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Human Resource Management



This topic explains in brief :
Theoretical aspects of management according to Islamic
and conventional methods

The learning outcome:

Demonstrate and apply basic principles and office
skills in managing personnel in a law firm (CLO2)
The ability to explain the principles, professional
ethics and management skills relating to office
The ability to compare between Islamic and
conventional approaches
Conventional approaches to
The various key approaches to conventional
management are summarised below:
 Empirical or case approach
The practitioners try to identify successes and failures
by studying experience through cases

 Principles of management approach

Practitioners try to follow and execute the principles of
management in their working arena – regarding work,
authority, responsibility, unity of direction, equity, etc
Conventional approach to
management (cont.)
 Managerial roles approach
Henry Mintzberg concluded that managers play a
series of roles categorised as follows: interpersonal
roles, informational roles and decision roles
 Contingency or situational approach
Managerial practices depends on circumstances, such
as contingency or situation
 Mathematical or management science approach
Managers see managing as mathematical processes,
concepts, symbols and models which purely logical
process in mathematical terms
Conventional approach to
management (cont.)

 Total Quality Management approach

This approach focus on customers’ needs of quality
products and services, and concern for quality and
The general concepts are continuous improvement,
attention to details, teamwork and quality education
 Interpersonal behaviour approach
Focuses on interpersonal behaviour, human relations,
leadership and motivation based on individual
What can partners learn from these
management theories?
 Management must prioritise economic performance –
as said by Peter Drucker

 Management is to ensure that the work process is done

by others
-management does not deliver directly to client, so
partners ensure legal assistant attend to clients
efficiently and in a cost-effective way
 The legal firm is an open system
-Partners need to maintain clientele base, strengthen
relationships with existing and potential clients
Some Key management practices
for partners
Focus on defined goals
Commercial and understanding of the business
Ability to motivate staff
Provide clear instructions
Know how to supervise effectively
Provide objective and regular feedback
Know how to lead others

Islamic Management
Islamic management involves various activities that
includes the following:

thinking, planning, organizing, leading and

controlling,, involving the use of resources - human,
financial, time, information, and physical, with the
objectives of attaining the goals of Maqasid al-
Shariah, by means of effective and efficient methods

Islamic Management
Azaddin Salem Khalifa (2001) identifies 3 key Islamic

1. Falah implies working to the successful in this life

and in the Hereafter
2. Hikmah implies one’s self interest is linked to
fulfilling religious obligations
3. Rizq implies that the need to give back to the society,
notably to share one’s wealth with the society

Traditional Management vs. Islamic
Traditional Management Islamic Management

Focus: Success in life Success in this life and in the

Rationality: Self-interest, can Hikmah: Self-interest is based
lead to egoism on contributing to the society to
please God and this lead to
Profit maximization: Rizq enlargement: Make more
Desire for ‘more and more’ money so that can spend more
leads to competition and driven in charity to please God
by greed
Principles of Islamic Values
 Core principles of Islamic values for management are
as such as follows: taqwa, tawakkul, qana’ah, sabr,
ikhlas and Akhirah
1.Morality from within
-reform morality at individual level
“A messenger from among themselves, reciting to
them His verses, purifying them, and teaching them
the Book and Al-Hikmah (the wisdom), and verily,
they had been before in manifest error.” ( Al-Qur;an,
28: Al-Jum’ah , 2)
The history of all divine messengers show that they

worked on the hearts of the people. Thus, employer
must ensure preservation of morality in himself and
Principles of human resource
management in Islam
2. Amanah (trusteeship)

 The power, wealth and knowledge are amanah

entrusted to man
 “Allah has purchased the believer’s soul and their
goods for the exchange of paradise” (Al-Quran 9:
 Being trustee, the manager should not abuse his
power, position, and privileges and fair in the
execution of his management function

Principles of Islamic Values for human
resource management (cont.)
3. Taqwa (Piety)
 Perpetual fear for the unseen power – Allah the
 “Then He showed him what is wrong for him and
what is right for him “ (The Quran 30, Al-Shams:8)
 “O ye who believe! Observing fasting is prescribed
for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that
you may become the pious”, (Al- Baqarah 2: 183)
 Taqwa is a purifier that act in human being as an
internal guardian
 Thus, an employer if attains piety will be guided in
his doings
Principles of Islamic Values for human
resource management (cont.)
4. Syura (consultation)

 Islam encourages the management to create a

working environment which generates cooperative
forces and encourages consultation in decision-
 It has important bearing in moulding the
management and administrative behaviour
 “Consult with them in affairs”, (Al- Qur’an 3: 159)

Principles of Islamic Values for human
resource management (cont.)
5. Justice and fairness

 A HR manager should practice justice and fairness in

his dealings with all employees in both interpersonal
and inter-group interests
 This includes in the recruitment of prospective
workers – without favouritism, gender-bias, family
ties etc.
 “Allah commands you to do justice….” (Al- Qur’an
16: 90)

Principles of Islamic Values for human
resource management (cont.)
6. Performance Appraisal

 A HR manager should ensure all employees undergo

performance appraisal
 This includes setting work standards and assessing
employees’ actual performance relative to these
standards ; and providing feedback to the employee
to decrease future job deficiencies

Principles of Islamic Values for human
resource management (cont.)

7. Training and development

 A HR manager should ensure all employees are

given change to excel in their careers
 Adequate training so that employee can improve
knowledge and productivity
 Islamic ethical system makes knowledge obligatory
for all (every male and female) (Hadith narrated by
Ibn Majah)
The organizational policy, managerial attitude and the
work culture lead the workforce to an ethical and
unethical performance
This is because the staff are adapted to the
organizational culture and award-punishment system
encouraging or discouraging a certain kind of work
“Help one another in virtue and piety; but do not help
one another in sin and transgression” (Al-Ma’idah 6:
Read also: Al-Anfal 9:2
Manager should appear as caring and compassionate
19 leaders whom the employees are willing to trust upon
Tutorial Exercise: Traditional
Management and Islamic
Recommend good practices in
managing personnel in a law firm.

Your recommendations must take into

consideration the integration between
Islamic Management practices and
traditional management practices.


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