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Determination of energy value

of foods
Determination of energy value of foods

Principle Equipment Purpose

1. Direct Calorimetry Bomb Calorimeter Energy value of food.

2. Indirect Calorimetry Benedicts-oxy Energy value of food.

Direct Calorimetry

The amount of energy released from foods can be obtained

by measurement of heat produced when food is burnt in air.
Bomb calorimeter works on the principle of direct
Basically, a bomb calorimeter consists of a
 Small cup to contain the sample
 Oxygen
 A stainless steel bomb
 Water
 A stirrer
 A thermometer
 The dewar (to prevent heat flow from the calorimeter to
the surroundings)
 Ignition circuit connected to the bomb.
Determination of energy value of foods using
Bomb Calorimeter:-
The energy value of foods is usually determined using the
instrument called bomb calorimeter.
It consists of a heavy steel bomb, with a platinum or gold-
plated copper lining and a cover held tightly in place by
means of a strong screw collar.
A weighed amount of sample, usually pressed into pellet form,
is placed in a capsule within the bomb which is then closed
except for the oxygen valve, charged with oxygen to a pressure
of about 300 pounds to a square inch.
The oxygen valve is then closed and the bomb immersed in a
weighed amount of water.
The water is constantly stirred and its temperature is taken at
intervals of one minute by means of a thermometer.
After the temperature of the water has been determined, the
sample is ignited by means of an electric fuse.

 On account of the large amount of oxygen present; it

undergoes rapid and complete combustion and generates heat.

The heat liberated is absorbed by the water in which the bomb

is immersed resulting in rise in temperature which is accurately
The thermometer readings are also continued through an ‘after
period’, in order that the ‘radiation correction’ may be
calculated and the observed rise of temperature corrected
The initial temperature of water is noted.
Combustion is started by passing electric current through the
platinium wire.
This corrected rise, multiplied by the total heat capacity of the
apparatus and the water in which it is immersed, gives the total
heat liberated in the bomb.
By knowing the heat capacity of thermometer and also raise in
The heat envolved can be calculated.

Wt. of wheat taken = 2g.

Wt. of water in the outside vessel =3,000g.
Water equivalent of the calorimeter =500g.
Initial temperature of water =24º C
Final temperature of water = 26 ºC
Rise in temperature = 2ºC
Heat gained by water and calorimeter = 3,500 x 2 =7,000 small calories
or 7 Kcal.
2 g. wheat produces 7 Kcal.
1 g. wheat produces 3.5 Kcal.
Calorific value of 100 g. of wheat = 350 Kcal.
Physiological energy value of Foods
In the bomb calorimeter, carbohydrates and fats are
completely oxidized to Co2 and water.
Protein is oxidized to Co2, water and nitrogen.
Another important error in the use of bomb calorimeter
for determining the calorific value of foods of vegetable
origin is that the fibre present in foods is burnt and yields
energy, while it is not utilized by human beings.
But, in the utilization of carbohydrates, fats and proteins
in the body, a certain percentage of the above nutrients is
lost in digestion and the nitrogen in proteins is excreted
mainly as urea which contains some energy value.
Indirect calorimeter

Benedict’s Oxy-Calorimeter:-

This is based on indirect calorimetry and on the principle that

when an organic substance is completely combusted either in
calorimeter or in the human body, oxygen is consumed in
amounts directly related to the energy liberated as heat.
Another apparatus used for determination of the energy value
of foods is the oxy-calorimeter, devised by Benedict and co-
This instrument measures the volume of oxygen required to
burn a known weight of the food.
The apparatus consists of a combustion chamber, in which the
weighed sample is burnt, a soda lime container for absorption
of carbon dioxide, a spirometer for measuring the oxygen used
and a motor-blower unit for circulating the gas mixture.
Using this instrument, the amount of oxygen consumed in
burning 1 g of pure carbohydrate, fat or protein can be
Relation between Oxygen required and Calorific Value:-

 It is of importance to know the heat produced when 1 litre of oxygen is

used for the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats or proteins.
 This can be calculated from the data obtained by the oxy-calorimeter and
bomb calorimeter as explained below:

 1g of CHO requires 0.8 litres of oxygen for complete oxidation and

yields 4.1 kcal.
 1g of fat requires 2.2 litres of oxygen for complete oxidation and yields
9.5 kcal.
 1g of protein requires 1.2 litres of oxygen for complete oxidation and
yields 5.5 kcal.
 One liter of oxygen oxidizing carbohydrates, fat or protein produces nearly
the same amount of heat i.e., 4.5 to 5 Kcal.
 This is an important conclusion as this is the basis for indirect
determination of energy requirements.

 1 litre of oxygen oxidises 1.25g of carbohydrate and produces 5 kcal

 1 litre of oxygen oxidises 0.49g of fat and produces 4.5 kcal heat.
 1 litre of oxygen oxidises 0.83g of protein and produces 4.6 kcal heat.
Differences between Physiological Fuel and Gross Fuel
Physiological Fuel Gross Fuel Value
1. Amount of energy actually Amount of energy released from the
available in the body from a given nutrient in bomb calorimeter or oxy-
amount of nutrient. calorimeter.
2. In the human body the process of Here the CHO, protein and fats are
digestion does not proceed with 100% completely oxidized.
3. In human body the fibre content is In calorimeters the fibre present in
not digested and its energy is not vegetable foods is burnt and its energy
utilized. yield is calculated.
4. In protein a part of energy is lost as Protein is also completely oxidized.
urea due to incomplete oxidation.
5. The pysiological fuel value The gross energy value of

CHO 4kcal CHO 4.10kcal

Fat 9kcal Fat 9.45kcal
Protein 4kcal Protein 5.65kcal

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