g s it e s u r v e y
N e w s ite s u r v e y

O u td o o r s u rv e y In d o o r s u rv e y C o n fir m to w e r a n d e q u ip m e n t r o o m p o s itio n ,
lo n g itu d e , la titu d e ,a ltitu d e , fr e q u e n c y
c o n s u lt U s e p a s s iv e
C o n fir m lo n g itu d e , la tit u d e N o
w ith If ra c k s ite o r
a n d a n te n n a h e ig h t N o
c u s to m e r p o s itio n is o k ? If h a s p o w e r c h a n g e s ite
C hange
im p o r t p o in t? p o s itio n
th e ro u te Yes Yes
or In te rfe re n c e ? c o n s u lt Yes
fre q u e n c y N o
w ith If p o w e r N o
N o c u s to m e r s u p p ly is o k ? If th e t r a ffic is
C h a n g e s ite
C hange c o n v e n ie n t?
No Yes
th e ro u te LO S? c o n s u lt Yes
o r r e la y N o
w ith If fe e d e r N o C h a n g e th e
Yes c u s to m e r w in d o w is o k ? ro u te o r a d d
If L O S ?
T a k e p ic tu r e r e la y
M ic r o w a v e Yes
M ic r o w a v e
o u td o o r Yes
in d o o r T a k e p ic t u r e
c o n d itio n M ic r o w a v e
c o n d itio n T a k e p ic tu r e
s u rv e y in d o o r /o u td o o r
s u rv e y re p o rt
re p o rt c o n d itio n
End s u rv e y re p o rt

Microwave Survey Preparation
Make microwave survey plan
Making microwave project survey plan before surveying, which includes arrangement of
survey area, survey route, arrangement of engineers, quantity of survey sites, schedule of
survey and the arrangement of survey process.
Microwave Survey Preparation

including quotation list, scope of implementation and materials, BTS

Microwave Contracts distribution map and Technical Proposal.

Product Manual , Microwave Installation Environment Check List,

Documents Microwave Product Project Survey Guide,
Microwave Product Survey Report

Read product manual carefully to learn technical specifications, hardware

features and installation regulations. It helps survey engineer obtain
comprehensive survey information and output high quality survey report.

Tools Necessary tools: a lap-top computer with PATHLOSS software installed,

GPS, compass, telescope, digital camera, range finder and digital map.

Optional tools: portable spectrometer, multimeter, range transmitter.

Microwave Survey Preparation
Network Topology Map

Take transmission network topology map during the survey of capacity expansion or reconstruction.


1. What is the microwave survey plan?

2. What are the contracts, documents and tools needed in the

microwave survey preparation?

3. How to use the tools for microwave survey?

Microwave Survey Implementation—Outdoor Survey
Obtain longitude, latitude, altitude, antenna height, antenna position,
Old site survey
interference information and LOS information.

If the two sites in a hop are both old sites (tower), obtain the site information according to the location of
towers or poles and record the tower height. output the cross section drawings with PATHLOSS software
and save GR4 and PL4 files, and confirm the exact position of the opposite site with a compass.
Note: If the LOS is not fulfilled, consider a repeater site.
Microwave Survey Implementation—Outdoor Survey
Obtain longitude, latitude, location information, traffic, generator
New Sites Survey
position, power supply access point and LOS information.

For a new site, choose a few other sites for standby (distance between each site shall no more than 5km). Use PATHLOSS
to choose a site of the best LOS conditions. Confirm the new tower height, antenna height, output cross section drawings
and save GR4 and PL4 files.
Note: if LOS is not fulfilled when the tower is very high, consider a repeater site or change route or change the site location.
Microwave Survey Implementation—Outdoor Survey

Confirm the two sites of a hop, if LOS is not fulfilled, find a repeater
Choose a Repeater Site between the two sites. During the survey, record information of as
many sites, and choose a best site with PATHLOSS software.
Microwave Survey Implementation—Outdoor Survey

Confirm positions for new tower After LOS and other requirements of new site
and equipment room. are fulfilled, confirm the position of tower.

Positions for the new tower.

Microwave Survey Implementation - Outdoor Surve
Take outdoor pictures New Site

If it is a new site, take the pictures on

the space ground or on the building

Take the tower position as the center,
and find the North with a compass.
Take pictures of the surroundings
every 45 in a clockwise direction from
north as the start. Totally 8 pictures
will be taken.
Microwave Survey Implementation—Outdoor Survey
If it is the old site, besides the 8 surroundings pictures,
Take Outdoor Pictures
also take pictures of the tower, equipment room and
existing microwave antennas.

Space for Equipment Room

Microwave Survey Implementation—Outdoor Survey
Survey engineers must take pictures of shelter, outdoor
Take Outdoor Pictures
AC power supply access point, ambient roads, outdoor
generator position and solar power supply position.

Equipment Room
Ambient Roads Outdoor power access point
Microwave Survey Implementation—Outdoor Survey

Record survey information

Information of every site must be recorded as detailed

as possible. For example:

City Survey date: Year Month Day

Site name: Opposite site name:
Survey person:
Other person:
Microwave Survey Implementation—Indoor Survey

Microwave Survey Implementation—Indoor Survey

Work with designing department on documents for microwave equipments in the equipment room.
Confirm feeder window position, microwave rack position, microwave equipment power connection
position and confirm if the power capacity is available.

Note: Turn to reports for details.

Equipment Room Overview

Microwave Survey Implementation—Indoor Survey

Microwave equipment room layout.

Feeder window Grounding busbar Rack position

Power supply air switch ODF DDF


1. What shall we consider in the microwave survey of new


2. What shall we consider in the microwave survey of old sites?

3. What are the requirements when we take pictures in

microwave survey?
Microwave Survey Reports Output

Basic project information

City: Survey date: Year Month Day

Site name: Opposite site name:
Survey person:
Microwave Survey Reports Output
This optical node link consists of ( ) sites. Detailed information as follows:

Site Name
No Longitude Latitude Altitude Remark

1 Start point of optical node

Microwave Survey Reports Output

Radio Transmission Environment for the Hop

No Survey Item Survey Result

Longitude: ____________________; Latitude:___________________;

1 Site Location:
Altitude: _______________m
Interference Frequency: ____________GHz
Ambient Interference Interference Intensity: ____________dBm ;
□ No interference source:
Annual Climate Maximum rainfall intensity mm/Hour;
Information: Highest and Lowest temperature C°/ C°
4 Obstacle Height:
(high buildings and mountains in front of the opposite end of the hop)
Ambient Vegetation ____________________m
Height (trees and other obstacles in front of the opposite end of the hop)
Microwave Survey Reports Output
Microwave Site Outdoor Information Report

No. Survey project Survey requirement output

□earth light tower □earth heavy t Required area length : _____________mm× width : __________
1 Tower type
ower for imposing : ___mm

2 Tower data Tower height ____________________m ; estimate antenna height ___________________m

Outdoor cable
3 The height of cable rack______________ mm , height______________ mm

4 Grounding : Spare grounding bus: □yes □no

power pull-in Distance from transformer ( 380v ): _______________km ; distance from high voltage pull-in ____
: __________km ;
Power pull-in
Added generator :_______________kw ; new sunny energy equipment :_______________kw ;

6 Site soil type: □ sandy soil ; □ loess ; □ rock ; □ others

Site Distance from auto highway ___

the way of
7 transportation __________km ; □ earth way ; □ mountain way; □ no way;□ others;
condition of site:
Antenna 1 direction ________height _______m Dimension_________ mm orientation angle _______
The using of
Antenna 2 direction ________height _______m Dimension_________ mm orientation angle _______
8 other adjacent
Antenna 3 direction ________height _______m Dimension_________ mm orientation angle _______
Antenna 4 direction ________height _______m Dimension_________ mm orientation angle _______
Microwave Survey Reports Output 秘密▲

Microwave Site Indoor Information Report

No. Survey project Survey requirement output
□communication equipment room ; □base site; □cabinet; □common commodity housing
1 Equipment room
Transmission connector: □yes □no; cabinet need to be rebuilt □yes □no;
AC works well □yes □no
Lighting meets operating requirement □yes □no
Wall dry □yes □no
Equipment room
2 Temperature and humidity meet requirement □yes □no
Note: The temperature of equipment room is at 15℃~30℃ for long term. Relative humidity keeps
up at 40%~65%. The temperature reach 0℃~45℃ and relative humidity reach 20%~90% , which
is permitted for short term.
□cement floor □moveable anti-static electricity floor the height of anti-static electricity floor ____
3 Floor type
________ mm
Inside of equipment
4 Microwave equipment cabinet or container are installed availably: □yes □no
room space
5 Indoor cable □up cable □down cable; cable rack width ________cm height ________cm

6 Cable hole There are cable holes originally and remain holes are available for this project to use: □yes □no

7 Indoor grounding bus If there are spare grounding bronze bus □yes □no grounding resistance_________ ohm
8 Power DC power distribution cabinet: output number of the port_________ remain number
of output port _______________
Air switch capacity : □6A; □10A; □16A; □32A; □64A ; □___A;
9 DDF rack Connector type:____________ , used for this project: _______________E1
10 ODF rack Connector type : □ FC ; □ LC ; □ SC ; □ other ;
Microwave Survey Reports Output
Contour sectional map between the site and the upward site
Site ID : Site Na
me :
Upward Site ID : Upward Site Na
me :
LOS point description (brief introduction to high buildings, mountains, hills, vegetation, for
est, rivers, lakes and so on):


E le v a tio n ( m )






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Path leng th (37.22 km)
LAC ASSAL Freq uency ( M Hz) = 7000.0 ARTA
Latitude 11 32 19.75 N K = 1.33 Latitude 11 31 10.92 N
Long itude 042 30 07.24 E %F1 = 100.00 Long itude 042 50 33.61 E
Azimuth 93.22 Azimuth 273.29
Elevation 194 m ASL Elevation 734 m ASL
Antenna CL 5.0 m AGL Antenna CL 5.0 m AGL

三月 13 07

Note: 1. Make the contour sectional drawing between the site and the site downward according to the 1/50000 contour map.
2. Make specific notes of special terrain (for example lakes and mountain that is likely to be an obstacle).


What are the functions of the reports output in the

microwave survey?

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