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“If Mark cannot go to

Mercury, bring Mercury

to Mark”.

1. transmit a wide range of audio- visual materials

2. bring models of excellence to the viewer
3. bring a world of reality to the home and to the classroom
4. make people see and hear for themselves world events as they
5. the most believable news source
6. make some programs understandable and appealing
7. become a great equalizer of educational opportunity
8. provide sounds and sights not easily available to the viewer of a
real event
9. give opportunity to teachers to view themselves while they teach
10. both instructive and enjoyable

1. They are one- way communication devices.

2. The small screen of television is a disadvantage
compared to projected motion picture.
3. Excessive TV viewing is against the development of
the child’s ability to visualize and be creative and
4. There is much violence on TV.
Basic Procedures in the Use of TV as
a Supplementary Enrichment
1. Prepare the classroom. 4. Post- viewing
darkening of the room ask questions to make the students feel
at ease
proper distance from the TV
go to the questions raised at the pre-
2. Do the pre- viewing activities. viewing stage
set goals and expectations tackle questions raised by the students
ask students what they learned
link TV lesson with past lesson
summarize what was learned
set rules while viewing
put the film in context
point out key points
3. Viewing
don’t interrupt
make sure sights and sounds are clear

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