Shree Chinai College of Commerce & Economics: Andheri (E)

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Shree Chinai college of

commerce & economics

Andheri (E).
Agenda Of Presentation

1) Over view of the Gender differences.

2) Differences based on various abilities.
3) Biological factor responsible for
Gender Difference.
4) Scientist View.
Introduction Of Gender
1)Gender differences are based on the different
components. For example
• Sex ( Major)
• Intelligence
• Skills and abilities
• Visual Spatial Abilities .
Lets figure out some differences
 Women
 Women
Males have
less spatial
spatial tasks
 Remembering power of women
men for for
object isobject
specific less. is higher compare to men.
Gender differences in
 Female have been
also found to score
higher than males
on college tests in
literature spelling
& writing .

 Males have good

visual spatial task
 Men at better at findings their way back
to some physical location after taking a
complex route away from it.

 Men are better at such as rotating objects

in their minds

 Women are better at noticing &

remembering their object an there
Biological factor responsible for
 Experience and culture undoubtedly
shape the way in which biological factors
manifest themselves

 Thiscan lead directly to changes in brain

structure or function
Biological factor
 Men and women are
biologically different
in following ways

That is :-

 Way of thinking
 Feeling
 Social roles
 The view that women are not capable
of leading because they are too


 Thatthe men can not be as nurturing

as women
 Emotion
 Male and female
sexuality are
controlled by
different areas of the

 Overlapping
chemical systems and
much of our social
bonding is connected
to sexual process.
Psychological differences
 Variation among men is grater than the
variation between men and women
Gender differences in skills &
 Maccoby and jacklin(1974) identified
three kinds of cognitive abilities that
appeared to show reliable gender
differences :

Verbal abilities
Visual-spatial abilities
Quantitative and reasoning abilities
Verbal abilities
Typical descriptions would include the
 Breadth of vocabulary
 Speech fluency
 Grammar
 Reading comprehension
 Oral comprehension
 Ability to solve language puzzles
Some other differences
Quantitative and Reasoning

These ability includes arithmetic

Knowledge and skills as well as
understanding Quantitative concepts .
Visual-spatial Abilities
 According to Linn
& Peterson(1988)
there is three types
of spatial ability

 Spatial perception
 Mental rotation
 Spatial visualization
Spatial abilities

Male :-
Mental rotation Perceptual
Female :-
Memory for object location.
Motor Skills
 Male
Accuracy in aiming projectiles .

 Female
Fine motor skills , amplitude
Math skills
 Male
Problem solving
involving abstract
reasoning ; aptitude

 Female
on problem solving.
Gender Problems
 Thiswould yield a four-way division of
individuals :-

 Male
brain-female body
 Female brain-male body and so on.
 Thecategories of “body“ and “brain”
need to be further subdivided ,which
would give us a spectrum of genders.

 Gendered traits can in many cases be

possessed as matter of degree, which
further spreads out the space of
possible as matter of degree.
 Classificationof traits as “masculine”
or “feminine” is based upon the fact
that they tend to correlate with
statically normal males or females .
Lets see some scientist view
 Differences in Intelligence

Lynn(1994), observed that there are no

Differences in intelligence & that men as
well as
women score virtually identical on standard
test of intelligence .
Differences in skills & abilities

 Maccoby & Jacklin(1974) identified

three kinds of cognitive abilities i.e.

 Verbal abilities
 Visual-spatial abilities
 Quantitative and reasoning abilities
Differences in Visual spatial

 Maccoby & Jacklin reported that

gender differences in visual spatial
abilities as extremely reliable
asserting that boys “excel” them.
Quantitative and reasoning

 Studies by Benbow and Stanley

(1983) Provided evidence in support
of gender differences in mathematical
ability .

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