Moderate To Vigorous Physical Activities

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Moderate to Vigorous

Physical Activities
What is MVPA?
• MVPA in short for Moderate to Vigorous

• Physical activity is a core component of a

healthy lifestyle, and covers a range from
incidental movement (such as walking to get to
places) to leisure-time physical activity such as
sports and exercise that range from moderate
intensity to vigorous intensity.
Moderate Intensity
Exercise Activity
• Requires a moderate amount of effort and noticeable accelerates
the heart rate.

Example of moderate intensity exercises:

• Brisk Walking
• Dancing
• Gardening
• Housework
• Traditional Hunting
• Active involvement Games
• Walking Domestic Animals
• General Building Tasks
ex. roofing, painting and etc.
• Carrying / moving moderate loads (<20kg)
Vigorous Intensity
Physical Activity
• Requires a large amount of effort and causes rapid breathing and a
substantial increase in heart rate.

Example of vigorous intensity physical activity:

• Running
• Walking and climbing briskly up a hill
• Fast cycling
• Aerobics
• Fast swimming
• Competitive sports and games
ex. Basketball, Football, Volleyball and etc.
• Heavy Shovelling or digging
• Carrying / moving heavy load (>20kg)
What is the recommended amount
of MVPA?
• Adults aged 18–64 should do at least 150
minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity
throughout the week or do at least 75 minutes
of vigorous-intensity physical activity throughout
the week.
Mild Physiological
Symptoms of Over Exercise
• Any chest pain (angina) -- including pain, tightness, or heaviness in
the chest, neck, jaw, or arms
• Light-headedness or dizziness
• Nausea or vomiting
• Extreme fatigue (tiredness)
• Muscle pain
• Excessive sweat or cold sweat
• Vision problems
• Numbness or tingling in hands or feet
• Irregular or too-rapid heartbeat
• Unusual shortness of breath (more than you'd expect for your level
of exercise or enough that you cannot carry on a short
Severe Physiological
Symptoms of Over Exercise
• Some physical effects of overtraining can include increased
resting heart rate, decreased appetite, restless legs and
• Sleep disturbances such as poor sleep quality or insomnia;
• Mental effects such as poor mood and increased stress;
• In women, over exercising along with undereating (for the
amount of training they are doing) can lead to amenorrhea
(classified as no menstrual period for three months or more);
• For women with amenorrhea (caused from an energy
imbalance) this can lead to a higher risk for low bone mass,
leading to weakened bones, called osteoporosis. This type of
bone loss can cause an increased risk of fractures, including
stress fractures.
Heart Rate
• For moderate-intensity physical activity, a person's THR
should be 50 to 70 per cent of their maximum heart rate.
The maximum rate is based on a person's age. An
estimate of a person's maximum heart rate can be
calculated as 220 beats per minute (bpm) minus your

If you're 17 years old, subtract 17 from 220 to get a
maximum heart rate of 203.

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