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Management Decision Problem

Expand the private sector market for oral rehydration salts (ORS).

Market Research Problem

To understand changes in knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and usage in response to
the ORS media campaign.
Awareness, recall and comprehension of the advertisements.
Task Sector Cost (approx.)
CATI Telephone A Rs. 1500 per day
In-Home interviews B, C, D Rs. 2000 per 5 houses
Market interception B, C, D Rs. 1500 per day
In-Home Pharmacies/ Doctors interview A, B, C, D Rs. 300 per visit
Research Analyst Team Rs. 2000 per day
Total Calc based on sampling in diff

• Estimated costs sector-wise and based on type of survey used

Sample size: 400
Sector A-
Sector B, C, D-
• Research field engineers for market interception and in-home interviews should be effective in communicating and
collecting knowledge, attitude and behavioural information. (in sector B, C, D)
• Travel expenses included in cost per day
• Research Analyst Team to interpret the survey results and submit a report to Atlas Pharmaceuticals to get budget
• CPM/ PERT will aid in controlling costs and survey time
Payment schedule: As and when each deliverable milestone is reached.

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