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Chapter 7 Skeletal System

Study Guide Answers

Ms. K. Cox
Human A & P
Check your work as the answers appear on the screen.
• 1. bones support the weight of the body
and structures such as the head and face
• 2. bones protect delicate organs such as
the brain and spinal cord, heart and lungs
• 3. bones act as levers to which muscles
are attached
• 4. blood cells are produced within red
bone marrow
• 5. minerals such as calcium and
phosphorous are stored n the bone matrix
• 6. bones also contain nerves and blood
• 7. epiphyses
• 8. articular cartilage
• 9. diaphysis
• 10. periosteum
• 11. medullary
• 12. endosteum
• 13. marrow
• 14. blood cell production
• 15. in spongy bone
• 16. marrow that functions to store fat
• 17. medullary cavitities
• 18. muscles
• 19. osteocytes
• 20. lacunae
• 21. canaliculi
• 22. collagen
• 23. salts
• 24. most bones contain a mixture of
compact and spongy bone include the skull
the ribs, the vertebrae and the sternum.
• 25. osteons
• 26. transverse
• 27. most bones of the body contain a
mixture of compact and spongy bone. The
diaphysis of a long bone is compact bone,
and compact bone covers the epiphyses.
• 28. bones form by replacing connective
tissue in the fetus.
• 29. osteoblasts
• 30. osteocytes
• 31. periosteum
• 32. a soft spot in an infants skull where the
membrane has not yet completely ossified
• 33. hyaline
• 34. osteoblasts
• 35. secondary
• 36. epiphseal
• 37. osteoclasts
• 38. osteoblasts
• 39. lengthening
• 40. thickness
• 41.axial
• 42. appendicular
• 43. Only 8 facial bones we are worried
about: maxillae, palatine, zygomatic,
lacrimal, nasal, vomer, inferior, mandible
• 44. zygomatic bones
• 45. vomer and ethmoid
• 46. palatine bones and the maxillae
• 47. zygomatic bone and the temporal bone
• 48. maxillae and mandible
• 49. fragile, scroll-like bones attached to lateral
wall of the nasal cavity
• 50. pedicles
• 51. lamina
• 52. atlas and the axis
• 53. five
• 54. coccyx
• 55. S
• 56. spine
• 57. articulates with scapula
• 58. trochlea
• 59. radius
• 60. tuberosity
• 61. carpal
• 62. metacarpals
• 63. hand phalanges
• 64. 3
• 65. 2
• 66. coxal bone
• 67. sacrum
• 68. pubis
• 69. symphysis pubis
• 70. femur
• 71. acetabul
• 72. capitis
• 73. patella
• 74. tibia
• 75. tarsal
• 76. tibial tuberosity
• 77. fibula
• 78. talus
• 79. metatarsals
• 80. foot phalanges
• 81. middle phalanx
• 82. fibrous
• 83. cartilagenous
• 84. bursae
• 85. ball and socket
• 86. condyloid
• 87. gliding
• 88. hinge
• 89. pivot
• 90. saddle
• 91. insertion
Now count how many you missed
and multiple it by 4.4 pts.
• Each question was worth 4.4 pts each.
• Total points possible on this assignment
was 400 pts.
• On the front of the packet write out how
many you missed and what you earned
over 400.
• Example: -35 questions * 4.4 pts= -154pts
• 246/400, 62% D

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