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Summary of Chapter “Random Variable”

Discrete Probability Distribution (over view)

This chapter is the continuation of the last chapter
“Random Variable”. There are infinite scenarios which
will further divide into few groups on the basis of their
similar characteristics. These groups are probability
distributions that have their specific names.
In this course, selected distributions will be discussed
due to shortage of time.
In short with reference to the flow chart of the previous
slide, students will follow the path 2---5---6 in this
chapter. Problems like Q1,3,4 in page # 150 of the last
chapter is similar to the problems of this chapter with minor
Uniform Distribution
The simplest of all discrete probability distribution is one in which the
random variable assumes all its values with equal probabilities. Such a
probability distribution is called the discrete uniform probability
If the random variable X assumes the values with equal probabilities,
then the discrete uniform distribution is given by

We have used the notation f( x ; k ) instead of f ( x ) to indicate that the

uniform distribution depend on the parameter k.
When a die is tossed, each element of the sample space
S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } occurs with probability 1/6. Therefore, we have a
uniform distribution, with f ( x ; 6 ) = 1/6, for x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Bernoulli Experiment
In the theory of probability and statistics, a Bernoulli trial is a
random experiment with exactly two possible outcomes:

Experiment Outcome
Tossing a Coin Head and Tail
Appearing in Exam Pass and Fail
Treatment of Patient Survive and death etc.
Statistician will be interested in the calculation of probability of
any one outcome. The outcome of which probability is going to
be calculate is called Success and the other outcome is called
Failure. These experiment must be independent and the
probability of success and failure will remain same in each trial.
Binomial Probability Distribution
The binomial probability distribution is one that possesses the following
Binomial experiment has all the properties of Bernoulli experiment as:
Experiment contains only two possible outcomes
The outcomes of interest is termed as “SUCCESS” and the other
outcome is termed as “FAILURE”.
the probability of success express by “p” and the probability of failure
express by “q” or (1-p) then p + q = 1. These probability of success and
failure determine by historic data by using relative approach of
The experiment consists of “n” independent trials.
The number of times success occurs in “n” number of trial express by
the random variable X. i.e. X = 0,1,2,3,4,……….., n
Binomial Probability Distribution (Cont…)
The Binomial Probability Distribution Function is express as:

In this function X is the random variable and n , p are the binomial

parameters. Specifically for binomial probability distribution function the
formula of mean and variance is:
Mean = μ = np
Variance = ơ2 = np(1-p)
Binomial Probability Distribution (Cont…)
Example: In a certain city district the need for money to buy drugs is given as
the reason for 75% of all thefts.
a. Develop the probability distribution table for the next 4 theft cases reported in
this district resulted from the need for money to buy drugs.
b. What is the probability that exactly 2 of the next 4 theft cases reported in this
district resulted from the need for money to buy drugs.
c. Determine the Mean and variance for the given scenario.
Identification: P(theft for drugs) = 0.75; P(theft not for drugs) = 0.25; next 4
cases are considered as 4 independent binomial trials. These are the
attributes of binomial probability distribution, where X is the random variable
shows the theft cases for buying drugs.
Data: P(theft for drugs) = P(Success) = p = 0.75
P(theft not for drugs) = P(Failure) = 1-p = 1-0.75 = 0.25
X = 0,1,2,3,4, and n = 4
Binomial Probability Distribution (Cont…)
Binomial Probability Distribution On Excel (Cont…)
Binomial Probability Distribution On Excel (Cont…)

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